Go Higher

God said:

We have talked before about not taking on the suffering of others, that to be compassionate does not mean to take on another's pain. You have already learned that when you stew in sympathy, sympathy can become a sticky-sweet substance that you get stuck in, and you and the so-called other go nowhere.

There is an area in life where you are not inclined to have sympathy, however. You may have outrage instead. And that is when someone, perhaps even a stranger, is rude or unkind or barbarous. When you are stung by another's remarks or actions, compassion is the last thing on your mind. But the ones who offend require great understanding. Don't misunderstand Me here. I am not saying that their offense is okay. I am saying that they are suffering, or they would not injure. They feel injured, and so they injure and so they foster the state of injury. You do not need to.

When you accept an attack and you react equally, you have taken on another's pain and made it yours. You have borrowed their emotion and their pain. You adopt yourself to their wave length, and you feel the discordance that they feel. You may lash back or run away, but your continued thoughts compound the injury. And so on.

You already have familiarity with the emotions of hate and anger yourself. They are not pleasant. They are not enviable. Why then would you feed off them?

You do not have say over another's emotions, but you do have say over yours. It is not that you control your emotion. It is that you see differently. Emotions follow your sight. See differently, and you progress, and the world progresses with you.

Each one of you on earth has an assignment to make life better, not to build a better mousetrap, but to build better engagement with one another. It is for you to uphold humanity and to lift yourself and others higher. You cannot wait for someone else. Your name is on this one.

Rather than weep for the pain and destruction in the world, give the opposite of pain and destruction. Give some joy and build goodness on earth. What you do with your life, how you interact with others, how you receive and give on earth is momentous. It has great import. It may seem like Mission Impossible to you, but it is Magnificence Possible.

I do not ask you to be foolish. I ask you to redefine your definition of foolish.

I ask you to break the pattern. I ask you to step out from the throng.

I ask you to represent Me on earth.

All the complaints in the world, all the pointing out, all the judging do not represent Me, nor do they represent you well. You want good representation.

Go higher.

You go higher by letting go. There is something you have to let go of. Do you know what it is? Let go of it now. Let go of all the sludge that has kept you mired. In order to climb higher, you must let go of a rung and reach up. Is there another way?

Let go and reach higher. You do not yet know the heights to which you can scale. You are a high being on earth. You are not lowly. If you can only be low on the ground, what is the point of Heaven?

Lift your head. Raise your eyes. See beyond the fray.

If I am within you, then you are unlimited. If I exist, you are unlimited. I exist, and I am within you, and you are unlimited. Take a new stance in life. Get out of the old one.


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