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#5651---Finding Yourself in Unity Consciousness

HI Gloria,

How are you doing? This is a greeting from Cat, Lucy and Jiro. Please let me transfer their best regards to you.

Today, I have 2 questions about letter # 5651:

1. when Godwriting, let's say your consciousness moves over a millimeter -- you could find yourself in Unity. Could you give me an explanation about "your consciousness moves over a millimetre"?

2. There is a double-cross here because Infinity is timelessness. Double-cross means two crosses? Why is double-cross here, not "a cross"? Can you help me to understand it?

Love from all of us

Finding Yourself in Unity Consciousness
Heavenletter #5651 Published on: May 15, 2016
God said:
Infinity exists. The word Infinity is the same as to say that time is non-existent. There is no past, present, or future. There is no time-line, not even a soupçon of time, not even a teaspoonful of time. Everything is simultaneous, even as simultaneous also aligns with time. In life in the world, timing plays a great role.

You are often advised to live in the present. What does this mean really? We can say it means to be focused on Infinity. There is a double-cross here because Infinity is timelessness. Infinity is Vaster than the Vast.

Infinity is certainly more Being than Doing. How many times has this been said?

Yet, there is agreement that it is advisable to live in the moment. Living in the so-called moment can be an Act of Will. I don't suppose that living in the moment is a decision you make. Living in the moment can be a desire and an intention, yet your awareness of "the present" does not happen by dint of a snap of your fingers. You cannot so easily turn yourself off to the past and the future, even as you would wish you could.

Living in what is called the moment takes no focus. You can't focus on being in the present. You are where you happen to be, mildly or full-force all over the place. You are unable to turn the jets of life on and off, any more than you can truthfully turn love on and off at your will. You are where you are.

Where you are right now is not where you have to be or where you will always be. You will sail new seas. You can count on it.

Love and living solely in the moment are states of consciousness. Everyone on Earth has certainly experienced the joy of living fully in the present, for Consciousness is not a constant flat line and no further.

When you are living in the moment, you do not say or think: "Oh, boy, I am living in the present." Living in the present may be observed, yet it is observed after the fact, although, in fairness to life, entering into the present no matter what is also possible. It is likely for you. It is inevitable for you.

Someone who lives in the past knows he's reliving or remembering and that that memory is reliving memory. Everyone knows that daydreaming is looking with joy on desired events that could yet be.

Perhaps living in the present is more like living in the gaps between words.

An artist who is painting paints. At the moment, he is not thinking: "I am an artist painting." He is lost and found in his painting.

Another way to say this might be to say that he, the individual, has forgotten himself and entered Unity. His individuality doesn't enter in.

If you could at will be living in the present, you would always be happy. Living in the present is often given as a means for happiness. Living in the present is indeed a means for happiness, yet happiness is the result of living in the present. You don't look to achieve happiness by putting the cart before the horse.

When you are living in the moment, happiness is guaranteed. You may not like the idea of scrubbing pots and pans, yet when you are living in the present, you will feel joy in scrubbing this pot or that pan because you are spontaneously enjoying making a pot to shine.

You do not put up with scrubbing pots and pans. You do not live through it. You are enjoying this moment as you live in it.

Godwriting™ is an example of living in what is called the present. Of course, when Godwriting, let's say your consciousness moves over a millimeter -- you could find yourself in Unity.

Beloved Cat, thank you for

Beloved Cat, thank you for keeping on top of things. I appreciate so much that you ask your questions forthrightly! And as for warm personal regards to and from you and your mighty team, it is so good to be blessed by you all -- Cat, Lucy, and Jiro.

Before I begin answering your fine questions, I would like to invite other translators and administrators or anyone to answer posted questions, or to just let us know they wondered too.

1. When Godwriting, let's say your consciousness moves over a millimeter -- you could find yourself in Unity. Could you give me an explanation about "your consciousness moves over a millimetre"?

Your consciousness goes up! Your consciousness grows even only a millimetre which must mean a very small amount!

God is speaking, I believe, of the process of Godwriting. I am also quite sure that he has also told about our consciousness going up as we read Heavenletters day after day as well. I picture it has a light application that each reading adds to.

I know that Heavenletters have changed my whole life. Still, there is lots more to go!

2. You are often advised to live in the present. What does this mean really? We can say it means to be focused on Infinity. There is a double-cross here because Infinity is timelessness. Infinity is Vaster than the Vast.

Old movies about gangsters, for instance, may show two gangsters double-crossing each other. They might say they would always be someone's friend and then shoot the person. That's a double-cross. A betray.

What it means here is that it is good for us to be in the present, to always be in the here and now. This tells us there is time -- past, present, and future. If we are to be in the present, then past and future must exist as well, or how could God tell us to be in the now!

And then, as I see it, God says,that there is no time at all, no time, whatsoever. There is only truly INFINITY.

In effect, that is alluded to as God's double-cross! Of course, God would not betray us. He gives us more. INFINITY is far richer than the imagined time we work with in the relative world. God gives us more than we could even dream of!

When God says this is a like a double-cross, in English this would be called speaking "with tongue in cheek." This means with some irony, a bit of a joke, so to speak.

Thank you, Cat, for your questions. You are just right to ask them.

Big greetings to entire Chinese team. You are like the Three Musketeers.

I am still in awe that your team, in this case, led by Jiro, have a nightly radio show of 400 people who meet to talk about spiritual issues, and you begin, as I understand it, with a reading of a Heavenletter.

Would you perhaps give us a write-up on your meetings? Give us some examples of the context? Only if you would like to. Perhaps this could be a regular thing. I envision this as part of the Heaven Translator News.

God bless you. Thanks again.

Love, Gloria