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To the Heaven translator angels

Dear friends,

We surely can learn a lot from each other.

Everone of us is giving his/her very best. We all are serving God. We all are helping to spread God's light in the Heavenletters all around the world, thereby bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

Dear Brigitte,
dear Eddy,
dear Suzanne,
dear Uta,
dear Axel,

First of all, once again a most cordial welcome to our new team member Brigitte. We are so glad to have you here with us!

And thank you all, dear friends, for the perfect, so heartily cooperation. This is the best team I ever participated in during my lifetime. I thank God for being with you.

And the very best news is that there is hope that dear, dear Theophil who was seriously ill has recovered and will come back soon! Dear Theophil, we all can't wait to have you here with us again!!

Special thanks to, well, to everyone of you. To Axel for your so many and so brilliant translations, to Uta for posting the translations on the German Heavenletter Facebook site, to Suzanne for your wonderful artwork, to Eddy for your ever stronger contribution and especially to you, dear Brigitte, for joining our team (if you want more translations, just say so please).

Here are my proposals for the translations in the period from Wednesday, May 18, to Tuesday, May 31:

Thursday, May 19: Heavenletter # 5655 –  A Divine Rainbow Powered by the Sun - Eddy

Saturday, May 21: Heavenletter # 5657 - Life in the World Is Not Real – Axel

Sunday, May 22: Heavenletter # 5658 – The Stars of the Universe – Suzanne

Tuesday, May 24: Heavenletter # 5660 – The Door of What Is Next - Axel

Thursday, May 26: Heavenletter # 5662 – From Whence Flows Love? - Eddy

Friday, May 27: Heavenletter # 5663 – The Real Story - Brigitte

Saturday, May 28: Heavenletter # 5664 – The Embrace of Silence and Stillness - Axel

Sunday, May 29: Heavenletter # 5665 – Leading the Way - Suzanne

Monday, May 30: Heavenletter # 5666 – While You Are on Earth… - Uta

Tuesday, May 31: Heavenletter # 5667 – Make Room - Axel

Whenever there are any issues or problems, please contact me or our team as a whole.

By the way, there is a large number of earlier Heavenletters waiting to be translated (Thank you, Axel, for your extra-translation!). It is important that these Heavenletters will be translated, too. So, whoever has even more free capacity, please feel free to go ahead! 

And a last point: Maybe we all could use more often the Global Translator Forum when we have any questions. Odds are that when we have difficulties other translators might have the same.

All the best, love and God's blessings

Yours Clemens