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Dear Gloria,

"can you not stay the mile?"

should "mile" be "smile"?

Thanks in advance!

With endless love,


Dear Leean, Are you

Dear Leean,

Are you referring to Wonder of Wonders?

Do you know, I've just read through this Heavenletter twice, and I can't seem to find the quotation you're referring to.

Does anyone see it? Could you kindly point it out to me? Tell me where the paragraph is. Show me the context. Leean is on U.S. Mountain Time, and it will be much later today my time before she gets up. And this Heavenletter goes out tomorrow.

Off the top of my head, I believe the line is correct as given. Stay the smile is an interesting alternative. Without seeing the context, I can only guess that what you suggest would also work, yet I think Stay the mile is what was intended.

Thanks for asking, Leean!

text #4449

Dear Gloria,

here is the text you need:

And then I would tell you: “You have almost reached all you want to reach. You are almost at the top of the mountain. Beloveds, you are so close. Now it is for you to smile and laugh and tell Me that all is okay, maybe even fine when you think about it. Even if you can’t say that all is wonderful, can you not stay the mile? Will you finish your contract with Me and not back out? Will you see it through? Have joy rather than discouragement. You have just about reached the shore of Heaven. Rest in the sure knowledge that you are ready to leap over all that you imagine holds you back. Sing a happy tune, beloveds. Do a little dance. Swing your arms and say Hurray to life.

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

Dear Leean, I think that

Dear Leean,
I think that 'stay the mile' is correct here. God is asking us to resist a little more, to hold out (stay the mile) a little longer, even if we don't think that all is wonderful, but we are so close to the finish line that it only takes an extra mile for us to reach it. I hope this helps.

Never think that you are I. Know that I am you. /HEAVEN #515)

Yes, Paula, I agree with

Yes, Paula, I agree with you. What an amazing thing a language is. All the nuances, all the shades of meaning that you can't know until you so know them. I understand that English is one of the most difficult languages to learn.

Dear Anneke,Thank you.

Dear Anneke,

Thank you. There it was right in front of me, yet I couldn't see it! Thank you so much.

I tried twice to get my reply right under your post. Alas, I couldn't achieve it!

Love, Gloria

Thank you Dear everyone for

Thank you Dear everyone for your help!

"stay the mile" I learned its meaning today.

Have a wonderful day....

With endless love