You are the Light Bringer

God said:

How engaged Our hearts are with each other. How We embrace. How steeped in love are We as We sit on the balance wheel of life. How much love do Our eyes tell. How much love spins in the orbit of the moon. How much is granted on Earth, and how much do you, My lovelies, take for granted?

We have quite a relationship. We have quite a relationship with everyone and everything. We have a love relationship with the stars, for instance. This is a given. Everyone knows that the stars are something and that Our relationship with the stars is quite an event. Long live the stars!

Now I will speak of you. When I speak of you, I am referring to Me as well, for We, you and I, We share much in common. Now We will speak in common parlance, so I will say to you, One of My Children which means the many of My children seen strewn across the Universe yet which are, in Totality, One. Let’s get that out of the way.

You are My heart dispersed to the world. I asked Myself, “How much light can be lighted in the world?” To take care of this matter, I created you, and so you came to light this world with the light of love from your heart.

You are the Light Bringer, the Lantern of Love, and I hold you high in the Universe right along with the stars. “Stars in the Night Sky, light up the world,” I said. And I said to My Greatest Beings on Earth, the Human Beings, I said: “Light up the entire Universe day and night. Let there not be a moment that the world is in darkness. I commission you to light up the world and never let it dim.”

And you, you said: “Yes. Yes, God. Yes, God, I will do this. I will keep the Torch of Love lit for all time, in all seasons, in all events no matter how humble. God, this I will surely do.”

And I asked, as any parent would do, “You won’t forget, will you?”

And, you said, “Beloved God, I shall surely never forget. This is my pledge to you, God. I will always remember the mission on Earth that you gave to me. I will always enact it. In whatever darkness of ignorance the world may be in, I will light it. Yes, God, I will be the Light of the World.”

Then what happened is that you seemed to, not so much forget, as to leave the lighting up of the Universe to one of your many brothers or sisters to take care of. You thought, “There are enough of us to do it. It doesn’t have to be me.”

You thought you had the world covered, yet the perceived others in the world, were thinking much the same as you. Every one was depending upon others. And so you may have left your responsibility unfulfilled.

There were those mighty souls who came to Earth and took their responsibility, and how bright were the night stars and how bright was the Light of Love that issued from their hearts. They became the Great Ones, and you well know their names, though some have been forgotten. There were also those who shone their light, and their names were never known. They were just as great as the Great Ones, only they were not well-known. This is just how it is sometimes. And that is fine too. Great is great, known or unknown.

Today there are Great Ones just as well. Perhaps you are One. Just keep holding your light high, and My Will be done.

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yes-yes God

And you, you said: “Yes. Yes, God. Yes, God, I will do this. I will keep the Torch of Love lit for all time, in all seasons, in all events no matter how humble. God, this I will surely do.”

And I asked, as any parent would do, “You won’t forget, will you?”

And, you said, “Beloved God, I shall surely never forget. This is my pledge to you, God. I will always remember the mission on Earth that you gave to me. I will always enact it. In whatever darkness of ignorance the world may be in, I will light it. Yes, God, I will be the Light of the World.”

Then what happened is that you seemed to, not so much forget, as to leave the lighting up of the Universe to one of your many brothers or sisters to take care of. You thought, “There are enough of us to do it. It doesn’t have to be me.”

dear God heavenley Father,
thank of your loveng words, i am always remind me to my self i seid to my self
God he created me for somthing, i feel i have my mission and seid to my self what ever come
am stel light-up to eny-one

Carmen you sure brighten my life!

Thank you sweet One for telling us your heart Carmen!!


You are My heart dispersed to the world.

I love to sit on Your lap outside of the woodhouse on the veranda and we swing in the rocking chair very cozy und You tell me this story of the light in my heart and that it is supposed to light in this world and You reach out Your hand and point to the stars in the sky above us and You say
"You are the Light Bringer, the Lantern of Love, and I hold you high in the Universe right along with the stars".
It is as if I am a child whom is told an incredible fairy tale.There is a little wonder going on because my imagination is so real and intense.

Uta, that fairy tale becomes true when kissed.

Uta, the Prince of Life has obviously kissed you with an inner knowing.


There were also those who

There were also those who shone their light, and their names were never known. They were just as great as the Great Ones, only they were not well-known. This is just how it is sometimes.

"Great is great, known or unknown."

We're all in the process of becoming Great Ones.

A big YES!

A big YES!

WunLuv, you say our longings so well.

Your words tell us what time it is in our Center. You are beautiful San Than.


You live the brightness of your "IS" in the NOW.

Each of us is as bright as we are in the now of the present moment. We long to be brighter but longing only attracts our attention to the inner light seeking to express its self at the level we are, at the time of this reading. You can't be other than what you are as you read this. The SECRET is in the BECOMING. What you want to become is the invitation into the Silence of God where we let God lead our thoughts along the path that leads to more and more Light. Be still and know that the I AM is what God is in you in each second of your life. Love HIM and Love you. He is teaching you through such things as this Heaven Letter that is so rich to all of us.


Be still and know that I AM!

Thank you for these word of God George! You remind me, where God is to be found. In the awareness of the now!


What can I say. You said it All . Love to all Jack

of the present moment

of the present moment,
belove George very true each of as we are the
present of God, thank of your beauteful tought,