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You are not Male, nor Female

You are not Male, nor Female

God Said:

Scott, so many of my children understand the power of prayer, and this I am so pleased with. Prayer does change things. Few of my children understand the power of meditation and silence to calm the mind and connect with the All that Is.

You see, prayer is a power of the masculine part of you. Meditation is the power of the feminine in you. Both energies, both masculine and feminine, are necessary for you to be the perfectly balanced being that you are.

Prayer being masculine in its energy is giving. Meditation being feminine in its energy is the receiver. You need both in your spiritual practice to grow into the spiritual being that you desire, and really are. Both of these energies must work in perfect harmony and balance for you to be complete. One can be complete even if that one is un-married.

When you were created your bodies reflect one sex, either male, or female in most cases.
Both sexes are necessary for the human race to survive. Both have their individual qualities and differences. Both are necessary. To be completely blended both qualities must be exercised, and enabled. This will seem strange to those who think they are just a body. This will make complete sense to those who understand that they are divinity in a body.

God, the divine has both energies, just as you do. You were created in my image. This image is the image of the divine within you; it has both masculine qualities, as well as the feminine. Do not be surprised that both energies exist within you- for they do. Both are equally necessary and both energies should be fully welcomed. For those who are male, learn to develop more of the female energy. For those that are female, learn to develop more of the male energy. This is why you read about in the scripture that God created both male and female, and it was good.

Without this blending of both energies there will be complete imbalance in all areas. Notice the divine has both qualities and operates in both energies. Even your scriptures are clear on this when they refer to God as being motherly in its characteristics. This is hard for those of the patriarchy teaching to grasp. God is not male, and neither is God female, but God is both in its energy. So are you!

When you take this principle and apply it to your prayer and meditation practice it will propel you into a hyper mode of acceleration in your spiritual growth. Both energies, I repeat, are totally necessary and essential to your individual soul growth and experience in this life. Notice how all of creation follows suit in this area. Male and female exist in almost all species.

Prayer is the masculine mode and is a giving of energy, while meditation embraces more of the female energy and is that of receiving from the divine. Again, both are essential in your growth. One without the other in your spiritual practice will cause you to be imbalanced in all aspects of life and living. Cultivate both my child, for one without the other will cause you and others harm.

Ask of me to help you to develop both qualities of energies in your life. Cultivate both in your spiritual practice of both prayer and meditation. Spend each day with prayer (the giving mode), and meditation, (the receiving mode.) Both in tandem, in concert, and in combination, will work towards creations that will parallel the creations of the All that Is.

You are powerful creators like unto me. Use both energies in your creations.

Learn to love both energies as they are the balance that you need.



Submitted by: D. Scott Arant

You see, prayer is a power

You see, prayer is a power of the masculine part of you. Meditation is the power of the feminine in you. Both energies, both masculine and feminine, are necessary for you to be the perfectly balanced being that you are.

What a revelation to me! I had never seen it this way before but, makes total sense to me now.
I'm all for balance!

Thank you Scott/God for the enlightement!

Hi Xenia, Yes, it was a

Hi Xenia,
Yes, it was a revelation to me as well.

And yes, it does make perfect sense when you look at it this way.

Blessings and Love,


Thank you dear Scott ! You

Thank you dear Scott ! You bring this topic of masculine and femine in a most beautiful manner, it is so clear what God explains us here, it involves our complete life and ALL of our expressions and doingness and most important our beingness. It's so clear and natural and loving. I love how God speaks to you dear, thanks again


Thank you sweet Berit, I was

Thank you sweet Berit,
I was as blessed as you were. :)

With Love and Gratitiude
