You Are a Free-Spirited Being

God said:

Sometimes you bump your head up against a stone wall, and then you say you have obstacles.

Consider everything on earth that comes your way as a blessing. This is not Pollyanna. This is reality. In all that befalls, there is good fortune tucked away.

The end of one reality is the beginning of another. Ends seem like death to you. Something is over. One you loved no longer loves you, or that they never did becomes clear, and you feel demolished.

But now you are available for greater.

If doors had not closed on you, where would you be now?

If you are in the right place now, and I say you are, then every closed door pointed you forward.

You were sent out into the world. You were dropped from the nest so you could fly.

It was only your idea that said something had to stay the way it was. You thought your well-being was dependent upon it. It was just your thought that was dependent upon a certain scenario. There is no scenario you are dependent upon except in your mind. You hold on for no reason at all.

Do not chain yourself to thoughts, and do not chain thoughts to you.

You are a free spirited being. You are My free spirited being.

You are not a haltered horse. You are a unicorn.

Alight on earth, but do not dig your feet in.

You say you want freedom at the same time as you are afraid of it. Let's face it: you like your boundaries. Even those you don't like, you hold on to, so you must like the safety they seem to afford.

What does it mean that you are a free spirited Human being? It means you have choices to make. It means you have movement more than inertia. It means you are part of the world. But you are not the world's minion. You are a partner in the world, not a martyr upon it. Do not give away your freedom so easily. It is your birthright.

There is a tendency to see freedom as the dark forest. There is a tendency to see corrals as safety. But there is not safety in borders around you. There is limitation, and limitations do not keep you safe. They keep you limited. You who are unlimited in your nature occupy space greater than fences allow.

No one crops your wings but yourself, for you have fear of flying.

You have fear of leaving the ground which is the same as to say fear of leaving the group, whatever the group may be. But you are a free mover in life. You dance. You are not immobile. You do not have to dance the same dance, and you do not have to stay in the same place you stood in yesterday.

You are not stuck in any one place on any one level. You are stuck nowhere except by your say-so. You are a multi-dimensional being.

I gave the world free for all. I gave it to you. I did not give you to it so you could be flattened. I gave you to it so you could soar. The world is your lifting-off place, but it is not the extent of you.

You are an extender of the world. The world belongs to you, not you to it. This means that you are larger than the world. You are far vaster. The world is a dance floor, but you are the dancer, and you are not glued to the floor. You are a free agent. You are beholden only to Me, and that is a lovely thing because I give you all freedom to rise high.

You are the portrayer of My face on earth. The earth does not portray Me to you. The world is a lesser world than what you are capable of. Just know that you are not owned by it. You are not limited to its facts, and its facts have nothing to do with the dimensions of you. You exceed the dimensions of the earth.