Worlds within Worlds

God said:

When you are faced with something difficult for you, often you take a breath. Now, within that breath, remember Me, for I am the Eraser of all difficulties. I am not the Creator of them. I created you. I set you on your travels. I set you in a motion that could be called non-time and non-space. Only in the physical realm that you latch on to is there the possibility of impediment and frustration. Only in density. What is there that the soul can trip over?

If there were not the physical, you would be pleased with everything. You would be pleased with everything because you would see it as it is. You would not be fooled by the creases and drapings of the physical world. If you saw Being rather than body, what could there possibly be to displease you? How would your heart not leap and fly around the world in great happiness? So, as you exist in a physical body, and those around you do too, you can remind yourself that you are a soul and all the seeming others are also souls. When you do that, the physical level will become as precious as the soul level. You may think that you adore the physical now, but the fact is that mostly you do not appreciate it. It is the physical that frustrates you. You would kick it away. It gets in your way. If you loved the physical as much as you like to think you do, you might not come up against the blockages you do. Blockages would disappear because your attention would not be on them. When your attention is not on an obstacle, there would be no word for it. It would not have a name. You would not form the concept in your mind.

You think that being without a body is wonderful, and, yes, it is. Here's what you have to remind yourself: Being in the physical is also wonderful. The tip of the iceberg has its own beauty. There is the contrast of the white iceberg with the blue sky. The diversion of physical life is its own discovery channel.

Life in the physical is like swimming in water. It is taking the plunge. It is diving in and coming up with a fish or a pearl. It is diving in and out of the Celestial. The physical affords you great opportunity for discovery. It opens up a treasure chest. The physical dimension is laced in beauty, beloveds. You are not without the celestial on Earth. You have a good glimpse of it even in the physical. The Stars and Moon and such beautiful things are reminders of where you have been and where you are going. They are reminders of Truth. The physical world is a physical description of that which cannot be described but which can be lived on Earth.

You live in a wondrous world. Is not your mouth agape at the wonders of the world as they befall you? Is this not an adventure you are embroiled on? Are you not Columbus every day seeking a new land? Do you not sail across the seas? Did you not leave your familiar country in order to find the other side of the world? Do you not now sail to distant lands in order to find that the world is not flat and there is no jumping-off place, but always more and more? And when you have discovered that, then do you not discover that there are also worlds within worlds, and you are one of them?

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If you loved the physical

If you loved the physical as much as you like to think you do, you might not come up against the blockages you do. Blockages would disappear because your attention would not be on them. When your attention is not on an obstacle, there would be no word for it. It would not have a name. You would not form the concept in your mind.