Who or What?

God said:

When you address Me, you are addressing a part of yourself. Rather, you are addressing the Wholeness of yourself.

It is a very good thing to address Me. To turn your attention towards Me is a fine thing to do. It focuses you. Turning your attention towards Me allows you to align with Me. You align your being with Me. All the light within you in your cells line up, and you become a laser of My light.

You do not want to deliberately focus to create power in yourself or for yourself because then you perform an act of will or mastery. Then you have a power but no glory. When, from your attention on Me, your light naturally stands up with Mine, then, as a concentrated beam of My light, you reveal My glory. Ascribe not to power for yourself because then you ascribe to too little.

The power and the glory are Mine. Stand in the magnificence of My light, but do not call it your own. Do not pat yourself on the back. I say this for your well-being.

You may think that I, a God of Love, say Me, Me, Me a lot, as though I am determined to make a distinction between Us. And yet I must. I must make that distinction of My wholeness so that you will come all the way to it in your discovery. You always must expand beyond the borders of yourself. Accrue yourself to Me rather than accruing Me to you. Blend into the Wholeness.

The time will come in the totality of your awareness when there is no difference, but that time has not yet come.

And when that time does come, there will be no thought of you and Me. There will only be Our Oneness. But until that time, picture Our Union and your gathering to Me. Come to My house. We will have Thanksgiving at My house. Come to Me rather than bringing Me to you. Invite Me to you, but come to Me.

It is a small distinction I make here, but it is one I must. It is important. It is a reminder that you do for Me — you do for Wholeness and not for that individuation called you.

What feels right to you here?

In its extreme, someone might try to usurp power from Me and make it theirs.

At the same time all My power and glory are yours because I give them to you. They are for you. They are not for Me. I am not omniscient, all-powerful, and omnipresent for Myself!

Accept True Knowingness, and you step out of yourself. You do not exist. This is not to denigrate yourself. It is to raise yourself. To find yourself, you must come out of yourself. You have had no lack of attention on yourself. Now your attention expands beyond yourself. And when your attention is fully expanded, We become One Fullness, in stillness or in motion.

Never think that you are I. Know that I am you.

Truth does not consist of words. Words cannot tell the whole story. The whole story is wordless. There are no words for the Truth I tell you today. But I tell you in words anyway so you can know there are things you do not yet grasp. They could be called ungraspable. Yet, once grasped, there is nothing to grasp.

What a creation I have made! I speak of you as My created being, and yet, you are My self-same Self. Yes, you are the waves of the Ocean, and, therefore, you are the Ocean, and who or what can depart from Itself?

Read Comments

power but no glory

Never think that you are I. Know that I am you.

What a powerfully clarifying Letter! And how lovingly You found words, even seven years ago, that make it easy for us to agree with You.

The time will come in the totality of your awareness when there is no difference, but that time has not yet come.
And when that time does come, there will be no thought of you and Me. There will only be Our Oneness. But until that time, picture Our Union and your gathering to Me. Come to My house. We will have Thanksgiving at My house. Come to Me rather than bringing Me to you. Invite Me to you, but come to Me.
Accept True Knowingness, and you step out of yourself. You do not exist. This is not to denigrate yourself. It is to raise yourself. To find yourself, you must come out of yourself.
Truth does not consist of words. Words cannot tell the whole story. The whole story is wordless. There are no words for the Truth I tell you today. But I tell you in words anyway so you can know there are things you do not yet grasp. They could be called ungraspable. Yet, once grasped, there is nothing to grasp.

the key to power

I agree with your sentiments, Jochen, what a wonderful letter! When I read it in the past, I do not recall feeling so strongly about it. Isn't it nice how these forums change us? What is also fascinating is how, when I read this letter, different lines jump out at me compared to those that struck you most :-)

The power and the glory are Mine. Stand in the magnificence of My light, but do not call it your own. Do not pat yourself on the back. I say this for your well-being.


At the same time all My power and glory are yours because I give them to you. They are for you. They are not for Me. I am not omniscient, all-powerful, and omnipresent for Myself!


Never think that you are I. Know that I am you.

You are giving a fantastic

You are giving a fantastic example, Chuck, of why it is so wonderful and desirable to have different people post what stands out for them, what they love, what they find inspiring, what makes them wow, what gives them ahas or makes them scratch their head in puzzlement, what helps them in the situations of their life.


Yes...this is a brilliant Heavenletter. Thank you for pointing it out...Love and blessings...with each and every moment. jim and jimi...


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