Who Governs You?

God said:

It would seem that My children will believe anything. Anything but the Truth, that is. It seems hard for you to accept that you are a holy child of God. You even go to great lengths to prove that you are not. It seems to be easier for you to accept less of yourself than to accept the wholeness of yourself. Yet all lies within you.

Outside of you, you grasp at straws. Straw will not hold you up. The outside world does not hold you up. It is just a prop. The props the world gives are made of straw or rubber. The outer support and motivation that the world gives are not your sustenance. The world is simply where you have an opportunity to express the saving grace of you.

Yet time and time again, you believe the world has great say over you and that you must favor it. At least, oblige it. The world has become your employer. It blesses your life on Earth and it withdraws its blessing just as fashionably. Other people do not have the power to govern you. The world does not. You do.

There is a deep well within you from which you draw. Aware or not, you draw from it. Often you assign little recognition to it. You may think that your inner self can't be all that wonderful because you do not think you are wonderful. This is an error of thinking, an error from which you will recover.

It is like you have been lying in bed with the covers over your face, and you think you are in the dark. When you discern that the covers are over your face and that light exists, then you often kid yourself that you have to wait until someone else comes to lift off the covers before you can see. You wait for something outside you to reveal the light that is yours to reveal.

Use whatever vehicles that are useful to you. Use them but rely on yourself. All you are and all you see and all you do are up to you and no one else. You are your own responsibility. When you wholly accept that, you are halfway home. No, you are more than halfway. You are at the threshold, and then, all you have to do, is to step over.

No longer will you wait for someone to carry you over. Don't even wait for a signal from Me! No need to wait for permission to enter. Simply walk over the threshold. You need no ticket to get in. You already have a reservation. It is stamped in your heart.

Self-realization is self-realization. You are the one who realizes. No one can realize for you. No matter another's goodwill, no matter your imagined need, it is up to you to enter Heaven, and enter on your own steam.

Enough waiting for a boatman to carry you over. He can only take you as far as shore. He cannot row you into Heaven. Step out of the boat, and you are here. You do not need to knock at My door. As a matter of fact, I have no door. There is no distance between Us. Will you believe Me?

It is all between you and Me, you and Me. And We are already One. So what is the hold-up then? Swim, walk, run, fly to Me. Just come to Me, beloveds. I will catch you. My arms are wide enough to catch everyone at the same time.

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There is a deep well within you from which you draw

There is no distance between Us. Will you believe Me?
Just come to Me, beloveds. I will catch you. My arms are wide enough to catch everyone at the same time.


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