The Unseen

God said:

I clasp you to My heart. We could say I keep you protected. In truth, there is nothing to protect you from. There is nothing that can assail you. There is nothing that can destroy you. You think there is because you think your life depends upon your physical body. Your physical body is an expression and it is a means. It is only a scooter you ride on for a while and then get off. The scooter is not appended to you.

Or consider that your physical life is like a message you deliver. You drop it off when you've delivered it. You don't hang on to it. You leave it.

Your body is not the lifeline you have thought. I am your Lifeline. Your life certainly isn't relegated to this density.

Do not think I malign density. It's great to ride on a scooter while you ride on it. It's great to deliver messages. It's great to be part of this message of life, but it is only a drop-off place, beloveds. You really do know that.

Whenever you think something is urgent, you are thinking of the physical. When there is an emergency, it is a physical emergency. Some event or non-event makes you think you have to pace or jump up and down. You are an athlete of the mind. You are a whiz-bang at exercising the mind. You run far with it. You dribble its information. You shoot baskets. By all means, enjoy the physical. Just don't concern yourself overmuch with it.

Institutions are made to house ailing bodies, and cures are hoped for, as if the body is to be repaired endlessly and kept around for eternity. As if death were illegal or sinful, taboo and awful. As if it were a loss! As if it were the worst thing in the world. In the world, it seems to be.

Of course, nothing really happens at all. Your soul is a bird who flies to another twig or tree. Perhaps out of sight for a while. It is no big deal. It happens all the time.

There is an Inner Garden, and this is where life really takes place. You live on the subtler levels. Right now you do. You know there is something that seems to be out of your immediate grasp, yet it is eminently familiar. You know you know it. You just can't quite put your finger on it, and, oh, how you long for it.

That which is unseen by the eye holds the most power. That which is not heard with the ear makes the most profound statement. That which is beyond the senses is the substance of you. It always was. It is right now. Your senses are important to you because through them you discover the material world. They are valuable, valuable for only a time.

Death of the body is a way to ease into the state you already exist in. Without the distractions of the body, you transfer effortlessly into a seamless state of wonder. Then, without hands, you hold life in your hand. Then you know the joy of surrender to that which is the more you always sought even while you had it. Now, in death of the body, you wake up, and oblivion is no more.

You do not need death of the body. While in your body, you can surrender to supremacy of soul. The physical is just an excuse for not consciously knowing Reality. But that is an alibi, and it isn't wholly true. And you are a seeker of Truth. You seek the Truth that you are. You seek the Truth that you have never gotten away from. You seek that which you only have to realize. Realize now, for now is as good a time as any.

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a seamless state of wonder

There is an Inner Garden, and this is where life really takes place. You live on the subtler levels. Right now you do.

I have always agreed. Yes, I would say, the life of the soul is the real thing. Before embodiment, all was well. After embodiment, all will be well. The physical isn't as much as it is made out to be, just a rather odd interlude and not even really real. And so forth.

The expression "Inner Garden" stops me short, suddenly making me realize that I don't know what I'm talking about. Inner Garden. If that is where I am living right now, how come I don't know it, how come I don't feel it, how come I'm not walking there or not aware that I am?

Well, the little subjective truth is that the physical is really all I believe I have. If I knew I'm living in the Inner Garden right now, what on earth could bother me, what would I be worried, angry, sad, annoyed or even hopeful about? Correct: nothing. All my professions of belief in the only true reality of spirit/soul/God were essentially wishful thinking and lip service if not incantations. All the while, deep down, there has been this gnawing suspicion that actually the physical might be all there is. And about the Garden – could this talk that all that's missing is awareness be so much flimflam? Is there such a Garden? What if I'm silly enough to believe there is and then it turns out it's a hoax?

You know there is something that seems to be out of your immediate grasp, yet it is eminently familiar. You know you know it. You just can't quite put your finger on it, and, oh, how you long for it.

I have been telling myself that a longig is proof of the existence of what is longed for, for nothing can be longed for that isn't somehow known and nothing can be known unless it exists. I found that convincing and comforting. It was just a clever idea. In reality, I do not believe a word of it. If I did, what could be the matter?

No, as long as anything is perceived as being the matter – health, money, relationships, self, anything at all – there can't be any substantial belief in God or Garden. And love for Heavenletters may be the last-ditch attempt so save your self-deception from falling apart, after which you would have to admit that what you really believe in is eternal night and lostness.

But there is hope of another kind. All I ever thought and believed and perceived could be wrong. What an elegant solution. But really, hope is only in my being utterly off the mark. And from there, maybe looking and listening into that Inner Garden with other, as yet unused faculties becomes possible, faculties that are absolutely different from the ones I have been using.

That which is unseen by the eye holds the most power. That which is not heard with the ear makes the most profound statement. That which is beyond the senses is the substance of you. It always was. It is right now.

So what I have been longing and looking for has nothing to do with what my eyes see and my ears hear and, hence, nothing with what my mind thinks and emotes. They simply aren't the guides I took them for. Since searching is done by mind and the senses, that means the search is called off now. Entry into the seamless state of wonder happens at death when the power of mind and the senses finds its natural end. And if it happens while alive, it's probably something akin to death; mind and the senses do not contribute to it. Then, oblivion is no more whereas now it reigns.

Maybe it's true that I have allowed myself to be blinded by the physical, even using it as an excuse. I like that resolution better than the conclusions I have reached so far.

"state of wonder"

This is a page worth reading.
According to doctors we die when there is no more cerebral activity, so the switching off the mind means death. All mystics have always said that death to this world ( the world we perceive through the mind, senses and egos) is the condition for expanded awareness. This is the point, this is the ultimate meaning of "releasing the past", to leave the world we know. This means also to leave the aspiration for a better world, to leave the idea of progress and evolution, to leave any picture of our mind, to drop this case with all its content, which is the entire world. Yes, what you are longing for "has nothing to do" with what yo see around or think, the B.B. is not here (the "Beautiful Bird" not Brigitte Bardot ).

But I don't want to die to

But I don't want to die to the world! I love it too much. I want the B.B. to be right here, nothing will ever convince me it is not here. Even the Author of Heavenletters would not convince me; fortunately, He very strongly maintains that it is here.

Our world view is mainly a matter of temperament and conditioning, not of right or wrong reasoning. (Als always, I can really only speak for myself and a few others, of course.) Difference of opinion is hardly ever about facts but about different interpretations. I'm certainly not an exception to this rule, and what I say is essentially emotional, only covered with some intellectual varnish which is necessary if you want to speak at all. In that spirit, I will say that whatever has been said during the course of history, even by wise women and men, has been taken by some as an excuse for yet another declaration of war. War is war, even if it is the war against the ego or the war to overcome the world or even life as such. There is no noble war. What I'm trying to say is that if we are for the Inner Garden or love or oneness, we will never get there by being against anything else. "Against" makes sure that what we really want will go rancid.

Or shorter: Nothing needs to be gotten out of the way. Nothing is in the way. Wrestling with what we think is in the way is what prevents change. Change is in looking with the inner eye. No need to close the outer ones.

Maybe it's just that my warring spirit is spent. Or maybe I have always suspected that paradise is only a tiny shift of my gaze away.

"here" and "against"

By "here" I intend the world of illusion. The B.B. is in the Inner Garden, where Reality only is. I am not "against" illusion, but it is not what I seek. It is a matter of focus, when you zoom on the background, what is "here" naturally fades.

Unless it becomes really

Unless it becomes really brilliant and colorful for the first time.

As always, dear friend. We use different words and mean the same thing.

It seems to me God agrees

It seems to me God agrees with you, beloved Jochen.

to be precise

In history it has always been risky to say that God agrees with someone and not with others. Unless you are God ( and in a sense we all are), it would be better saying that you, Gloria, agree with Jochen.

At least on this page, which

At least on this page, which you called worth reading, I see nothing to disagree with and no intention to compare. That part of history is over, that's something to be happy about. Yes, words are tricky. And we become more generous year after year. I needed your generosity once and may need it again, but so what?


No, you do not need it, you already have much more from me.

"...longing is proof of the

"...longing is proof of the existence of what is longed for, for nothing can be longed for that isn't somehow known and nothing can be known unless it exists."

Dear Jochen,
You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today. Thank you.

Your recognizing this

Your recognizing this "concept" means very much to me, Angela.


God said, "This deeper realm of you is often called the soul. Am I your soul? We could also say that it is your soul that ever seeks to find its way back to Me, and yet it is not so clear as that for all souls. And yet your soul longs to find itself reflected across the universe.

Is it soul that the heart longs to find? Is your heart the seeker of your soul, and your intellect the disbander of the search? Or is your intellect another way to the soul? When the intellect is not too much in love with itself, it is.

Widen your search for the soulness of you. Within you lies My greatness, and within you also lies your greatness. Only your greatness is not always, or often, what the world might say it is. Have you been seeking false prophets in the world when your flaming soul offers you so much more from within?"


Within you lies My greatness, and within you also lies your greatness.

Here's to Greatness in 2011!
