Miracles and Love Energy

Published Date: 
May 20, 2000
Abby to God:

Dear God, I believe the beautiful things You told me about Christ's death. How it was to show the insignificance of the death of the body compared with the eternity of the soul. How beautiful!

I enjoyed the Bible study with my friends last night, but I must say I didn't enjoy it as much as before. I felt that I was being judged by them. I didn't try so much to explain my point of view or interpretations, because I know that they don't really want to hear them. At least they don't want to hear them to accept them. They want to hear them so they can see where I am "wrong" and they can set me "right". Much as I am trying not to judge or be attached to their thoughts or opinions of me, it does make me sad for them that they can't accept certain things.

For example, they said that after the Bible was written, no more miracles were performed by You, that any "miracle" after that came from another place, a place of evil. I know this is not true, but I did not persist in trying to tell them so. I don't think that they need new beliefs. Their beliefs apparently serve them very well and that's good. I merely wish they wouldn't insist that what I know of You is invalid.

God, help me to be easy and light about this. Help me to have my heart as open as I wish other people's hearts were. Please take away my judgment and my feelings of upset.

I'm hoping to get hold of a copy of the Bible soon so that I can study it on my own. I'm sure it will bring up a great many more questions, and I look forward to asking them and receiving Your answer.


And I look forward to Bible study with you, Abby.

One of the hardest things for My children is not being heard in innocence. Here is My beauty, and it's not seen nor heard. Your friends have a different picture of Me from yours, and they are so sure that you are mistaken. Their wall is impenetrable. And they close you out.

Their stalwartness breaks your sense of Oneness.

Although you know that what someone thinks is irrelevant and has nothing to do with you, you would like some mutuality.

And you will find it. It will come to you. Others will come to you who will make it easy for your sense of Oneness to blossom.

It is easy to say that all you need is God, but, like Lauren, you want other comforting associations as well. And, like Gloria, you want to protect Me.

The Sun shines. It doesn't have to be understood. The wonderful thing is that the Sun shines. Bask in it.

Your friends' definition of miracle is different from yours.

You are aware that each day you awake is a miracle and that all that befalls is a shower from Heaven. I would say that My whole creation is a miracle. It is no less a miracle that seas stay together than that they part. Creation is a live thing. It is like bread dough that keeps rising. Miracles are surprises and nice resolutions. Is not DePaul coming together for you a miracle of love?

Your path is well-lit by miracles. How else would you come to Me?

When you feel dissuaded from your course of love by your friends' distancing themselves, swing your thoughts back to Me. Think of Me. Think of My love and My truth. Come sit next to Me in your thoughts. Ride on a swing with Me, and your heart will know comfort. Look into My eyes and not the past, not even the past that you call yesterday. God and Abby, Abby and God. That is My truth.

Abby, it was not your actions nor your parents' actions that made your going to DePaul come true. It was the love energy created between the three of you. There was a common purpose here, and the bond was love. Love was the motive, and love was the course of action, and love manifested in your desire coming true. It's a slight correction I make here. The same actions without the light of love would not have been the same actions. Perhaps the outward result could have been the same, but the result would not hold the same love energy. The cohering of the love makes you happy. Getting what you want does not make you happy. The rallying of the love makes you happy.

If somehow with all this burgeoning love, DePaul had not come true, you three would still have been left with all the love energy, and it would have been good. Love rises, and you call this simple reflection happiness and resolution.

Happy ending. Happy ending means happy beginning. This is a beginning for you, dear Abby.

Do you see how your love created more love? Do you see how, in releasing your father, more of his light was able to shine? You created your father. Your love recreated your father. You let go of expectation with love. You freed your father to his good, and it was your good you freed him to.

Hallowed be My love.

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i believe that your opinion counts for something. i believe that your hearing from god would help change the world. if not the world your circle. i believe god told me not to force my opinion on others and to respect their train of thought. he told me to take a stand for the personal teachings that he has taught me throughout the years being my yes be my yes and my no be my no. i mean what you say and standing for what you believe in could change a nation. becoming a thinking walking miracle for god it's for the good of all. love vic