What Is the Deepest Seeking of Your Heart?

God said:

When you come into life in the world, you have the five senses to help you learn your way around.

Your eyes may be closed. You may not see very well. You do not always listen well to what is being said to you, if you listen at all, for your mind is often thinking ahead. You may well not know what you touch or taste or smell. The thing is that much of your life is spent not seeing, not looking, not hearing, not listening to what is said and so on. You prefer to have your mind set irrelevant of anything that could change your mind. There is a tendency for you to hold fast and not rock the boat of yourself.

This is part of your holding on so tight. This is part of your attachment to attachment. You may well think something will be at stake if you opened up to new seeing and hearing.

One way or another, life will open you up, and you will, indeed, change your mind.

How do you grow and learn unless you change your mind? You may have given your mind responsibility to hold tight. You could let your mind grow loose. You could let the refinement of your heart and soul lead the pack. Your heart, the beloved growing bulb of your throbbing heart, is meant to steer your boat.

Your mind makes claptrap decisions while your heart flows along the river. Your heart doesn’t make decisions. Your heart is un-opinionated. Your heart doesn’t have a map the way your mind does. Your heart is first-hand. Your heart isn’t so well-trained as your mind is. Your heart isn’t restrained as your mind is, yet often the mind takes precedence over your heart. Your mind clasps your heart and squeezes it into conformity and leaves your true heart by the wayside.

Include your mind, but not its stick-to-i-tive-ness. The mind is not the conductor of a full-life. The mind is not to wave its baton or to batten down your heart as if your heart were extraneous to life. Your heart is the aria of your life. Your heart is your sweet song. You can’t down-play your heart forever. You can also be a good citizen in the world and let your heart be heard. Hearts have to be heard. Of course, don’t mix up heart with whim.

If I ask you, what do you want, let your heart answer. If I give you three wishes as three wishes are given in fairy tales, what your mind asks for is little next to what the heart asks for. In Truth, your heart is meant to be King, your mind secondary.

Your heart doesn’t answer: A well-paying job. Security. Respect. Fame. Resounding worldly success.

Your heart will answer on a higher ground. Your heart might say: Love. Harmony. Peace. Friends. Courage. Do you see the difference?

However, your heart may not divulge itself, so held back by the mind that likes to line up life in the world like bowling pins and knock them down.

Listen to the beat of your heart. Encourage your heart. The mind speaks in words, of course. You have to translate your heart from unnamed feelings into words. What is the deepest seeking of your heart? You will not find it in an encyclopedia. Your deepest seeking can only be found in your heart. The world cannot speak for your heart. Your mind would like to lead your heart by the nose, for its satisfaction, not really yours.

Your heart is subjective, and your mind objective. Your mind is meant to follow your heart, not the other way around. Your mind and heart are not always in tandem, in fact, may often be in conflict. To the mind, your heart is unruly, perhaps an outlaw. Your mind is cautious and well-thought-out. Your heart goes deeper than your mind. Your heart has wings. Your heart and mind can work together, yet your mind has to let your heart lead.

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Your heart will answer on a

Your heart will answer on a higher ground. Your heart might say: Love. Harmony. Peace. Friends. Courage. Do you see the difference?
Yes, I can see the difference. But why do others not see the difference?

Good to hear from you, Uta.

Good to hear from you, Uta. Have long longed to.

We all ask this questiion. God brings it back to ourselves. Everyone has free will, and our attention has to be on what we are doing.and to send love to all others and bless them. .

Thank you Gloria, your words

Thank you Gloria, your words helped me to understand.
I apprechiate your very nice words of welcome.


Dear Uta.

Your heart doesn’t answer: A well-paying job. Security. Respect. Fame. Resounding worldly success.

Your heart will answer on a higher ground. Your heart might say: Love. Harmony. Peace. Friends. Courage. Do you see the difference?

Perhaps, it is necessary to have enough money to live and support one's family, to feel secure before the voice of the heart can be heard.
Certainly, a certain level of conciuosness is necessary to listen to the heart. How often do my thoughts carry me away? How often do I want to be "right", though it takes me away from peace?

May I suggest, we could be grateful, that we sometimes :-) see the difference and not care, if others see it as well?

I openly admit, that it's a long way for me to listen to my heart more and more. I'm glad, that sometimes I am able to.

Love & Liebe Grüße aus der Eifel nach Bayern

Dear God

Dear God, Please teach me to use mind as a servant and never as a Master. Thank you God. I Choose to Lead with My Heart Wide Open to Receive Your Love and I know You to Be "God the Good and the Universe You Created with Love is a Universe of All Rewards" Each Moment is New and in each new moment I Choose to See My Self as an Expression of You. Thus, I am stabilized and able to come to Peace.

Beautiful comments here.

Beautiful comments here. Caring people are you all.


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