Upon the Mountain Peak

God said:

When you savor life, you are in the moment. Living in the now is not an instruction. It is not something you follow. You are in the moment when you know this minute of time in the relative world is joy. To be in the moment, you have to be in it. When you are not in an appreciation mode, you are in the past or future or anywhere else but the present moment.

You are aware of My Presence as you revel in the present. I am that Moment. Eternity is that moment. This now that is so famous is Eternity, beloveds.

You can anticipate a wonderful drink. You can almost taste it. But to really taste it, you have to drink it. So is it with the present. Thoughts about being in the present aren't the same as being in the present. Being in the present a moment ago is already not in the present.

A gift is called a present. And this life that is presented to you is a gift of great proportions. I present you the present at the present time, but the present is not time, you understand. It is a different ballgame altogether. A moment ago is a moment ago. What happens is you glide into the Now. It is effortless skating. The present is not in the air; it is not on the ground. It is not aside somewhere, yet it is beyond space and beyond time, and in the moment, you can enjoy the limits of the relative world. Being in the present is like being in Heaven, for the present is a glimpse into Eternity. It is like diving into the water again and again. It is so refreshing.

Of course, all this is not from an act of will. It is not that you can contrive to be in the present. Effort may well guarantee that you will not be in the present. The present I speak of has no effort to it.

Perhaps there is a beautiful mountain in the distance, and you want to go there. You can picture the mountain, and, as you get closer, you see it better. However, the only way to be at the peak of the mountain is to be on it. When you are there, there is no strain. Of course, a mountain you have to climb. But to be in the present, you have to let go of climbing.

Once arrived upon the mountain peak, you see from a far wider perspective. Once arrived upon the mountain peak, you see what you see, and you see further and you see more clearly.

If the mountain peak I speak of is this present moment, then you simply see with more joy. Colors are brighter. Beauty is more beautiful. You grasp the essence of what you see. This moment of Eternity is like being inside a beautiful rose as it expands. It is like being the mountain top from which you see. It is like being formless and yet enjoying all forms. This is walking on water or on air. This is existence, beloveds. This is what you have and have not always known you have.

You thought life was a burden. Now you discover that it is joy. Not joy to be sought, but joy to be allowed. This is being in the world but not of it. In the present moment, boundaries are not boundaries. They are rippling pools that glitter and glimmer in the sun. Wherever you are, you are upon the mountain peak, and all is golden in the sun. You are golden, and it is gold you see.

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rippling pools that glitter and glimmer in the sun

Being in the present is like being in Heaven, for the present is a glimpse into Eternity. It is like diving into the water again and again. It is so refreshing.

Of course, all this is not from an act of will. It is not that you can contrive to be in the present. Effort may well guarantee that you will not be in the present. The present I speak of has no effort to it.

The third in a row of Heavenletters that are way beyond anything else I know. Yes, the concepts are expounded elsewhere as well, yet who but God is able to play with them in a way that transports you to that mountain top for a moment here and a moment there?