Unbind Your Heart

God said:

Relationships are one of your challenges on Earth, would you agree?

You love with all your heart. You love voluminously. Your love is complete until — until the recipient of your love falls short and doesn't seem to love you enough. Must the love you give be so dependent upon how the recipient of your love responds? Must it?

I know you would wish otherwise. You wish you were above your individual ego, and yet you stand by while you let ego snatch the love from your heart and turn it into something else, dismay, perhaps, or distrust or failure, yet another proof that you are unfavored.

Certainly you are worthy of giving love and not having to extract payment from it. The cause of love is love and not how much is given to you in what way and under what circumstances. You can be generous with love. Love must be freely given, is that not so? It is up to you to give love with your heart free from obligation. By the same token, it is not up to you to demand payment of love from another. Love has to be voluntary, or it is not love.

All the love in the world is already yours. I have given it to you. I give it to you still. And yet you feel bereft and you crave more incoming love. You, who are worthy to start with, still think you need to have proof of love. You are so determined to claim love from someone else's heart before you claim your own.

How you would love to rise above daily life and all its interruptions to the flow of your love! And yet you let life stop your heart. You let your love become staccato in daily life. You let your love go on and off according to what comes in. Who is responsible for your love but you?

Of course, love is not meant to be swapped, and you are not a swapper of love. Love is not a contractual transaction, or, if it must be, make it a contract with yourself. Sign your name to a contract that says you are worthy to feel love in your heart at all times. Add a trailer that your love does not have to be fed, for love is self-feeding. It is the love in your heart that matters, not what crumbs of love someone else throws your way.

What proof do you need that you are My child of love? Can you not take My Word for it? You are My beloved beloved. You are most beloved. You are the beloved of the beloved. You do not hold on to My love for you because there is no need to. You don't mind sharing My love with the entire Universe. You know My love accompanies you right and left. You have the seal of My love imprinted on your heart. How then can your heart be lonely? How then can your heart hunger and thirst for what it already contains? Look within, and find all My love deep in your heart. My love courses through you. A beautiful ribbon of love binds Us all. The ribbon is so soft sometimes you forget it is there.

Forgive another for not loving you enough.

Forgive yourself for thinking you need more love given to you.

Be glad for all the love in the world, no matter whom it is given to.

Restore the love in your heart by recognizing it.

Even your craving for love is an indication that love reigns.

No one craves anything more than they crave love.

So now you are a certified giver of love. And so now you give love and require only that you give it with a full heart. Unbind your heart. It has been tied enough.

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All the love in the world is

All the love in the world is already yours. I have given it to you.
You are My beloved beloved. You are most beloved. You are the beloved of the beloved.
You have the seal of My love imprinted on your heart.
And so now you give love and require only that you give it with a full heart. Unbind your heart.

thank you for this AMAZING good morning !
Beloved Father / sweetest Mother ...I love you and I love to be your beloved..

Thank you Berit

Thank you Berit for sharing your love with me...and for sharing y(our) Love with everyone. It is so much fun and joy to share love...I love it so much. Blessing and loving you. Jim and jIMI.