To Live in God's Garden

God said:

To be created by God, to be beloved by God, to live in God’s Garden and to take a journey on Earth and to return to Heaven – this is a golden once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to stir happiness on Earth. It would be happiness if only My children would relish the opportunity. Instead, the opportunity may brood fear. You may even mourn the opportunity as if the opportunity were a hot potato that causes fear and trembling or numbs you or puts you to sleep.

You may have more trepidation than joy. How do We change this? Where have you been?

Young children in the world know how to have joy. They excel in it.

How come stress and strain enter into My beloveds’ lives? Does it enter without your realization of it? Are you taken hostage by life? Where does all this fear come from?

How can it be that you would run away from life? You would like a way-station, a little out-of-the way retreat for a while, a pause so you could recuperate, and then go back to battle. Is this how you see life sometimes?

What are you battling? The generation of your dreams? The risk of them? I have to ask you: What is the risk to your dreams in your daily life? Is it daily life that gets to you?

Your royal loyal heart works for you day in and day out. You cannot count the beats. You can count silverware and break a dollar into change, and yet you resist counting the joys that surround you and belong to you. Some days you dredge a moat and do not want to look because your life that you desire to change has changed beyond your will, and you fear loss and residue and fall-back. The myth of time seems to encroach on you. You may hear the beat of the clock more than you hear the beat of your heart.

When you are a young child, you can’t wait to grow up, and when you grow up, then you may feel desolate. Whether the days are long or short, cold or hot, eventful or uneventful, your heart may lag.

It can’t be that you want boredom, yet you also may delay going forward. You may not know which way is front or which way is back. Perhaps you ride on a train and you sit in the opposite direction from where the train is going.

If you choose joy, won’t you have it? Choose joy, or choose fatigue. Choose. Choose to rally forth. Make a good catch today. Enjoy even the passage of time. Look at life differently.

Move ahead in life with alacrity. Get up. Open your heart. Welcome yourself. Sing a different song.

You have been digressing. You, My beautiful child, may have been lying down on the job of life, perhaps have been putting life off until one day you ask yourself:

“What have I been doing? Have I been puttering around with my life? Did I put it off? What have I been doing? I thought I had all the time in the world. Have I been a laggard in life instead of a wayfarer? What happened to my desires? Where are they now? I am hard to please.

“It is like I dropped myself off somewhere. I was absent-minded. I forgot about rosy-fingered dawn and stars and midnight and the ringing of bells. I forgot and don’t quite seem to be able to remember. I fell into a deep sleep. Am I awake yet? When will I throw off the covers and leap up out of bed for the pure joy of it?

“When did I dull my senses instead of sharpening them? Did I put myself out to pasture? When did I start pretending to be alive and slept instead? Can I get up now? Can I lift my head and open my eyes? Of whom must I ask permission to sing again and frolic again? Of no one but myself."

Read Comments

God's Words constantly amaze

God's Words constantly amaze me. How does He know our every thought? Day in and day out God speaks to us.

Receiving a Heavenletter is great joy. There is also nothing like reading a Heavenletter when it is published. It is like new to me all over again, often as if I had never seen it before.

we tend to think hat God is

we tend to think hat God is still resting since He created this existence we are in but this is not so:

"Part of you thinks: "What good is God after all? What can He do? True, He created existence, but, after that, what has He been doing? He rested, and I don't recall that it said He got up again. Where has He been? Why hasn't He done all the things I would have him do?"

But I have been ahead of you. All the time I have been paving the way for you. Holy is My Name, and beautiful are you, made in My image, named after Me."

from HL 562 One Beautiful Being of Light

Nirmala, are you making a

Nirmala, are you making a collection of great quotations from Heavenletters? Will you?
Shall we make an ebook of them? How long would it take for you to put together such an E-Book?
Looking forward to your answer.

Marvellous Idea!

Oh my God, what a wonderful idea!!

Such an ebook would be a jewel of jewels. I can't wait for it!


Dear Nirmala, may I also ask

Dear Nirmala,

may I also ask you if you could make a collection of great quotations from Heavenletters? You know, there are currently several translations of Gloria's free ebook in the making. A new ebook with great quotations from Heavenletters would truly be a wonderful thing.

It would be very nice if you could think about it. Thank you!
