To Be a Wave of the Ocean

God said:

Do not mourn for the past. All the past is going to be forgotten, beloveds. Summations of history may last a while, yet the world does not remember all the people who passed through it. You and all your loved ones will be forgotten. I know that makes you sad, but, look, all of this that you know of life is but a wave of the Ocean. There is no loss. A wave was, and now it is gone. There are other waves now. The ocean is forever, but the waves are not. A wave is only a wave, and yet each wave is the Ocean itself. Waves merely return to the Ocean from which they came. They never left, and yet they return.

What is there to mourn? I know you don't like to think that there will come an imaginary time when no one will remember your dimples. Everything about you, your words, your thoughts, your deeds, your smile, all the events in your life will be forgotten. The lovely and the unlovely will drift away. You will not even be a memory. You are a wave of life, and waves move on.

Can you imagine a wave mourning for itself or another wave? Waves are waves, and waves go up and waves go down. This is the nature of waves. No wave minds that his particular shape dissolves back into the Ocean. A wave loses itself in order to find itself. A wave does not think of what it used to be. It doesn't remember when it was a great swell near the shore. It doesn't count its medals. It doesn't count its woes. It has no woes. Your woes don't exist either except from a perspective of your busy mind.

You might as well start letting go of the past now. You can't keep it, and for what imagined reason would you? Precious or grievous, it is only the past. It is a nothing thing. Oh, yes, you thought it was great once, or terrible once, yet it never was anything at all. The past cannot be held on to anyway, no matter how you try.

Look how flexible and pliant a wave is. And look at the power a wave has. It is only a wave, and yet it has the power of the Ocean. For a moment, a wave has an identity. A wave is not attached to its fleeting identity. A wave bends and turns. It does not want to be a box with stiff sides. Oh, no, a wave wants to swim. It wants to be a wave of the Ocean that swims.

It takes no effort for a wave to swim. A wave may be powerful, and yet its fluid motion is effortless. A wave offers no resistance to the tides. It is of the tides and yet not in the tides. Why, a wave is attached to nothing. It is not attached to how high it goes nor how low. A wave has a good time whatever state it is in.

What boundaries does a wave have? Large or small, a wave is boundless.

We can say that a wave is much greater than it appears to be. Waves do not think of themselves as small or large. Waves are happy with themselves whatever their size and wherever they may be. Lapping the shore, they are happy. In the center of the ocean they are happy. Waves are happy to be waves and to leap and play. What is there for a wave not to be happy about? They can only be happy because they do not hold on. They let go. They are free, and that's how they are happy.

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A wave is not attached to its fleeting identity

But a wave cannot be attached to its identity, because it has no mind. Similes like this one -- the ocean and its waves -- alsways seem a little unfair to me. I find myself thinking, "Poor mind, you look something like a flat tire, like the stepchild of creation, like something creation would be better off without."

But since this can hardly be what God is saying, what are we to do with poor mind? There is no doubt that I am deeply attached to very much in this world and that even the thought of losing it breaks my heart. That's mind. Mind, obviously, doesn't want Oneness, doesn't want "just ocean". Now what? Is it that we, as bearers of mind, have to find ocean oneness nevertheless? Does mind have to be killed or anesthetized or bound and gagged for that? Or is it that mind can be softened and dimmed and taken less and less serious.

Perhaps there is no how-to at all. Perhaps it's inevitable anyway because this longing to remember will take care of everything step by step. Knowing less seems to help.

Dear Jochen - thank you for

Dear Jochen - thank you for your beautiful open my heart and mind to embrace being one with the ocean....being one with Our Loving Creator. I feel it is about expansion....yes, at times I too feel like a poor human being...attached to the past or to fear, worry and doubt...and yet God through these Heaven Letters is forever extending Her hand, inviting me to join Her and in all of Her wisdom and Love...She loves me unconditionally as I journey forth.
let us take heart and let us feel joy and let us surf with God on this beautiful day!


Oh yes, Mary, that's the word! Reading it in your comment, I found myself catapulted to the city of Essaouira on the Atlantic coast of Maroc, standing high up on the old seaside ramparts (with cannons and all) and watching those unbelievable waves approach. I had never before seen waves of hundreds of meters from crest to crest, rising, as it seemed, indefinitly until they crashed against huge boulders off the coast. I believe I was ocean there for a moment.

You should have seen my mind

You should have seen my mind nodding at everything you said, beloved Jochen!

Did I tell you about a lady I knew who innocently overdosed on an allergy prescription and wound up in a coma for a short time. When she awoke, she couldn't remember anything. She couldn't remember Christmas, her way around town etc. She had to relearn all those things. I think we can fairly say that her mind -- the left brain -- went on vacation.

Whereas she couldn't remember anything, she KNEW everything. She knew God every single minute. She was right there with Him. She was Godwriting, Godthinking, Godloving totally. Her mind was uncluttered.

Although she gained back her thinking and remembering mind, I understand that she has also kept that live connection with God.

Has not the world overemphasized the value of the left brain? I think God means we can turn our attention more to the heart. The intellect doesn't have to steal the show.

You don't know the name of

You don't know the name of that allergy drug by any chance?

But seriously: Yes, and I think we even "know" to a certain extent what we are about, for do we not all have those little holes of "don't know" sometimes, those tiny gaps in our familiar view of reality?

Leave it to you, Jochen! I

Leave it to you, Jochen! I have known about this for fifteen years or more, and I never once thought to ask for the name!!!!!

But, you know, your mind is wonderful. Even if I knew the name, I wouldn't tell you.

I have to disagree with the

I have to disagree with the statement that "all the past is going to be forgotten" and say that everything that has ever happened is recorded because it is very important. There is a record and one can access this record, one can access the wisdom in the record through the heart. No one is going to be forgotten. We all have our individual parts to play, have had our individual parts to play--for the benefit of the entire Universe. And it will take both the remembering what's in our hearts (right brain activity) and putting it all together to make sense of it (left brain activity) to understand and see the bigger picture. There is a bigger picture that takes everything into account, that leaves nothing out, that does not negate the individual (ego, or mind), that shows the left brain just as purposeful and as valid as the right brain, that does not negate the importance of anything. Remembering and putting it all together are extremely important for the activation of consciousness and the possibility of new experiences on this planet.

By the way, there was also a woman who had a stroke that caused her to lose the function of her left brain. And while she felt her "connectedness to the universe" then, she was like a blob and was dysfunctional for a very long time. It took her for example an hour to recall which business card out of several was hers. She could not have written a book and described her experience and recovery had it not been for the return of the functioning of her left brain. This experience is her *individual* contribution to humanity, her indvidual contribution to the whole. (In this bigger picture reality, both the individual and the whole are important!)

Beloved Christine, thank you

Beloved Christine, thank you for expressing your point of view. I love you for it, for standing up to say what you think. You are emphasizing the importance of the individual and all the connectedness to the universe. I really don't think there is any argument. God in Heavenletters says that all the time.

God also says that we have to let the past go. As we are speaking, the past is slipping away, and we let it go.

I don't have this Heavenletter in front of me, Christine, but I think this Heavenletter is talking about -- oh, let's say five hundred years from now, or five thousand years from now. It's unlikely that we will be remembered, and why would it be important for us to be remembered anyway. Whatever we contribute, we pass on.

Again, thank you for expressing your sincere beliefs.

With love and blessings,



I totally sympathize with much in your beautiful comment, dear Christine. It made me read this Heavenletter again and I find myself in deep resonace with it too. For me there is no real disagreement between the two, at least not on a feeling level.

For anything to be important, there has to be something it is important for and someone it is important to and a reason why it means so much to him or her. I don't think there is "objective" importance that is only stated by us. Whatever importance I perceive anywhere comes out something I want or need.

On the other hand, there are waves and there is the ocean. The waves are giggling among themselves and eventually they push forward a particularly smart one to explain about "important".

"I am a beat of the One Heart. When I'm over, there is just the One Heart beating and that's me. What about your heart? It needs all its beats, can't miss a single one, right? Let us take a beat of your heart, yes, this one right now. When it's over, is it dead? Does it get buried? Will it be on some record?

"It won't get lost when it's over. No beat of your heart is "only" a beat of you heart, and it's not incidental to you heart. It's your heart beating. It's the life of Mother Earth. It IS and therefore it cannot be important. Is the One Heart important? Is God important?

"See you."

All I can say really is that I don't see disagreement. I have many important things in my life and I don't feel I have to renounce them to be A TRULY SPIRITUAL PERSON. Yet I feel there is something not quite right with importance. Or with importance alone. The Ocean...... But I guess I'm not making very much sense here. I'll post it anyway for it does sound true to me even if it's not very clear.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said all of life
Is a wave of the ocean
A wave is boundless

Love, Light and Aloha!

I guess. When you go on

I guess. When you go on about waves of an ocean you can say that one wave is important and you can also say that one wave is not important and with this kind of language it doesn't really matter what you say or think because none of it makes any sense and therefore it's not important and it doesn't really matter in the end--then I agree.

Letting the past go is something distinct from remembering or not remembering. One can let the past go, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't important. Something could have served an important purpose even when you had let go of it. Length of time doesn't matter. What Christ did 2000 years ago was important. Everyone who played their parts then had important roles to play. It's not any different today.

Dear Gloria and Jochen, I suppose it's my inquisitive, left brain scientific mind that's questioning these things. I appreciate your comments, and I always learn something when I respond.

Beloved Christine, this is

Beloved Christine, this is fun!

God in Heavenletters, as you have noticed, often speaks in metaphors. Metaphors are not to be taken literally. You can't literally dive into those waves in Heavenletters -- they are not made of water! You do have to suspend the logical questioning left brain for a while. When we do this, there is a beautiful opening to a new insight.

Of course, what happens to us is important to us! Everything is important to us.

I think God wants us to put things in perspective. To let go of attachment. To not take the changing waves in our lives so seriously. That makes sense, do you agree?

When the metaphor itself works its magic, the insight is like Aha!

God also says we don't have to understand what He says, just to let His love wash over us.

God bless you.

With love,


P.S. Now I'm going to use a metaphor: I think Jochen's words are like a balancing bar between God's metaphors and the human thinking mind.


Thank you God these truths are reflective....

"Can you imagine a wave mourning for itself or another wave? Waves are waves, and waves go up and waves go down. This is the nature of waves. No wave minds that his particular shape dissolves back into the Ocean. A wave loses itself in order to find itself. A wave does not think of what it used to be. It doesn't remember when it was a great swell near the shore. It doesn't count its medals. It doesn't count its woes. It has no woes. Your woes don't exist either except from a perspective of your busy mind."


This is the most wonderful

This is the most wonderful Heavenletter I have read so far. How I yearn to allow myself to let go and swim like the waves...

Lately I have been longing for a house by the ocean here along the Norwegian coast. Perhaps it is also a longing from my soul to be close to the vastness of the sea, and the constant reminder to let go - accompanied by the slow steady roll of the waves.

Oh, I totally understand

Oh, I totally understand metaphors and make liberal use of them in my own writing, as there are some things that are best described using metaphor. I've seen though that metaphors are more powerful when at the same time they make logical sense. When you value both the thinking mind and the intuitive mind equally, when you take the whole into account rather than discount one side or the other, that's when you can formulate a picture that makes sense. This is all I'm saying. I guess my issue is that I see this trend in the new age movement that discounts the mind, ego, and logic, as though these are the fundamental problems of humanity. Isn't this what humans have been doing throughout history---valuing one side over another? So now we're against logic and it seems that the result is that anything goes (e.g. the book "The Secret" with all its claims). In other words, "ego" seems to be the new "sin". This subtle but unfavorable view of ego or left brain or mind I think will only lead to more dysfunction in society. But the truth is, there is a bigger picture to life that takes everything into account where the ego is not at fault or wrong at all, but exactly how God had planned this whole experience here on earth in the first place. And this bigger picture could have only been formulated by liberal use of both sides of the brain and honoring BOTH the logical and the intuitive.

I hope I explained myself well.

By the way, an ocean wave consists of both energy (wave aspect) as well as physical (particle aspect) simultaneously.

May your beautiful home by

May your beautiful home by the Ocean arrive soon!


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