Immersed in God

God said:

What I say to one, I say to all. What I say to all, I also say to you. Whatever love I express to one, I express to all. Whatever love I express to all is expressed to you. You plural and you singular are the object of My words and My love. I keep none for Myself, and yet I give totally to Myself, for I am within you. You've heard that before.

Whether you believe I am God, or you believe it not, whether you even believe in My existence, look to your heart and the Truth of what I say. Even if you glimpse a tiny spark of what I say, you have glimpsed, you have seen, you have felt. And if you do not see, you have, nevertheless, been blessed by the One Who knows how to bless in the synchronicity of love.

If I tap you on the head, I have tapped you on the head. It is wonderful for you to know that I tapped you, yet, whether you recognize it or not, I did tap you. I do not tap you on the head for Me, beloveds. My thought is not: "What will make Me feel good today?"

When do you think was the last time I did something to please Myself, as if there were a part of Me unpleased that must be solaced? Well, from a certain perspective that is true, because you are a part of Me, and I do want you pleased. it is My joy when you smile, yet I am joy whether you smile or not.

Are these My words to you right now? I ask you not what you think because what you think is a winding road. I ask you what you feel. What do you feel when you let these words wash over you? I will tell you that these words are descended from Me, and are given to you for your well-being. Do you think I give them for Me? Do you possibly imagine for even one moment that I need your love for them? Of course it makes a difference to Me that you read My words because then, with your heart open, you know you have been blessed. Yes, I want you to receive My blessings. I cannot do otherwise. The cry from My heart is: "Receive Me. Receive My love so you have it and so have it to pass on for Me. Know Me. Know Me so your heart blossoms. You are the fruit of My vine, and the fruit of My vine is to flourish and to flourish now in this moment of Eternity."

The question I ask is: How much of My love will you accept? How much of My love will you allow your heart to absorb? I am about love, and nothing but love, and My love is for you. What else could I be for but for you?

What do I need, beloveds? I certainly don't need your approbation. I, Who AM, I Who Am Everything, what can I possibly require but you to know Me so you know your own heart? It is you who needs your love for All That Is. Without that, you are bereft, and you disguise your bereavement in many ways.

Build a church to Me in your heart. Build a huge church in your heart where I am always whether you know it or not.

Know that all is taken care of. Know that you are taken care of, and that I am for you, and all is well wherever I am, and I am in your heart.

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The question I ask is: How

The question I ask is: How much of My love will you accept? How much of My love will you allow your heart to absorb?

I clean out the clutter of my mind and heart so I have room to let You fully into my life!
Like an attic that has been overstuffed with things that no longer matter, it is time to
clean out what is no longer important and make space for all that matters - YOU and all the beauty and Love and Truth of Your creation...and then once my heart absorbs all of the blessings and Love you breathe into me...I can overflow and send it out in the a beautiful wave :)

This particular note allowed

This particular note allowed me to actually feel comfortable and safe and loved. I know God is with me, and always have known this, however, all of a sudden, this message made me feel it. Thanks. Janice

How wonderful! This is a

How wonderful! This is a peak experience you had, dear Janice.


Thank you God for the truths that ring the heaven bells within me.
I rejoice for every aspect of truth be experienced.


5 Heavenletter Haikus for

5 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said all is well
Whether you know it or not
And I am for you

God said I AM God
And you are a part of Me
Believe it or not

God said Beloveds
Flourish now in this moment
Of Eternity

God said All That Is
And I Who Am Everything
I am about love

God said to know Me
Look to your heart and the Truth
Where I am always

Love, Light and Aloha!

"Head Tapping" in Today's Letter Was a Divine "Synchronicity"


I loved today's message because the Angels have been playing with a lot of "promptees'" hair and heads, and even lightly touching them on the heads in a Loving way, especially since the beginning of the year. The Divine "synchronicities" from Spirit also are becoming even more numerous.

For some, this may seem only figurative, but for many "promptees," it's quite literal too. The following was in today's Heaven Letter:

"Whether you believe I am God, or you believe it not, whether you even believe in My existence, look to your heart and the Truth of what I say. Even if you glimpse a tiny spark of what I say, you have glimpsed, you have seen, you have felt. And if you do not see, you have, nevertheless, been blessed by the One Who knows how to bless in the synchronicity of love.

"If I tap you on the head, I have tapped you on the head. It is wonderful for you to know that I tapped you, yet, whether you recognize it or not, I did tap you."

Also, I always ask my spiritual friends not just what they "think" about something, but what they "think, feel, or know" as all of these can be different.

Thoughts come from our Spirit minds and feelings issue from our etheric emotional bodies. Thoughts are not always accurate or helpful, and feelings are not always facts. Knowing, however, comes from deep inside our Souls which are connected to Source (God/The Formless ONE/Brahman/Divine Principle/Higher Power/Cosmic Consciousness) and always is True.

That is why some people will not be able to explain why they "know" that something is true, they just will tell you that they "know." This deep "knowing" comes from the "Formless ONE" that is beyond space and time where words, as echos of form, do not exist.

Today's Letter featured the following lines:

"I ask you not what you think because what you think is a winding road. I ask you what you feel. What do you feel when you let these words wash over you? I will tell you that these words are descended from Me, and are given to you for your well-being. Do you think I give them for Me? Do you possibly imagine for even one moment that I need your love for them? Of course it makes a difference to Me that you read My words because then, with your heart open, you know you have been blessed. Yes, I want you to receive My blessings. I cannot do otherwise. The cry from My heart is: "Receive Me. Receive My love so you have it and so have it to pass on for Me. Know Me. Know Me so your heart blossoms."

I also believe Master Eckhart Tolle would be pleasantly happy at how Spirit showed me last summer that you always can find the word NOW, as in his ONEderful book, "The Power of Now," inside the word "kNOW." At about the same time, Spirit also showed me a new way to spell wonderful which is an allusion to how we All are connected and part of the FULLness of ONE, the Formless ONE.

That is another Divine synchronicity from Source because "kNOWing something always carries the power of the present or "NOW" which like all presents is a gift.

Again, Thanks Source and the folks at Heaven Letters for another ONEderful letter today. I really did appreciate it! You are so ONEderFULL.

Love & Light.

From here to eternity,

Richmond, VA USA

Facts are only facts. Real

Facts are only facts. Real knowing is something else, as you point out.

Naturally we love to see synchronicities. They make us feel good and support what we may already believe in.

I've just got to emphasize what we all really know -- God whips up probably millions of synchronicities a day, far more than we can fathom -- and synchronicities of such depth and magnitude and significance and greatness than we can possibly grasp -- wow, the countless miracles and magnificence God pours out maybe every millisecond -- why are we surprised!!

Dear Gloria: I believe that

Dear Gloria:

I believe that only you can answer the question that you posed.

Synchronicities don't surprise me, but they often fill me with gratitude and joy and help me to remember how everything and everyONE is connected in a great grid or web of consciousness. In essence, it is a way for our finite Spirit consciousness to glimpse the reflection or echo of the infinite Soul consciousness.

Of course, that's only my perception based on my own thoughts and experiences. Others may see it an entirely different way because they are looking at it from a slightly different angle based on their unique thoughts and experiences.

You must look within yourSelf to find the answer to your question.

It may be of help to remember that our interpretations and perceptions at any given mOMent are based on our thoughts. What were you thinking, Gloria, when you asked that question?

"why are we surprised!!"

You are so right Thoth, it's

You are so right Thoth, it's really amazing how differently we see and hear. I didn't hear Gloria ask a question. I read her entire post as just "Wow." A gasp of sheer wonderment that leaves hardly any room for anything else, least of all thinking. But as you suggested, that's a totally subjective perspective.


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