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Titles Shmitles, Position Shmition


Titles shmitles
In the world's view
Definition's defining of you
Is important
Yet with Me
All are equally worthy
Presently free
Evenly so
In harmony
Even more than worldly could be
So, by all means
Be as you wish to be
Yet it's from the Love of Who You Are, that this is done
And not your becoming that provides you with love
To Me, a baby
Is the King or Queen of the Earth
Ruling perfectly
Beyond what human eyes can see
So, again
Position shmition
As I See it with Vision
From Peace's unmeasuring perch

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

So true and so lovingly

So true and so lovingly said!

Thanks Michael, for sharing. This one comforts me:

"Yet it's from the Love of Who You Are, that this is done
And not your becoming that provides you with love"


thanks, Xenia...i just love

thanks, Xenia...i just love Namaste...that would be cool if in addition to our hi's and how are you's? or goodmorning/goodday that we would regularly say Namaste as a greeting or in our leavings...marvelous...mike:)

Oh Mike, this is HEAVEN

Oh Mike, this is HEAVEN !!!

To Me, a baby
Is the King or Queen of the Earth

Love your beautiful and tender heart !

"Titles Shmitles, Position

"Titles Shmitles, Position Shmition"

Oh how adorable BM!


thank you so much ladies for

thank you so much ladies for all your kind and comforting support...though i often feel as if not quite fitting's always Home :) michael:)

Dear at1ment -- how I love

Dear at1ment -- how I love that name! You have a beautiful poetic soul. What a blessing to meet you...
Although i just joined the forum, it does feel like HOME because it is HOME...and home is where the heart is.