There Is No Cause

God said:

It is not understandable to you that there is no cause. There are reasons why and even proof given for everything, and yet I maintain that there is no cause. There is no cause.

A bullet is shot from a gun, and someone dies. It seems obvious, even inevitable to you, that the shooting of the bullet determined the death.

It is said that a germ caused a cold. There is all kinds of evidence of this. And yet I maintain that there is no cause. This is an important point. Remembering that there is no cause will prevent you from seeking a cause. It will prevent you from demanding justice. It may help you to move on in life as it is, and without anger. Anger is rampant, yet there is no cause. There are provoking incidents, yet they are not the cause. There is no cause. We could say that the cause of anger is your reacting in anger. And, then, you dub your anger righteous.

Causes are given for war. All kinds of causes are given. Justification must be found, yet there is no cause sufficient to warrant war. War is war, justified in many ways, and yet, in the relative world, there seems to be every justification.

Look not for justice, for justice isn't a word in the vocabulary of Heaven. The cry for justice is a cry. One thing seems just to you, and unjust to another. One thing seems unjust to you, and righteous to another.

Sooner or later, you will stop looking for explanations. There is no explaining, beloveds. If you were to find cause, beneath that lies another cause and another. Causes seem to be endless, and yet I maintain there is no cause.

Without seeking explanations, you will, beloveds, refrain from judgment. Remembering there is no cause will get you out of the frame of mind of judgment. I am asking you to look beyond the relative world and all that is there to see. The relative is all image and comparison. There is darkness and light. There is good and not good. In the relative world, there is always trouble impending, as the world sees it, with a little good thrown in. Because the whole world agrees with you doesn't make it true.

The relative world has labels. Fresh and stale. A man hungry for a piece of bread doesn't think about the staleness of the bread whereas another man throws out a whole loaf of yesterday's bread. A man in love sees the beauty of his beloved whereas a man not in love does not see the beauty. Everything, everything in the relative world is a matter of choice. What you look at is your choice. What you pick out of what you see is your choice. You do have the freedom to see as you choose. You also have the freedom to see differently.

The relative world is a temporary phenomenon, and yet it is viewed as if it were permanent. The world changes. Everything in the relative world changes. What is in favor today may not be tomorrow. Change is the name of the game in the relative world. You can even change your mind.

The relative world is a layer. Consider it, for our purposes of discussion here, like the frosting on cake. This frosting is not always delicious though, certainly, it may be. Under the frosting lies a cake. The cake I speak of never gets stale. It is always delicious. It always comes out right. The cake is baked to perfection.

Relative life is the frosting. It is only the frosting. There is the tendency to think that the frosting of relative life is paramount.

There is a big piece of cake that runs through all of life.

We can say that the unseen layer of life is the cause for the layer seen. Certainly the relative life arises from there. Relative life comes from this unseen layer. And yet for everything in the relative life, I maintain there is no cause. All are innocent. All are as innocent as you. There is no cause.

Read Comments



I don't say that I don't understand this with any kind of anger. It just doesn't make sense to
us in the relative world. I must say I have never understood why the United States dropped
two atomic bombs on Japan near the end of the second world war. What was the cause
of that, i do ask sincerely for a cause in that incident. YOU'RE ANSWERING THERE WAS

I do understand that everything in this relative world changes.

When you say all are innocent, that is difficult for us to fathom, but we do love your telling
us that this is so!

This is the most puzzling HeavenLetter we have received yet!

I think we can all relate to

I think we can all relate to your words, Mary. I can. But what you said toward the end of your comment is so incredibly beautiful, did you notice that? You said

When you say all are innocent, that is difficult for us to fathom, but we do love your telling us that this is so!

How come we do love it when it puzzles us, even frustrates us, wenn there are things where we don't see innocence at all? Isn't that even more puzzling?

Being encompasses all causes

This is quite a challenging, if not a mind blowing God's saying today! Just imagine what this statement "There is no cause" signifies for Science... Yet in the most advanced fundamental research in Quantum Physics, it is said that we create "causality" when we start observing a sub-atomic particle. Before observation, nothing is really happening. When we start observing a particle, if we can calculate its speed, we cannot locate it; if we locate it, we cannot calculate its speed. So causality is simply a positioning of an observer relatively to an object of observation. So we "create" a cause whenever we start looking at Reality from a certain standpoint. Causes seem to be endless as the endlessness of standpoints of observation.

Yet, «there is NO CAUSE». Causality pertains to the relative dual world of phenomena where we separate the Subject of Observation from the Object of Observation. But what is going on in the World of Oneness? Cause cannot exist in Oneness because something would have to Cause Oneness. Causality is always circular and pertains to the frosting layer of the big Cake.

So if there is NO CAUSE, no under-standing, no ex-planation, no e-vidence, what is left of our logic? Human logic is a mental representation of fixed images of an ever changing reality. God's Logic is the Logic of Being, not thinking. And Love is the actualization of the Oneness of Being.

Normand, I know more now...

Dear Norman,
I always read your comments with interest. I have been "nudged" by God to get at least an inkling of physics, because He/She is to be found there, too. It seems God's got His/Her fingers in all-the-pies nowadays!!

I've read up some...but you seem to have a knack for explaining it well.

Thank you ever so much for sharing with us. It makes that long list of things I don't know a little shorter...LOL!!

I don't know if you've read this Sutra yet...
Study that which encourages you. What has encouraged you?
Great literature. Before I knew You, I think I saw You in great literature.
And yet you would not require everyone to study literature, would you?
No. Well —
Not anymore than you would want a physicist who finds Me in his work to demand that all study physics, would you?
No. I wouldn't want to be forced to take physics, but I did take a physics course once and enjoyed it very much. It was taught in a way that I could love it.
Yet in schools, literature is certainly required. And science too.
But they live side by side. No wars are fought over them. That is my point.

About the sutra

Thanks Bonnie for your comment. Having been an anthropology teacher for few years before jumping into the IT train, I developed this talent of "explicitating" things to students. And mostly, as I can read through Gloria's Sutra, by making 'connections" between different disciplines, because only metaphores can really "not explain" but "enlighten".

I enjoy the opportunity offered on this forum to use HeavenLetter to explore an avenue inspired by the daily "God says". It is like writing a small Heavenletter within the Heavenletter.

I just hope that my written English is not too bad, since my mother tongue is French.

Cheers to all of you.

you will stop looking for explanations

A bullet is shot from a gun, and someone dies.

If there is no cause here, there cannot be an effect. But I saw (and heard) someone shoot and I saw someone fall. If there is no relationship between those two events, causation can only be something in my imagination. But if it is, if the rustling of leaves outside has nothing to do with the first gusts of autumn wind, then what are the events themselves? Are they taking place at all or is that also just my imagination? And whose imagination is what I call "my imagination"?

Looking at my life, there can be no doubt I absolutely believe in cause and effect. And yet, as Mary remarked, I love what God says. Is that because it would be so nice if what He says were true? Or is it because somewhere "I" already know it is? If I allow myself to speak from that "somewhere", I'd have to say that there is nothing at all, no guns, no people, no leaves, just a sense of beingness, just awareness projecting images, and it makes no sense to ask whose awareness it is.

And the "I" that I feel I am longs to be at home in both worlds as one, even though I'm unable to grasp what that means. Playing, probably. Laughing. Bang bang.

Causality exists only in the scenario.

If we were not living under the "veil" of causality, we could not experience the recovery of our divinity. What we call "causality" should be called more appropriately "creativity". We have written the scenario of our Universe, our planet and its inhabitants and we are playing the scenario we wrote. But we forgot that it was only a scenario and we became only actors. So how can we wake up from acting to recalling that we wrote the scenario?

"A bullet is shot from a gun, and someone dies". This implies that somebody conceive that scenario and that people who see the scenario also believe in the story. A bullet is made of atoms like we are and there is a huge amount of space between the electron(s) and the nucleus. We could say, to a certain extent, that we conceived the relation between all the components of the statement: "somebody wants to eliminate someone else by the mean of eliminating him with a bullet" and the scenario works. But it remains a scenario, not the Reality.

Why? Because first of all, we don't deeply believe in Oneness (that's why God likes to blow our mind, like today). Because Oneness is BEING and Being is One. This is creative circularity, which is spiral-tuality. How can Oneness kill itself? As long as we try to apprehend Oneness through our logic, we will always fail. God's letter comes every morning to exercise ourself to desarticulate our mind:
Let us read again this excerpt from HeavenLetter #1015:
«Actually, it doesn't matter what I say. What matters is that you hear. My words may be forgotten, but I am emblazoned in your heart. Each day a notch more, until your awareness is complete. And your awareness is not complete until I have nothing left to tell you. And that day will never come for I never run out. I Who am Silence always have something to say, and you merit hearing Me. Hear Me well. Come close, and embrace what I say to you.»

...Remembering there is no

...Remembering there is no cause will get you out of the frame of mind of judgment...
The relative world has labels. Fresh and stale. A man hungry for a piece of bread doesn't think about the staleness of the bread whereas another man throws out a whole loaf of yesterday's bread. A man in love sees the beauty of his beloved whereas a man not in love does not see the beauty.

Peace be with you

God tells us what He's told us

I am humbled by how good God is to keep telling us the same thing over and over until we comprehend. He must understand us so well and he knows we will "get it" at some Now Point. He believes in us.

There's lots of HLs that remind us we had a contract before we came to Earth. A contract that we have forgotten, so that all our mistakes and blunders could be written off to innocence. Perhaps, also so we would be provoked to understanding, compassion, and love to write off others' mistakes. I like feels good to me, too.

Also it seems God is repeating the gist of other HLs that tell us that we can choose to demand justice as compensation for our wounds even though that's not very effective or efficient, or we can let go of JUDGEMENT and all it's ensuing mindstorms and step up and request love and joy and all that good stuff and it's rewards. We can refuse the label of victim as God seems to want us to do, since we chose our "roles" and are clueless as to why. But the always available choice to be love instead makes the questions moot.

"You look for life to make sense to you. In a field of flowers, you look for a giraffe. In the middle of the ocean, you look for an elephant. In turmoil, you look for parity.
...But life is not about logic. Life is about love. Make love your battle-cry, not justice. Justice can only come from judgment, and you have been told not to judge, for so you will be judged, for so you judge yourself. The main thing is that judgment slows you down in life.
...Earth life becomes your mission. You seek to convert others to your well-being. To your satisfaction. To your sense of things. To your will.
The only fairness in life is love.
That is the whole story."


Another puzzle for the mind, God.
"I am asking you to look beyond the relative world and all that is there to see."
Yes, it is easier to look beyond than trying to understand what is!


It is better to think that there is no cause. I agree we are innocent because we believe in (our) thinking and and do according our believes. But in this relative world, there is a cause. Six months ago I got a freedom from malediction of my family. Things are not simple and they are simple at the same time. There is no cause and there could be too. Now I feel sensation in my body and I know what implies to be free, it is a feeling, not a thinking.
Love Dragica

Why the theatrics?

What is the purpose of this letter? Certainly our loving Creator would not intend to shock us, confuse us or impress us with the limitations of our understanding just for the effect. I think not, not without good reason. I’m going to make some bold assertions. I think this letter's purpose is to help free us from our illusions and to help further our mission that has brought us here on earth.

To support these assertions, I will focus on the metaphor of the icing and the cake contained in this letter. What an awesome metaphor of incredible power! “We can say that the unseen layer of life is the cause of the layer seen.” From this, we see that there is a cause for all that we see, but “the cause” must take into account all of the “unseen”, as a whole, if we are to be accurate in using this concept. The way we usually use the word “cause” ignores the unseen (the cake) and assumes that the emergence of all events that we see (in the frosting) is based solely on other events in the physical realm. Not only do we focus entirely on the physical to explain the physical, but we separate out only a small portion of the enormous complexity that is going on “in the icing” to designate our causes.

I see two powerful messages here. The first is that we cannot intellectually understand what is going on. Our attempts at understanding merely divide up what cannot be divided and place on them what Normand calls “a mental representation of fixed images on an ever changing reality.” All of our intellectual judgments must therefore be false. The second message, closely related to the first, is that to truly understand anything we must be fully aware of everything since it is all One; it is all changing together with all the changes impacting the Whole of Oneness. Seeing in this way is to use God’s vision and use the faculties of our heart rather than our physical senses.

This letter prods us to use these faculties to see deeper. We are to learn to look beneath the obvious layer of icing to the Truth of the cake beneath, the physically unseen layer. We are directed to stop assigning causes so that we will stop making superficial judgments. To my way of looking at this, and my understanding of the messages of these letters, this is why we are here. The statement: “There is no cause” is a huge shortcut in this endeavor.

Love to all......Chuck

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said in the world
I maintain there is no cause
All are innocent

Love, Light and Aloha!