The Will of God Is Love

God said:

It may be hard to grasp the concept of Me. It may be yet harder to believe in Me. All that does not matter. What matters is that you believe that there is a great love for you. Know My love. You must. I will tell you why.

When you feel loved, you are one way. When you feel unloved, you are another. You unwind your life according to the love reciprocated in your heart.

Not only are you loved, you are lovable. Not only are you lovable, you are worthy to be loved. Please do not mistake yourself for less than the love of the universe. Love created you love. Endless is the stream of love pouring on you.

Because you have not seen Me or felt My hand on yours does not mean that you cannot feel My love. My love, like the Sun, basks on you. My love, like a parade, appears before you. My love, like a rose, delivers its essence whether you pay attention to it or not. Although you may pass by it, My love will never pass you by.

When a soft breeze touches your cheek, remember My love. It is being announced to you. The birds that sing warble My presence. Daybreak and day-end herald My love.

My love for you is immense. Hear it. Let it buoy you. You can use a lift. The rough corners of the world are good at dampening you. Let My love raise you to your own height. You reach right up to My heart.

Regardless of your state of faith in Me, My faith in you is great. It is great because I know you through and through. I see you as you are, not as that huddled creature who fears a knock on the door, not as that suited salesman who knocks on doors, not as that one upon whose door no one knocks. I see you in your true glory. I see you in love.

Consider Me the door jamb, and you the door. I support you. You open and close a little or a lot, and I am always by your side, supporting you. We are hinged, you and I. Inseparable are you and I.

I am stalwart beside you. Even when you stand straight, you can lean on Me. Leaning on Me strengthens you. Leaning on Me is the same as standing tall. No need to bow to Me. Stand beside Me. I am the other half of you.

So, come now, stand up tall next to Me, and acknowledge Our love, for it is great. You really do love Me. Beneath all the collapsible structures you have made, I am, and Our love is. I lie beneath all illusion, and beneath all illusion lies your love.

Harder for you to believe in than My existence is that I am really for you, that I am friendly and offer My hand to you. No tricks. I offer you Myself. I am straightforward, but you hold back from shaking My hand. You must think it will take something away from you or give you an added burden. I am not quite sure what it is you are afraid of. Some things I do not understand either.

Nevertheless, I am aware that you hesitate. You may think there will be some kind of confrontation when you come before Me, but Our face-to-face meeting will be consolation, My Will done, and My love received.

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If we ever tend to forget, here is a Reminder of Divine Quality!


If I only could forget what I remember and remember what I forgot!
Thanks Anco.

What matters is that you

What matters is that you believe that there is a great love for you. Know My love.

Father, I know Your love, I know it's sweetness that melts me away and I surrender more and more and more of my being to you each day, each moment, with each breath.
