The Way a Tulip Rises to the Sun

God said:

Earth is filled with marvelous qualities. Look at the vitality and abundance of nature where you live. Nature isn't hobbled by any amount of strife. Roses bloom in war and in peace. Do you imagine that I would fill the Earth with greater than what I fill you with?

You are rich soil. You have infinite possibilities. I suppose it has to be said that you till the field of yourself. If you do not recognize that you are a field, how are you going to till it? This is easy tilling.

Schoolteachers and all the other teachers along the way may have given you the idea that you are not much at all. You may have even failed subjects in school, and so considered yourself a flop. Even if you succeeded in school, it was momentary, and you were not given all the feedback you deserved.

Now come onto the scale I offer you. On one side, I will weight the opinions of the world and your own self-evaluation, and on the other side of the scale, I will put the Truth of you. You already know which side weighs far more than the other.

I weigh your potential as well. I already know it, yet I weigh it for you. The lightness of your being that weighs nothing outweighs everything else.

I am telling you that you are a powerhouse. You have infinite power within you. You have hardly tapped the surface. Here you are sitting on a gold mine, and you don't know you are. You have settled for a lesser version. You may not even see yourself as a tin mine. You may not even see yourself as a mine at all. You may see yourself as a little bit of flattened-out top soil, going not deep at all.

You are a reservoir of Greatness. You are made of all the jewels in the world, and you can pluck out the jewels that you want to be. You can dig them out, polish them, and hold them up for all the world to see.

The world needs to see the Truth of you. You are not a cog in the wheel of life. You are the wheel itself, and so you have to spin and sparkle. You don't do this for yourself alone. You do this for Me, and you do this for world.

You have been holding yourself back because of your lack of belief in yourself and the world and Me. I am vested in you. Whatever the world may say, you are a jewel of My heart, and I ask you to reveal yourself, first to yourself, and then to the world. You can do this without saying a word. You don't have to tell anyone. You just have to start to reveal the great mettle that you are made of and then the gold that you are will shine and light up the world.

Light yourself up, please. See My light within you, this light I gladly have you call your own. Sit up straight. I am talking to you. You have not bet on yourself. Now I am asking you to place your bets. I assure you that you are a winner. No matter how desolate or undervalued you may personally feel, you haven't touched even the surface of yourself. And you have criticized the surface of yourself enough. Go deeper. Go beyond the fallen leaves that have kept your Greatness out of sight. Don't rake up those leaves. Just rise through them the way a tulip grows from a bulb in the soil. Surely, you can bloom. All you have to do is reach to the sun, beloveds.

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The world needs to see the Truth of you

You have infinite power within you. You have hardly tapped the surface. Here you are sitting on a gold mine, and you don't know you are.
Whatever the world may say, you are a jewel of My heart, and I ask you to reveal yourself, first to yourself, and then to the world. You can do this without saying a word.

I love you Sweetest Father / Mother / Love ..... and I take you at your very words, walking the Earth in Your Love and sharing Your Love with every breath and heartbeat so that it might multiply endlessly....

beyond the fallen leaves

This is so true, dear God, that I have been holding myself back because of my lack of belief in myself and the world and You.

For just a searing second here and there throughout this letter, You touch on what has been my experience. For instance: You may see yourself as a little bit of flattened-out top soil, going not deep at all. Yes, whatever I have tried to pretend, essentially this has been the true state of affairs. And I marvel again at how having my secret feelings acknowledged makes me breathe so much more easily.

There is in this Heavenletter what I think is an extremely important suggestion: You have not bet on yourself. Oh yes, I have tried to bet on everything else, therapy, spirituality, You know what I mean. I found that everything is mere hearsay or readwrite. I found that … are You sitting? … even God is. In fact, everything but myself is. Do You know how hard it is to say this? Who will know it's not cheap old self-centeredness or Cartesianism when I myself am not entirely sure it isn't. Well, this moment I'm sure it is not.

So now I bet on myself, only on myself. I did'n really choose it. It's what is left when everything else failed. Myself, my Self (in humble-looking correct spelling), has to be what God is. So, betting on myself, I'm really betting on God; it's just that "God" has become someone else through tradition and the recent rediscovery of the idea of Oneness, valuable as it is, has not gone beyond the level of theory yet. I bet on myself, knowing I'm betting on someone very lovely, someone unimaginably loveable, someone not openly met yet but undeniably there.

...I ask you to reveal yourself, first to yourself, and then to the world.

I will. I am placing my bets.

I bet on you too, beloved

I bet on you too, beloved Jochen. As I bet on you, it seems I also bet on myself.

Reading what you have written, I am strengthened.

All Mankind

Dearest Jochen,

I wish I could come right over to your house and give you a GREAT, BIG HUG! You speak for ALL MANKIND...
You express what we "think", but dare not to speak, even out loud to ourselves. Love to you and your family.

Nancy, dear industrious

Nancy, dear industrious volunteer for Heavenletters, thank you. Now just hug anyone or you or the spirit that makes us want to tell it like it is (hopefully without too much sentimentality, sweet or sour). Trying to tell it like it is, even if we are wrong, enhances our chance to find that which truly IS, right?

My family, at least the soul of it, my wife, is out of town to visit her very old mother; she will get her share of your hug tomorrow.

You are so powerful

G'day Jochem, Yes I have been holding myself back. 50 odd years ago I was shown the power within and I have not done anything with it. Just now God reminded me. Thank you God. I will do my best to use the power within, knowing I can and help others. I will ask Gods help and am confident I get it. Let us all help others and our beautiful world. Love you all. Jack

our beautiful world

How delightful you are, Jack. Yes, go ahead, go ahead.

Jack, it seems to me that

Jack, it seems to me that you and others have been doing just that right along!

Betting on one's self

Underbidding or overbidding for ourself will always be a mental exercise with a failure as a reward. As God said many times, you and I are a tandem. And there is a precious key in God's statement:

« You have been holding yourself back because of your lack of belief in yourself and the world and Me»

There is the Trinity key.

I like the idea of taking a breathe and breathing at the same time as God, synchronically. It is really Twonesse in Oneness. I can't think of any other way to work this bidding out.

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!

This is my solar return date and I am thrilled and delighted to have received such wonderful wisdom and love at the top of my day and the beginning of my new year, blessings and light to you always.

Does your solar return date

Does your solar return date mean your birthday? If yes, may it be the beginning of many more wonderful birthdays.

am stell thinking,,

dear God heavenley father,
i know it very late my letter to you,
i use my hoolday long to think about your letter today,
somthing of the key you giveng to os how to use it,
for my own openion i cary your light like a plag rise high
so eny one can see whith out words, but am stell thinking
how to use in our key you giveng and thank you very much,,
dear loveng God

Power to light up the world.

What are you filled with? At time distress, dismay, hurt and joy. Those are just sensual, temporary things that make you feel that you are a human being.

We are filled with power, love, light, divine inspiration and the divine sort of hormones that make us hungry for our Source. A deep, instructing letter.
