From a Greater Height

God said:

May countries be like Me and serve all the citizens of the world. Can you imagine Me serving one nation and not another? Can you imagine My holding on tight and calling it My duty? Of course, I am responsible to all. You are too. And countries are as well.

It is limited thinking that separates. More or less honorable reasons for separation are found, and yet they are excuses to uphold the concept of "me first." Whether "me first" is the theme of a country or an individual, it is short-sighted. It may be considered practical, yet it is not practical. It is cutting off the feet to fit the bed. It is not wise nor practical for nations or individuals to bar their hearts. A country's selfishness does not fly a flag of high-mindedness nor does an individual pin a medal on himself for his self-centeredness.

A country does ultimately do the bidding of its people. When enough individuals open their hearts wide, the nations they live in will also open their hearts. Instead of going by their fears, countries will go by their love. Instead of thinking: "We must keep others out for our own safety," they will be thinking: "What additions will those beyond our present borders bring to us? What greatness and gifts will they bring by their very desire to come live with us? What untold treasures with they bring to us? And what untold treasures will their children bestow? What would we be losing out on by our hard stand?"

What if countries didn't come from the premise that, for our own good, we must keep others out, but instead came from the premise of what goodness do we welcome to our shores? It is better to be thinking of friends rather than thinking of enemies. Isn't this common sense? What a difference does a tiny switch in thinking make when it goes from OFF to ON.

Sometimes I see countries seeing themselves as the hoi-polloi, debutantes or sororities or fraternities bent on keeping people out and allowing only a very select few in, and thus going by standards that may not truly benefit themselves. Does it have to be so hard to get into a sorority? What is a sense of superiority or snobbery worth? I thought humility merited more than pride.

I know you are on two sides of this issue. Certainly, there is a balance between caution and freedom. Welcoming doesn't mean laissez-faire. Welcoming means openness. Because a lion does not clamp his jaws and bite doesn't mean he is less of a lion. He has not abandoned his lionhood. He keeps his lionhood intact. He knows that the forest is for more than himself alone.

We have talked before about giving. There is more that you can give. There is more that you can let go of. I do not say that you must give away all your worldly goods to someone else. I ask all nations and you as individual not to clamp your jaws so tight. I ask that there be bigger thinking. I ask you to loosen the bars of your heart.

If all are your brothers, all are your brothers. If you are one with your brothers, then the world is also one. One world of love could not hurt anyone, beloveds. You would be adding to the coffers of the world. Let in greater vision. Let in more possibilities. Hardening of arteries is not something to recommend. Nor is hardening of hearts. Be of good heart and love your neighbor from a higher plane.

Read Comments

What a wonderful Letter,

What a wonderful Letter, dear God. It's like swimming in a cool lake on a hot day as we have them at the moment. I would love the whole world to read it. Well, a few people reading it and spreading the joyful anticipation from their heart is more potent.

Imagine a world where everyone cares only for her neighbor. Everyone simply gives whatever it is she is able to supply, be it goods or services or shelter or attention or whatever. There is not even barter, you simply give the bread from your bakery. And if you need bread, you simply go to the bakery to be given one. Or two. You are given as many as you want. You will never want more than you need. (The baker, by the way, does the same at the mill, the miller does the same at the farm and so on. There is no hole in the circuit.) First obvious effect: no hoarding. Second effect: no money. Third effect: no borders. Would such a world work in practical terms? I'm absolutely certain it would. It would even be able to produce high technology, scientific research, cutting-edge medicine – much more of it and incomparably better than today. What about freeloaders? Well, in such a world, can you imagine that anyone would not love to contribute?

I believe that even in purely practical terms and from a merely utilitarian point of vew such a world would work much better than the one we have. And how fast fear would dwindle, how fast love would spread and become commonplace.

I agree 100% with this beautiful Letter, Dear, no arguing, no protests as I usually have them. Okay, one thing: Please no sororities and fraternities.

Lovely to contemplate

Jochen, I have similar sentiments about this letter. When you think about the situation we face on earth, it is quite clear that we have enough resources to support everyone right now with all everyone needs and much more. The problem is not one of potential availability; it is one of the will and determination to share what we have. Why don’t we share more fairly? It seems to me that it must be our worldview and beliefs and fears that cause us to hoard and ignore the needs of others. If this is true, the answer is to somehow begin to see things differently, allowing our heart to guide us. These are interesting things to think about and lovely to contemplate the possibilities. I agree, a great letter.

Chuck you and Jochen are lions

You both speak with one voice, the voice of divine perception. Wow!


Welcoming means openness.

Welcoming means openness. Because a lion does not clamp his jaws and bite doesn't mean he is less of a lion. He has not abandoned his lionhood. He keeps his lionhood intact. He knows that the forest is for more than himself alone.

a wonderful Heavenletter !!!

much much love

"from an higher plane"

What a strange Heavenletter, it sounds like a pre-election politician's speech: "There is a balance between caution and freedom. Welcoming doesn't mean laissez-faire" and so on.
Until we will be seeing multiplicity, I say multitudes, and just one piece of pie, there will be no solution.

Great! You are getting even

Great! You are getting even better almost every day.

Truth can sound like a sales pitch. That's not a problem. A sales pitch trying to sound true, that's what has been our problem for at least the recorded part of history: Using half-truths – that toxic brew of what looks like facts and truly desirable things, mixed in with big fat lies – to promote our strictly self-serving purposes.

Heavenletters teach us to distinguish.
And since you are one who knows what is not a solution, you already know what is,

a true fan of yours

the Lion

We both know that a true lion ( not a pussy cat) knows there is ONLY HIM in the forest of his imagining.

Opening borders of our hearts and minds

Of course, I agree, we all should be citizens of the universe, being proud and exclusive is absurd.

you said: >>If all are your brothers, all are your brothers. If you are one with your brothers, then the world is also one.<<

Why are you excluding the women of this world? Certainly there's been enough of that.


Dear Lizzy, it's great to

Dear Lizzy, it's great to have you posting and to learn your point of view.

What you write is especially interesting because the blog published yesterday relates to what you are talking about!

Perhaps you will respond more to the blog.

And interestingly today I received an email regarding today's Heavenletter in which the lady thought God was being political!

Loving you, Gloria

P.S. Dear Lizzy, I meant to

P.S. Dear Lizzy, I meant to include that I am sure God was not leaving out our sisters. It's simply a figure of speech. No more is God a sexist than he is a politician. Loving you, Gloria

An invitation to BE

Just be who and what you are on the deep inside. Wake up and smell the roses.



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