The Sky Is Falling

God said:

When you feel that too much is going wrong and not enough going right, consider that you are mistaken.

Again and again, you come to grips with the apparent distance between what you want (what you think you want) and what occurs. You know you cannot change an event that has already occurred, and yet you relive it and try to undo it in your mind. You find the scene where you would step in and do something differently now.

You may try to change how you feel about it, but are unsuccessful. Now all you can do is let it pass. It already has.

Your choice is to aggravate over the apparent setback or leave it where it is.

There are many things you need to let loose of. Especially your thoughts. You have accumulated many. They are not precious gems to keep taking out to look at. They may have sharp edges. It is better not to tie yourself up in thoughts that do not give you joy nor move you forward. But you already know that.

Time and time again, We come up against the fact that you believe you need punishment. You flog yourself repeatedly for the same event. You don't even see the event as much as you see a lapse in your foresight and judgment. You think you should have seen it coming. You think you saw it coming but looked away. Your thoughts fill themselves up with remonstrance.

What if you were only kind and good to yourself? Not so particular. Not so demanding. What if you said to yourself, it's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to learn something. It's okay even to learn the same thing over and over again. It's okay to be imperfect. Will you grant yourself some leeway?

It doesn't matter. Whatever mistakes you have ever made, they don't matter. It doesn't matter. Mistakes are to be let go of.

It is hard for you to admit you are not always right. Your need to be right is so great that you will even go to great lengths to prove that you are right to have found yourself wrong. You etch instances of imperfection and make them an exquisite holding.

What is this value you find in holding yourself up as an example of error? What is good about making yourself feel bad? Who taught you that, and why did you learn it?

Begin to find the value in telling yourself that you are wonderful, with mistakes or without. Your life need not be made up of two columns. Surely, you are more than addition and subtraction.

All self-flagellation is ego song-and-dance. Pride or shame, glee or regret, come from the same face of ego. So you made choices. Do not shudder at them. Do not extol yourself for them either. The rightness of your choice does not really depend on what comes after it.

Be not the judger of yourself. You misjudge. All judging is amiss.

You were not set on earth to judge. You were set on earth to love. So even love your mistakes. You made them in good faith. You are not an expert in life. Did you think you had to be? Experts make weighty judgments. Make none.

Be a beginner in life.

All you can know is this moment. This moment is good. This moment consists of you and Me. We do not spend Our Oneness deploring what has been. Let's spend Our moment of now exploring the Oneness of Our love.

Read Comments

this is one of the Letters,

this is one of the Letters, Great, I love every word of it, rooted in God's Love,Your need to be right is so great that you will even go to great lengths to prove that you are right to have found yourself wrong. I could read it all the time, so timeless, so near to the HUMAN mind. thank you God...


golden words

"You were not set on earth to judge. You were set on earth to love. So even love your mistakes. You made them in good faith. You are not an expert in life. Did you think you had to be? Experts make weighty judgments. Make none." golden words, it makes you understand who we are and in which world we now live ... much much thanks to God


Thank you for pulling me

Thank you for pulling me back into this now moment, and let go of whatever happened a minute ago with all its replays in my head about who said what! Who am I to judge, another or myself? Always, I find heavenletters to be an answer to my questions in mind, exactly when I need them. I love the generator for its randomness; of course there is nothing random about synchronicities such as this. For all is miraculous and in divine timing.

Candy, Steve, all who

Candy, Steve, all who comment, please know how much your comments re-inspire me just when I need a nice jolt. Thank you. :)