The Rainforests of Love

God said:

Love is true, and love comes from the heart, and it is not true that love can be hurt, and yet I will say there is no Human heart that does not know hurt. Each heart carries its own subterfuge of ache.

There are no wounded hearts, for there is not a heart in the world that can exist without love. Where there is love, there is no wound. And it is an impossibility that even one heart without love can exist. Only hearts with love exist. And yet My children have had wounded hearts, and My children know what it is to have an aching heart.

You would spare all hearts pain. If you could deflect pain from even one heart, you would. You would like to prevent pain from any heart, and yet you have stomped on hearts. You have to admit it. But the heart you have stomped on most is the one located in your own chest. The way a man may beat his wife, you have become a heart-beater. You have restricted the beat of your heart. You have silenced it. You have downtrodden your heart. Your heart fears to distress you, and so you distress it. The more you pussyfoot around with your heart, the more pained it feels.

Your heart is incapable of being hurt, and yet you hurt it. The Truth of your heart is not what you have perceived. You have made your heart a fledgling bird not yet ready to fly. You have held it back by keeping it in a nest it long outgrew. Surely it is time now that you release your heart. Take off what you have bound your heart with. Take off the idea that your heart can be hurt. Stop hurting it. You have to let go of your heart, and you have to let go of those phantom wounds in your heart. The perceived wounds do not really require healing, or their healing lies in their being freed. You have held your heart in bondage for way too long.

Your heart is not meant for suffering. Your heart is made for freedom. Let your heart be free. Your heart knows better than you do what it should be. Your heart would like to free you from the bondage you have chained yourself to. You have protested the cutting of your heart in the same way you would chain yourself to a tree in order to prevent its being chopped down. Only you have pulled the chain too tight, and you are the one hurting the tree. Even though you mean to protect it, you have been hurting it.

Listen to Me. The best protection you can give your heart is to let it be free. Unbind it now. Rub its wrists. Get your heart's circulation back.

If you have covered your heart with ice, you did so with the idea of prolonging your heart's life, but you have been misguided. No heart is meant to be chilly. All hearts are meant to be warmed by the sun. Take those ice packs off. Simply throw them away. Ice melts. Your heart would not have to melt except you froze it.

Let your heart now be in the rainforests of love. Let the native drums of your heart beat with the audacity they are meant to. No heart was ever meant to be restricted. All hearts are meant to beat in the rhythm of nature and not to the rhythm of an imposed calculation. Your heart is best left to its own devices. It will get its rhythm back. You can be sure that your heart knows the song it is meant to sing, and sing your heart must, not a composed song you have laid out, but its own tune. Call it atavistic if you will, but let your heart be free to be a heart and not a man-made contraption tied to all kinds of concepts of your making. Unpain your hearts, beloveds. Let go of the myth of restriction as a holy thing. Let your heart beat in the freedom of love. Let your heart be what it is. Remember your heart is Mine. Would you really restrict My heart of love?

Read Comments

My Godness...Birthing a Heart of Love...

Yes! Freedom to your Heart and Mine...Freedom to Our the Heart of God. Just let it Love freely, a cool breeze on a moon-lit night...the Love from this Heart is so free that it can love anyone it wants...and it lovingly chooses YOU! Loving you always, caressing you always...Care-freeing you always...adoring you always. What is my main reason for being here on Earth and now here on Heavenletters? To Love YOU! And what is your reason for being here on the planet now? That is for you to discover...but if you ask me...the reason you are here is the same reason I am discover that your heart is in reality...filled with love. And how to know this? to begin to love another thing or person...perhaps a flower or the face of a friend!!!!In daring to really do will discover your very own Heart. Jim(i).

"Each heart carries its own subterfuge of ache."

This sweet Writer encapsulates HeavenLetter writers deepest thoughts:
Jochen, Berit, smichael, Gloria and all her crew combine to put to words a story that can't be told, that has no hold on our noisy brain that plays out the fiction of the great Earnest HummingWay. Of course HIS (God's) Fiction flows from love, flows from divine imagination in the same manner that we were formed in HIS image (imagining) from before the Beginning of what Became.
We tune into GOD'S Humming as we grow into HIS form while growing into our own form. His HUM becomes Berit's pretty flower, or Alohalight's deep and gentle words or Gloria's eternal gaze. It also reminds us that our very human form brings pain, or gain, or a chance to feel again the gentle rain of HIS caring. To try to put into words the mystery of this kind of love is mirrored in these words from the Rainforest of Love. How love filled!
The heart not meant to suffer, learns from that very suffering, to look higher, reach higher, climb higher, and in a way, think higher. This letter helps us lonely people to do just that.
George, blinking away the tears of a JOY once his own but now she has her own and he's alone..

Beloved George, you know you

Beloved George, you know you are never alone. You, above all, know that. You know your beloved wife of 63 years is with you where she is always was. And you know God is, and all the people here. One who gives so much love as you do, why, you are filled with love.

Nevertheless, it's not easy when a dearly loved one leaves the physical world. Even when we know she hasn't left you, her dear husband.

God bless you.

With love,


"you know you are never alone"

Darling Unmentionable:

My thoughts tumble over each other in a futile attempt to express wonder at such love. I'll never be able to say how much you mean to me and Adaire, my darling exwife. She probably has the same problem. Thanks for being You!

George blinking even more

Hi George...

So great to have you here on this web site. Thank for your beautiful, loving presence that helps all of us...and the whole universe too, Love and Blessings, Jim and Jimi.

"Thank for your beautiful, loving presence"


Your words to me are an invitation to live larger, more expansive.
To live in such a way that I express the feelings the likes of you
raise up in me. Your comments are always deep and filled with
a meaning deep in eternities mysteries. You help me be me.

George pretending to be a humming bird.

Beloved George, Adaire is

Beloved George, Adaire is not your exwife, not by a long shot. Her passing does not cut into your beautiful love for each other. You took a vow until death do you part, and death does not part, so there!

You took a vow until death do you part, and death does not part,

Nameless Darling:
I cross my heart and hope to die so I'll never tell another lie! OK, she's not my ex-wife!
I think it's the divine humming that stirs my heart in a way that makes me burst with inexpressible joy.
It's funny, how this sort of bliss makes me cry even as I type these words of futile explanation.
I sit here before my computer screen and read Jim's love words.
I read on down to were adorable Karen write a haiku just for this old crumpled heart.
I try to fathom the depth of darling Gloria's wisdom unfolding God's TRUTH in a way
that brings a gasp of glorious knowing how HE calms the raging sea inside my searching soul.
So I cry. What else is there to do? This love cracks my hardened shell so that the tender roots go down
the green shoots go up. So low and behold; here comes a NEW DAY and it's all because of YOU.
George, wrinkled, blinking and in love with you all.

Here comes a new day because

Here comes a new day because of YOU.

Dear George, This one's for

Dear George,
This one's for you-two,

Eternal Heartbeat
Of Beloved George Adaire
The twain of One Love

Love, Light and Aloha!

"The twain of One Love"

Karen Darling:

You words flow into my heart like NEWNESS birthed in hope.
Can you dream the scope of what you do to this old broken heart?
Can you know the depth of such unconditional love on one who searches all heaven
just to inhale the flowing breeze of the words you choose for me?
My heart says THANKS HONEY!
You can't know the impact of your words on this surrendered one.
George blinking less but breathing more

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said it is time
Beloveds listen to Me
Let your heart be free

Love, Light and Aloha!