The Power of the Universe

God said:

You can only progress. Setbacks are only setbacks. You are with Me. What can a setback do to you? You can only grow. You are further along than you were yesterday. Beloveds, there are only seeming setbacks. No matter how dire-seeming, setbacks are only a pebble in your shoe. Empty your shoe, and keep on walking.

Even agony is only agony, beloveds. No matter how deep, it is a sham. Agony does not penetrate your Being. Your Being is inviolate. Of course, it is.

Not even death of your body affects you. You think it does. Everybody thinks it does no matter the words he speaks. Everyone may attest to Eternity, yet would fervently like to postpone indefinitely the onset of bodily death as if death were real, as if death were so real you must outsmart it. Everyone seems to be a now person in the sense that he wants all he wants now. The fact is that you do have all you want now. You do have immortality. You were never without it. You are the one hung up on the shifts and changes and chimera of the world.

You are immortal whether your body lives a year or a hundred and twenty years. There is simply no end to you, beloveds. Is there an end to Me?

It is not easy for you to get your mind around Eternity, Immortality, Life etc.

You may not adore all of the life you are living, yet, by and large, you do not want to leave it. Perhaps you think you would be abandoning yourself. Oh, no, you go wherever I AM, beloveds. You are with Me.

Understandably, you are caught up in the extant world. You have time and space and all the details they incur. The first of the month rolls around, and you have to pay bills whether you have the money or not. You have to be at work on time whether you want to or not. And you have to clean house and wash dishes whether you have the energy to or not. Where is there time for you to simply be? Where is that place of Beingness in your life? It may seem to you to be hidden somewhere, yet it is more consuming than your overt occupation with time and space. Of course, Being is more powerful than the shreds of time and space that encumber you. What are you to do, beloveds? What are you to do?

Then simply BE while you earn a living and take care of seemingly insurmountable time and space. Acknowledge your Beingness. Let awareness of your Beingness slip into a pocket of your mind. You keep awareness of money worries and some such there in your mind. Now make room for your awareness of Being. You are a Being, beloved. You truly live in Being. You are the power of the Universe.

Just know that you are more than you seem to be. All sentient beings are more than they seem to be. All of life is more than it seems to be. Even a word is more than it seems to be. I, too, am more than the world takes Me for. Surely, you are more than the world takes you for.

But never mind the world for a moment. Take yourself as great and take what you call problems as less significant. It is hard not to laugh when you consider the truth of you in comparison to the illusion of yourself that you have incorporated, wrapped around yourself, and delved into like the encyclopedia or dictionary. Beloveds, you are the power of the Universe.

Read Comments

Surely, you are more than the world takes you for.

Today I totally get what You are saying and I am at peace and one with this message, it completely resonates with me. The light comes when I need it but I must practice to accept it by sharing the true feelings and emotions, they really can serve as a navigator along the way. Strong words "Beloveds, you are the power of the Universe." So it does not matter at all if our focus is a tight one or a wide one, am I right? Blessed, be the peace.

Nirmala, I struggle to

Nirmala, I struggle to reconcile the Human and the Divine.

You make an excellent point about sharing our true feelings and emotions.

I accept everything God says in Heavenletters. That's all I know, what God says in Heavenletters, and a lot of that I forget. I do understand that our thoughts and emotions are key. God says we serve Him and the Universe best when we are happy.

If you mean by tight focus even loving one tiny leaf and by wide you mean loving further, I think it wouldn't matter. The love matters.

But, for instance, if someone in the business world is focusing on taking advantage or he is focusing on giving, then it matters a great deal. Our intentions, motivation, and actions matter.

If we are the Power of the Universe, it must be that we have to focus on matters beyond ourselves. Our power has even created wars. We are indeed powerful. We can do better than that.



Yes, today, i will allow and allow all throughout the day the awareness of BEINGNESS
yes, BEINGNESS will i breathe in all this day, and I shall remember that BEING, SACRED


Gloria hears God tell us: "Just BE!"

"To BE or not to BE is not the question..." Oh, isn't it? Is there something more noble or more precious.

Don't you wish you could push a button to accomplish this undoable task.
That's right, you can't do a thing that you already are doing.

You can't help but BE what you BE. It's a little like saying: "I thing I'll try to exist this afternoon." Perhaps you'd like to try being conscious.

The question is never to BE or not to Be, The question is not whether to exist or not to exist, or whether to be conscious or not to be conscious. The question is: "How to BE in the holy instant of now" how to center your life experience always and only in the sacred, divine instant of presence in the NOW. That's where the POWER is.

The trick is to keep it in the NOW, live it in the now, focus only on living in the NOW. The future is a comic book unwritten. The past is your novel being written by your thought life as it bumps into your kids, husband, girl friend, Gloria, and any number of life things that try to push our consciousness backwards in the novel, or forwards in the unreal comic book.

Do as this letter suggests: "BE!" but only in the NOW!



George, I love the way you contrast: "The question is not whether to exist or not to exist" with "The question to center your life experience always and only in the sacred, divine instant of presence in the NOW." How true! Whether we exist or not exist is a given; we have no control over it. Whether we center ourselves in the now is the real question we are always answering. You are always amazing, George.

Where is there time for you to simply be?

Maryann says:

Yes, today, i will allow and allow all throughout the day the awareness of BEINGNESS yes, BEINGNESS will i breathe in all this day, and I shall remember that BEING, SACRED BEINGNESS IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL THAT SEEMS TO BE WITHIN TIME AND SPACE!

This is so powerful. I experimented with it the whole day and found it to be exactly true.

Equally powerful and moreover stating what I believe is the secret of reading Heavenletters is what Gloria says:

I accept everything God says in Heavenletters.

In my case, I am not always able to accept right away, but I so want God to be right that usually sometime later I do accept and find myself relieved.

This Heavenletter may be the most practically helpful one I have seen so far. It asks me to simply Let awareness of [my] Beingness slip into a pocket of [my] mind.

As long as I do not ask or try to understand what Beingness is, I find I know what it is; I find I know how to be aware of it alongside time and space and all the details they incur. It is a strange sense of staying in two worlds that are different but not in conflict. Eating my sandwich on a mountaintop as I did today, I remember the Beingness in a pocket of my mind; it gets vast as soon as I focus on it. Beingness and eatingness are compatible, they even interpenetrate.

Is it simply a matter of getting used to remembering that pocket of my mind where Beingness always is, always available? You look up (even without physically looking up) from what you are doing and thinking or from what is happening around you, and you reach into that pocket, and there is Beingness. In the end it all seems very simple, but it may take many years to become able/willing to hear it. Beingness. Words can say vastly more than what they denote.

Jochen's question requires a nickle on the needle.

Precious Jochen you ask: "Where is there time for you to simply be?"
If being were of time we could feel it.
If being were touchable we could touch it.
If being were doable we would try to do it.
Stop being and you get that "oh he looks so natural." statement.
You don't have to do anything to be.
Being in the Now is the only thing to think about.
Try being out of the now and you see that it's only a state of mind.
You strike me as a Being who knows about BEING.


More clarity

Jochen, you say: "As long as I do not ask or try to understand what Beingness is, I find I know what it is;" What a tremendously insightful reminder! This is so true. Trying to understand never gets us there, it gets us to analyzing and reasoning. But quieting this mind chatter does get us there because with the mind quiet, only being is left. I love the things you say, Jochen.

Chuck is right on!

Quieting the brain enough to let the mind drift into the Presence of Life itself brings us quickly past the so called understanding stage of consciousness right into the sprouting stage of knowing what we're growing.


You are with Me.

You are with Me. What can a setback do to you? You can only grow.
Not even death of your body affects you.
Acknowledge your Beingness.
You are a Being, beloved. You truly live in Being. You are the power of the Universe.

Love you so much.

The meaning of illusion

Thank you, Berit, for bringing me back to this lovely Heavenletter to reconsider its messages. Though I don’t remember it well, I obviously read it and was one of those who commented on it. I still agree with all the comments, but now I see some new aspects I would like to comment on.

Like, Jochen, I also have some problems with certain ideas that are often central to God’s messages in these letters. One stumbling block for me is the concept of illusion. To call my physical life and body an “illusion” connotes a lack of importance, almost as if life is a mistake or distraction from what is real and important. This seems to contradict other Heavenletter messages in which our physical lives and the universe are described as wonderful gifts from God. Which is it? Is life an illusion of no real importance to be tolerated and moved on from as quickly as possible, or is it to be treasured and plunged deeply into and appreciated with every fiber of my being?

I certainly resonate powerfully with the idea of physical life as a treasured gift, but what of this idea of life as illusion? Maybe the problem that gives rise to the dichotomy of this question arises from the word illusion itself and how I understand its implications.

I usually take the meaning of the word illusion as all-encompassing: something is either not actually there (illusion) or it is real and solid and can be depended on (truth). We describe the vision of an oasis out in the desert as an illusion when what we see is just a trick of light refracting and our imagination telling us a watering hole is there when it is not. Of course, there is another sense in which we use the word illusion, we can be talking about the meaning we attach to what we are actually seeing and experiencing. In this sense the illusion isn’t out there, it is in us. One example from this letter is that we watch plants, animals and other people’s bodies die all the time. That the living physical bodies are gone is not illusion, but that this means that my consciousness will be permanently obliterated when my body dies is the true illusion.

Another example is that we sometimes experience attacks of others or “bad luck” that make us feel like an innocent victim, but in truth we create our experience through our thoughts in ways that we are just now becoming aware of. Death, pain and unpleasant events do happen to us so they are in that sense real, but they are also an illusion that we are victims. Berit, in today’s comment, selects highlights from this letter that point to the truth behind our illusory interpretations of these events. This way of looking at the concept of illusion helps me to see what Jochen describes as “staying in two worlds that are different but not in conflict.”

This resolves one question, but leaves me with another: Which view of the world do I accept as the foundation upon which I build my life? Do I accept the physical as real and the spiritual truths Berit has highlighted as only lovely possibilities to consider, or do I accept the spiritual view portrayed here as the basis of my life and try to constantly keep its perspective in mind? I have built my life in the past pretty much on the physical view of things, but now I have the sense that this physically based worldview is being dissolved and re-constructed through my attention to this work. To the extent that my previously unquestioned assumptions are being replaced in this way, my life is feeling more calm and optimistic and fulfilling.

Love and peace to all.


shifts and changes and chimera

How lovely to see you answer all your own questions in your last sentence, Chuck.

I think we are still having difficulties with our insitence on either … or. An often-used synonym for illusion in Heavenletters is imagination. Everything is only imagined. Space, time and matter and therefore bodies do not exist as solid realities in themselves. They are images like dream images. It's all right to take them for real to a degree where they can be enjoyed and played with. Taking imagined things too seriously means we will dread braking and losing them. That's when they become illusion. There is a middle way between "all is really nothing" and "all is solid reality". I believe we are called upon to find it.