The Magnificent Beauty of Life

God said:

Will you do a favor for Me and acknowledge how beautiful you are, and how beautiful you are to Me? Will you acknowledge how lovely you are and that you are a blessing on Earth? If you are reading this, you can know you are a blessing. And if you are not reading this, you may not know, yet still you are. Would I make anything but blessings? I make only blessings and good fortune. You are My fortune, beloveds. You are the goods I lay up in Heaven. You are My specialty. Must you find fault with My wares? Would you really return yourself for a better model?

I don’t care what shape or form you are in. It makes no difference to Me what you look like, what you have done. Assuredly, if I tell you to let go of the past, would I do less? Would I recommend anything to you and ignore it myself? I know better than to give a backward glance to the past. Therefore, the past does not exist. Only with your attention on it does the past become a reference point. You give the ethereal ephemeral infernal past too much weight.

You want life to be filled with great events. You want the past to be something vital. In that sense, you may even accept trouble over evenness, unmitigated woe over unadorned enjoyment. You design certain embellishments for the character you play. You would choose drama any day. You are indentured to melodrama. You like having a story to tell. You like being the dramatic interest. You have chosen emotion over just simple being beautiful, over simply being.

Now I ask you to choose to be nothing at all! Just to be. You don’t have to be of great note in the world in order to be significant. Signify Me, beloveds. Am I not enough? Signify the abounding glory that is to come. Be still. Do you hear life on Earth ascending? Do you feel it?

You don’t need any fanfare. You need quietude, beloveds. You do not need sensational. Ordinary is good enough. How extraordinary ordinariness is! No one seeks it, and yet it is a mainstay. It anchors you to one-pointedness. Have a lovely ordinary day.

Is it ordinary to lie on your back on the grass, chew a blade, study the sky? You might think nothing of it, and yet that is the making of you. Who says there is nothing free? I set no limits. All is free for the asking. You do not need a new Lamborghini in order to enjoy the trees and the air and the canopied sky? All that is needed is you, beautiful you.

If you could but see with My eyes, you would know the immensity of your beauty, and, so, you would know the beauty of everyone and everything. You would only know beauty. You wouldn’t waste your time on something less. When you can have beauty, why would you be so foolish as to choose something less? Of course, you tend to do that every day. You even take books out of the library that do not serve you nor do you justice. You watch movies that forget the beauty of life. You may lead a life that takes you away from the magnificent beauty of life. Now I say, get it back! Hasten to the beauty within and open it up, toss it to the winds, and let it fall where it may. Mark your life on the winds, beloved. Set sail for the horizon. It is so close, so close, you can almost touch it.

Read Comments

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said why choose less
Signify Me beloveds
Am I not enough

Love, Light and Aloha!

What an empowerment and what

What an empowerment and what love again!!!

Why do we resist these gifts and the reality that we are? "Now I ask you to choose to be nothing at all! "and "Just to be".......says God, and then, "Hasten to the beauty within and open it up........."

So simple, so beautiful and so true!

I felt like this is a

I felt like this is a message from God as i ponder upon my own life. I haven got much wealth, and even my career is like a flop..... i'm literally back to square one.....

During my career period, i worked really hard but i don't get recognition and i'm still an exec, now most of my friends are some companies' managers and i'm purely concentrating on my own business.... though not much profits i'm happy for a while., as it's very important for me to have my own freedom.

Although i'm married, i'm not really happy........ i felt that is meaningless to be alive....

I wonder what's my life purpose here that I have chosen to be here? Everything is not moving as fast as i want to reading this letter makes me feel that i should enjoy my freedom now , as in future who knows i'll be very successful and very busy and perhaps feeling alive again.....

Does one have to be

Does one have to be successful in the world's eyes in order to be happy?

I'm grateful to you for reading Heavenletters and for posting your honest comment.

God bless you a thousand times over.

With love,


Dearest Jurae, I thank you

Dearest Jurae,

I thank you very much for sharing so openly. We have some things in comon, I can well understand how important freedom is for you, so if now you have more freedom than others, enjoy it, it's ok. If you aren't a manager of some company or other, probably this is not what you want to be. Mabe you still have to find what you would love doing with all your heart. I don't think making comparisons brings much because we are all different, what is wonderful for me could be awful for you.
Life not moving so fast as we want it is ok, it gives you time..... enjoy and play with it. Think of who you want to BE and not too much of what you want to do in your life. Not doing too much or not being busy as many other does not mean being less alive, for your feeling alive and feeling joy and gratitude comes from within. The Universe is perfect the way it is for it follows the divine plan, and you play your part in it, having a break is ok, is wonderful really! If you sit on a mountain top OMing 24 hours a day doing nothing else it would be perfectly ok!!
I send you a big big hug and I hope to read more of you very soon dear !

Love and blessings

nothing at all

Now I ask you to choose to be nothing at all! Just to be.
Xenia already highlighted this (a few days before I found Heavenletters in November 2007).

There is something I feel is coming, and this "nothing at all" captures it even though I don't quite see why and how.

Running a search for "nothing at all," I find:

And wherever you thought you were, whatever you thought surrounded you, why, there was nothing at all.

Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

... spontaneity does not come with a manual. That’s just it. It comes with nothing at all.

Well, you don't have to understand. That is the dilemma you are in, for you are sure something is happening when nothing is happening, nothing at all.

There is nowhere, beloveds. There is nothing. All that is evident to you is nothing. There is no time, no distance, there is nothing at all.

And much much more, 13 pages of results. But what about it? It feels like it is about really dropping every experience, every incident, every minute as soon as it's over and then also drop all thoughts that want to come up about it and drop them as often as they come up again. And there is so much more to drop, for instance most plans, all thoughts about dreaded, difficult or invonvenient future events, annoyances as soon as they come up. The new thing is that they all seem to want to comply now. But enumerating things does not really draw a picture. It is something about taking no thought for the morrow, about the lilies in the field and similar things. Beyond their eternal beauty, now these words seem to want to become true. It feels like the end of all cares and like great joy, like being on the verge of turning over just everything to … nothing at all.

thank you Jochen...

Thank you Jochen for this nothing at all "thing" It is so relaxing and what a relief! Love, Jim and Jimi.

Thank you, Jim. It's a

Thank you, Jim. It's a mystery how this can be forgotton again, how the worrying and reminiscing can start over again, rejecting the bread and the wine again and again.