The Idea of Angels

God said:

There are no ends and there are no beginnings. Just rolling of the wheel. The wheel of life does not need to be pushed nor pulled. It goes along on its own momentum. Only, of course, you can jiggle it every now and then.

Up hill or down dale, you ride along, bumps and all. Eventually, you hop off and get a ride in an upward-moving celestial carriage. You transfer from one vehicle to another. You exchange one passage for another. You sort of hitchhike and find another ride. And now that which you thought of as past recedes in the distance, and you come to know that you are a Rider of the Universe, and that your ride always included Heaven. You just weren't aware of the stops you made.

The golden carriage you ride in now became complete as soon as you entered it and leant back on its pillow. The realization finally dawns on you that, despite what you saw as otherwise, you have always been riding in this golden chariot. Seemingly horses pulled the cart, but truly the chargers were angels of light. Pulled by angels, driven by angels, this golden capsule of light also holds only angels. You begin to realize who you are.

What is the difference between you and the light energy known as angels? Are you not all My Messengers? Encapsuled in bones and flesh or not, you shine the same light the angels do. Are you not the light of My life, the holder and beholder of My love? Are you not My messengers strewn around the universe like confetti on New Years' Eve? Only, unlike confetti, you do not land. Or, if you land, you barely touch the ground and you rise up again. Angels know they fly. You think you bobble.

If you were not encased in a body, what would you have to fret about?

Angels do not fret. Isn't that so? But how do you know that except that you have had experience as an angel? Does that seem farfetched to you, that you are not made of sinew, but only housed in it? How would angelness be so familiar and understandable to you had you not experienced it? You have very few questions to ask about angels and so many to ask about the inhabitants of Earth.

Heaven is much more understandable to you than Earth. In fact, Earth is incomprehensible. It is incomprehensible because it is alien to you. You have even said to yourself, more than once, "What am I doing here? How did I get here? What on Earth is this all about?" Have you not said this? Even those of you who do not believe in Me, have you not said, "God, make some sense of this."

On the other hand, the idea of angels makes your heart sing. Your heart accepts the energy of angels while, when it comes to people, your confused mind goes back and forth.

If those around you did not inhabit bodies, you would not be confused about them either. You would begin to see that which you already know very well but do not yet acknowledge. Why not stir this knowledge within you that longs to be lit by the light of day? Why not? The realms of Heaven are known to you. It is this strange land you think you're on that is not.

Heaven isn't the puzzle. Earth life is. But only because you are temporarily sporting around in a body. Yet your body isn't King. Your soul is.