The Good Ship Infinity

God said:

To what end do you consult with angst? It seems that you explore it. You carry it with you as a talisman, as though angst were your good luck charm.

You could be carrying easy-goingness, and yet you have chosen to carry angst and all its subsidiaries. One day you favor straight-out fear. Another day floating anxiety. Another day panic. I will not go into all of the vagaries of angst. You are familiar enough with the whole family.

I think you have gone on a ride you don’t have to take. You don’t require it. You have explored angst and all its shades as though you were duty-bound to know it intimately. Beloveds, you don’t have to know angst. You don’t have to worry and fret about one thing. You can take care of what you fret about if it is yours to take care of. And if you cannot take care of it, then let it go on its way. When whatever you have feared does come to pass and assault you, face it then when it appears. You don’t have to face it ahead of time. You don’t have to fantasize it.

Let Us say you fear for the life of a loved one. Enjoy the time you have with a loved one. Why would you squander that time on worry when you could be loving your loved one now?

Do you see how practical I am, and how impractical you have been? Practice what I practice. Do as I do. I carry the whole world in My heart. I don’t waste My time on worry. Of course, I am timeless. That is just the point. So are you.

We have Eternity to work things out. There is no end to anything. It never began, and it never ends. We just keep chugging along. Whistle a happy tune. Whistle while life works itself out. Do not be a doom-sayer. Be a light-bringer. When there is no ending, there can be no doom. Do not be so concerned with the finite. The Infinite is much more digestible. It is also more attractive. Consider the finite world an itch. Infinity is beyond itching. Infinity doesn’t swagger, yet it walks tall.

The finite world may crawl. It may kick. It may kick and scream. It may falter. The Infinite world knows none of this. The Infinite world knows what is meritorious and what to take note of.

You study the finite world. You try to figure it out. All the while, you could be riding in Infinity. The fact is that you do ride in Infinity. All the time that you are fussing with the finite world and perceived problems, you are sailing on the Good Ship Infinity. What do you gain by seeing otherwise? Perhaps you give yourself the idea that you are a hands-on handler of the finite. Beloveds, the finite is handling you.

You are of two minds. You have eyes that swivel. You can look up. You don’t have to look down. Be the greatest problem-solver in the world, and problems will still greet you. They rise one after the other regardless. They will greet you, on your terms. They will greet you, and how problems love to be fussed over. They will gravitate to you who gives them the importance they desire. They will greet you like old friends, even though they just saw you yesterday.

Give well-being importance instead. Favor it. Make well-being your pet. Take it for walks. Make well-being and good fortune your attention-getters. Come, abide with Me.

Read Comments

thank you of your suport,

dear God heaenley father,
of your suport in my felling and thank you of your whespher,
in my ears, all my wory and angs am sorender to you everything,
my fameley, i can not cary this all my wory and angs,
and i know my heart i trust in you, i know every -one of as
you cary as to the light,, i dont want give deses to my self
of wory and angs ensted i have to give balsam in my mind
and my heart to go away all my wory and angs,
i know i love my fameley bery much, also i have to think my self somtimes,
thank you dear God your suport,

Carmen: Your words explode our hearts!

Carmen I want to thank you for always being willing to try to show us LOVE at work in you. You make our hearts burst with love. That's what you do!


Thank You Sweet Heaven Letters

Dear Lord, thank you for your beautiful message. Today your message has lifted a great compression on my heart. This heart felt letter is not only a letter to Us, it is a letter to our heart and soul, spirit and bodies. As we walk in angst, we get used to wearing a heavy cloak of worry, fret and anxiety. I surrender all my worries to you Dear Lord, and allow You to decide what is best for us. "having trust in the moment rather than questioning it" is my new motto. It is Your Love, God, that can heal our hurting hearts and give us the inspiration to know we don't have to opt for anxiety but instead peace. Please spread this message across the world so every soul can read this.

Lots of love and Light



Throughout this day, when anxieties and fears and doubts come to visit, I shall stop and say, "Remember what today's

Heaven Letter says, "you're riding the GOOD SHIP INFINITY, not on the whirling cars at an amusement park. I am determined





Mary is as sparkly as the Capitian of the good ship Infinity.

Mary you write your words with the Pen of LIGHT!


On not being a problem-solver

This letter begins to address two stumbling blocks I am still working on. The first is the worry that things in the world are going badly and some major conflagration might occur and bring an end to many, many people’s lives. Like what happened in World War II, only worse. “We have Eternity to work things out. There is no end to anything.” This is very reassuring. I would read into this that no such disaster is in our future. Or if there is, it is meant to be and it does not have the disastrous consequences that I have imagined.

The other stumbling block, somewhat related to the one I just described, is how to make best use of my time. I have been a “problem-solver” all my life. This quote from this letter is a tough pill for a problem-solver to swallow: “Be the greatest problem-solver in the world, and problems will still greet you.” We are clearly directed to bring light into the world, but how do we do this without solving problems? I think I have an idea of what this directive is getting at, but I’m going to have to give it a lot more thought and meditate on it a while, I guess.

Chuck walks on water with water wings.

We act like flowers that live in terror of blooming.

That's a blooming shame. Seed making is part of the Dream.


How are we using Time?

Dear Chuck,
in your post you bring under the spotlight the perfect perceived opposition between God's view of who we are and our personal view of what we think we are. It brings also under this same spotlight the question of the real foundation of scientific knowledge and practices.

We have all noticed that in Heavenletters God apparently never proposes any "concrete", scientific and technical solutions to all problems facing humanity: demography, energy, ecology, psychological and emotional distress, sexuality, etc. His only law is Love which is supposed to free us from worries, anxieties and bring us perfect calm, quietness all the time.

Consequently, we worry about the way the worlds affairs are going. Apocalypse? Permanent peace on Earth after how many eons? How can we reconcile those two views?

God maintains firmly that the only thing we have to learn is Love and nothing more. And, as a Teacher, God will not be satisfied with His teaching function (as He does through Heavenletters) until it constitutes all our learning. And His teaching function is to be maintained until we have become such consistent learners that we learn only of Him. We could say this represents God's use of time. Time is synonym of teacher in which to learn.

We experience "perceived" discouragement, and it makes us worried, anxious , through our belief that all of this takes time and that the results of God's teaching are far in the future. But for God this is not so. He has His Own way of using time and He is not bound by it. We have our own way of using time and we are bounded by it. The ego, in its mimic of God's teaching, uses time to convince us of the goal and end of teaching. But what is ego's teaching if not that death is the goal, death only meaning that there is a end to life? Isn't science's aim and struggle to drive back the expiry date of death? God teaches us that the goal is life, a life which has no end.

About problem-solving.
This is another conflicting view with God's view. In God's view, if we are willing to recognize our problem, we will recognize that we have no problems. God has answered our one central problem and there is no other problem. The answer was given over and over by God: we are innocent, guiltless and sinless. Our real problem-solving issue depends on recognizing this one problem, and understanding that it has been solved. One problem, one solution. All the problems of the worlds sum up to one single problem and it has been solved. We are innocent.

There is only one solution to all our problems. The self we made can never be our real Self. So we have to give up our faked identity and assume the only Identity we really all share with God. Otherwise we are simply sending to God the message that He cannot handle the world He created, that the world He created got out of control.

That is the basic difference between God's use of Time and our own personal use of time. Which one is fictive?

Angst is our birth garment.

The dream of being born leads us to finite consciousness.

As earth dwellers we come to believe the lie that we are human.

Heaven Letters shows us who we really are. At times we doubt it, but that's ok.

Everyone wakes up to discover that they are infinite and incorporeal. They are the "Forever kids of God." Act like King's Kids. You are.


See without your eyes, think without your brain

Does not the darkness of angst and its subsidiaries come from a sense of weakness and limitedness? Does not strength comes from a sense of light and illimitedness? Light and strength go together, so is it for darkness and weakness.
Ego is always fearful and angry because it rose from darkness, so it is always weak and needs to convince you of his strength in order to survive. That is why ego has to tie you up with your body and its eyes and brain. That way, ego makes you believe you can change what you see by putting varied kinds of lenses before your eyes. Ego can convince you that you are a body and that the body's eyes can see.

The ego also uses your brain to give you the illusion you are thinking. Ego convinces you that the body's brain can think. This is magical belief in man's supreme achievement in science and technology. It is like if science held the match that could light the sun and gives its light and warmth. It is insane of course but everybody believes it. The apparent limitations of the physical world and the physical laws that express it are but a symbolic projection of the personal mind through its own invention of the finiteness. (How can you create anything but limits when you decide to separate?) But by projecting itself in the outside world, the personal mind believes that what it sees in the outside world is reality. And reality is a threat.

Angst comes basically from "private relationships" which in turn come from separation. God does not know of specific relationships. How can human relationships, and especially the select or private ones, which are almost totally based on the body, through physical presence, express nothing but a sense of the original separation from the Infinite? Relationships established with the personal self can only mean to get something for yourself and holding the perceived giver through guilt, also holding yourself and the other through a sense of sacrifice. Hence angst.

Angst and its subsidiairies rest on the illusion of the independance of the body, with its senses and its brain. By believing in the independance of the body, we can believe we can keep our thought system private and just build outside relationships with bodies. We can reach a point where we will see safety in guilt and danger rather than in our Oneness with God. Ego is such a trickster that it will make you believe that union with the Infinite will cause loneliness while loneliness will be solved by guilt and angst, and reclaiming sacrifice from you and the others.

"I think you have gone on a ride you don’t have to take. You don’t require it. You have explored angst and all its shades as though you were duty-bound to know it intimateley."

When we think we are "seeing" with our body's eyes it is our weakness that sees through our physical eyes. When we think we are thinking with our brain, it is our weakness that thinks through our brain. That is where the raft of "finity" leads us. Infinite and redundant circles.

It is not our body's eyes that see, it is not our body's brain that think. It is God's strength in us that is the light in which we see Reality. It is God' mind with which we Think Truely. And Love must be the Only and One Relationship. That is where the Good Ship Infinity leads us.

Nirmala isn't afraid of the dark.

I love the way Nirmala helps us understand that even private relationships are part of our make believe love story. He helps us know that love covers us fully.


You use smiles. You use actions.

"Words do not express. They convey something, they give a hint, but they do not begin to express. What can the little word Love be next to what it represents? What quatrain can the four letters reveal?
The same with the word God for Me or any word for Me – words can only convey a smidgeon, a blurred image. How brave are the words that try to represent Me.
And how brave are you to use them! On paper, the best you can do is to use words...Do not misunderstand Me. I am glad for your words that begin to reveal the consciousness of the One Above Compare."
HL 2577

Hello Friends,

God said you are love
Rightfully and truthfully
For you are My love

God said deploy Me
Send Me out into the world
In smiles and actions

God said picture Me
As it is I Am pure light
Reflected in you

Love, Light and Aloha!

3 haikus from alohalight

Nirmala makes wisdom alive and active

Nirmala you put Tinker Bell more than a sound of love.
The joy your words bring are love chopping wood, or mowing grass.
Yes, doing dishes too.


Goerge's Longing

sun, snow, rain is Heaven's small longing for earth, mowing grass, chopping wood, doing dishes is earth's small longing for Heaven, it resonates and breaths.

See words become living truth

This sings the unsingable song of living love.
This love ascends to heaven to grow as life's hymn of praise


to Nirmala, George

"Do you know how beautiful you are?
I think not, my dear.
For as you talk of God,
I see great parades with wildly colorful bands
Streaming from your mind and heart,
Carrying wonderful and secret messages
To every corner of this world..."



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