The God in You

God said:

Tell yourself that you are invulnerable. Tell yourself that you are Magnificence Itself. Tell yourself that God walks on Earth in the form of you, that no matter how misshapen you may be, no matter what ignorance you may have upheld, no matter what injustice you may have done, Holy God is within you. You transgress when you know this not. If you knew Who You Are, if you could accept Who You Are, you would fall on your knees to yourself in gratitude for what God hath wrought, for I, God, I wrought My Mighty Self in you.

And then you would tell yourself to get up off your knees and walk as God would walk, and bless as God would bless, and be no stranger to yourself and be no stranger to anyone.

God does not walk on His knees. Nor does God toot His own horn or pretend He is less than He is. It is conceit to fake that you are less than you are. This is not being humble. This does not make you greater than you are. This makes you less. God does not go around bragging. Nor does God lower his shoulders and pretend ignorance. God says what is and hides nothing.

God is not about Himself. He is about His work. His work is Love. Nor are you about yourself. You are about your work. Your work is love.

What God is, so are you. What God does, so must you. No longer are you to shirk awareness of the God in you. There is One God, and I am in you. There is also one you, and that is I.

I have never hidden Myself from you. You have hidden yourself from you.

Until you come to grips with Who You Are, you mislay yourself. To block yourself from the Oneness that you are, you fiddle around with ego. Any disguise you hold yourself in and perpetuate reveals your allegiance to ego.

Of course, this makes no sense at all, yet you Who Are Great, hug ego to you as if ego were your very life line.

You know better than to attach to ego, yet knowing better has not stopped you. The other God you put before yourself is ego. Make no doubt about that. For fear of more and what more would be asked of you, you, who deny your Holy Self, extract the essence of ego in a parody of Truth.

The world is not meant to be separate from Heaven. You went to the basement of Earth and proclaimed the untrue as True. You denied your Self. You deny it still.

Whether you can grasp that you are Oneness or not, tell yourself you are. It matters what you tell yourself.

Tell yourself that you are lowly, and you are lowly.

Tell yourself you are not much, and you are not much.

Tell yourself that you are God's reflection in the form of a human being, and you will begin to see and act as I would act in the form of a human being. What would stop Me from being God? I won't ask you what stops you from being God because, perversely, it is ego that stops you from acknowledging Truth.

Ego offers you sweet candy, and you accept. The candy is not sweet, and it is quickly gone.

Ego offers you nothing, and calls it something.

Offer yourself everything, for you are everything, and you will be everything to the world you live in. You will raise the world to the highest Heaven. As quick as lightning, you will light up the world so it begins to know itself.

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love star tree

당신을 처음 알고 보기전에 내 의식의 그림은
남성과 여성이 하나인 사람 영혼을 커플 사랑으로 구체화 표현,즐겨 그렸습니다.이후로 신은 나와 당신이 만나도록 주선,천국편지에 오게되었습니다.
저는 영어를 전혀 못하는 한국 여성이지만,이 지구에 사랑의 신,신의(love king) 영혼과 같은 당신께 많은 관심있습니다. 공명하는 우리 하나.
신과 당신,우리,정말 내가 알고 있던 고요한 그것,그 사랑이었습니다.
내가 신의 지구 집,자신 내부 마음의 집을 제대로 잘찾아 가도록 인도해주시는 신과 당신께 언제나 감사합니다.영어를 못해 구글번역기를 이용해야 하지만 신과 천국편지를 생각하면 기분이 매우 좋습니다.우리의 의식이 지구에 변화를,또는 나 한사람의 오판된 의식이 지구에 어떤 악영향을 줄까봐 약간 두렵기도 합니다.신을 알고부터 나의 생각이 대부분 눈앞에 실현됨을 자각하고 있기때문에...
나와 닮은 마음과 의식을 갖고 있는 분이 저 멀리 외국에 계시단걸 알았을때 무척 놀랐습니다.볼때마다 경이로움을 느낍니다.너무 닮아서 우리가 정말 하나라는것을 계속 실감하고 있습니다.
복잡하고 바쁜 한국 일상생활 속에서도 모든 곳에 있는 신을,신이 창조한 그것을 더 알기위해 아름다운 지구와 태양,우주와 성운을 의식으로 선명하게 자주 그려봅니다.신의 사랑이 가득한 우리 지구 ^^

내일 한국은 성탄절
멋있는 나무 트리 대신 밤하늘에 가득 수놓은 아름다운 별들을
우리 마음 가득 담아 더 밝게 빛났으면 좋겠습니다.우리들이 바로 그 사랑스러운 별들 이지만요. ^^ ~★
천국편지 정말 감사합니다.좋은 시간되세요.^^ ~♥

We are sorry, but the following article was translated by Google.

To know before I met you a picture of my consciousness
one who embodies the soul expression, favorite painted as a god after me to arrange to meet you, heaven came to the letter.

I do not speak English at all,
God, you, us, so I still knew it, it was love.

I am God's earth house, his house inside the mind properly lead us to go jalchatah city always thank God, to you: you must not speak English, but use Google translator if you think God feels heaven is very good letter, our consciousness on this planet changes, or consciousness, or a one-man ohpandoen any adverse effects on the earth a little scared to julkkabwa: God knows my thoughts from the realization that most conscious because in front of ...

Looks like me a man of mind and consciousness have the far abroad are surprised when you found out that gyesidangeol: I look at it whenever I feel the wonder: The resemblance continues to be one that we really are realized.

Despite the complexity and hectic everyday life everywhere in the South Korea god, god created the part of the document to find it more beautiful earth and the sun, cosmic consciousness and the nebula is clearly often geuryeobop: God's love filled our earth ^ ^

Tomorrow in Korea Christmas.

Instead of a nice wood tree, a beautiful sky full of stars, sewn
I hope our hearts are full damah bitnateumyeon lighter. We just will not hold those lovely stars. ^ ^ ~ ★

Heaven Letters Thank you very much. Have a good time. ^ ^ ~ ♥

Beloved Kim Un Ha, Your pure

Beloved Kim Un Ha,

Your pure heart, love, and awareness are clear, even through the Google translator, even though there were words that Google could not translate. How wonderful is the human spirit. It is greater than the words.

I love your image of a beautiful sky full of stars, sewn.

How beautiful to just look at your words in Korean. Your letters are like art.

How I wish we had a Korean translator.

I will have to do some hunting, but year or so ago, there was a lady in Korea who translated Heavenletters from English into Korean, and she posted them on her site. I will find her web site and come back here with it, dear one. And

We asked her if she would send her translations to us so that we could send them out. How easy it would be for you then.

But then, alas, we did not hear from her again.

Thank you for the time and heart you spent to send us your beautiful message.

Thank you for your most welcome post. Please post again, will you please, beloved Kim Un Ha.

With love and blessings,



The God with us is the God with you and the God with me.
If God be with me or with you, who can be against me or against you? NOBODY.

This God in or with us has got a Name. His Name is Emmanuel, God with us.

We are never alone!


Your attention is a gift to the universe

Consider life like a dipping sauce. You dip your bread in, and you also take it out. Do not keep your bread immersed in the circumference of the dipping sauce. Let it out as well.

Fling your thoughts out in an ever-widening circle. Your attention is a gift to the universe.

It is too easy to get caught in the blind trap of your own problems. There will never be an end to them through preoccupation. Your thoughts do not remove problems. They dig them in deeper. Such thoughts wrench every inch of tightness from contractedness. HL 385

I love the comments here.

I love the comments here. When Heavenreaders post, I see so clearly and sometimes dramatically, what God is saying. It's not that I thought I wasn't getting the full message. It's just when I see a selection from you, I see it in a deeper way. Like the metaphor of life being like a dipping sauce!

Thank you, everyone.

light up the world

Thank you my Father for this uplifting message of undisguised Truth!

Indeed I AM MAGNIFICENCE itself.

I AM GOD'S reflection as a Human Being.

How can I not be Happy and Overjoyed to hear you say this.

Let the bells of my Body-Cells ring out Oneness.
Have a very Merry Christmas.

I Love you. I Love you.

Love to all Hearts
Love to all of Creation
And let Peace and Love overflow from our Hearts everywhere on this side of heaven.


yet you Who Are Great

If you knew Who You Are, if you could accept Who You Are, you would fall on your knees to yourself in gratitude for what God hath wrought, for I, God, I wrought My Mighty Self in you.

thank you dear Gloria for your constant flow of God's Word and for all your blessings on various comments you make and of course all the others who put theirs here, I always feel it is for me also, I learn so much from it. with many Christmas greetings!

I am grateful to God for

I am grateful to God for you, Nirmala.


Dear SPIRIT AND FIRST CAUSE, YOU say , "For fear of what may be asked of you"... I hadn't given that a thought. . Will I be asked

to give more than I know how? My Soul, Essential Self , knows all that you would have me know. On this Christmas Eve I want to choose

rightly, and so I offer myself all YOU would have me offer myself. YOUR GRACE blesses me bountifully. Therefore I am Your reflection

in human form !! And Your Grace IS quick as lightning. I can't play any longer at not coming to grips with the Grace of Who I am. And

why wouldn't I want this chaotic world to finally know its own Grace and Loveliness, I am asking myself this today ! Thank you for Your


am gratitude,

dear God heavenleyfather,
i am so gratitud all your messeges you soport as in our mind
and heart, am so thankfulness am always feel you are in my heart
and my tought ego its always com to my mind, but am fightteng to get out my ego
to let me free, so me i hear you, so much happend in my life for few monts a go
my ego freighten me always in my life, but ego can not win of me,
because you are in my hearth and my mind, and you always be
in be nothing seperat you and me,
and thank you dear God of your soport,,

my loveng Gloria,
happy crismass and happynewyear to you
and your fameley

Beloved Carmen, you are

Beloved Carmen, you are beautiful and humble. That is what I see.

Thank you for your good wishes.

I count Heavenreaders as my family now, and that includes you, dear Carmen.

With love and blessings and Season's Greetings to all.
