The Eternal Springtime

God said:

You have lived in fear every day of your life. You have lived in fear of falling, and you have lived in fear of rising. You have lived in fear of going out, and you have lived in fear of staying in. You have lived in fear of not working, and you have lived in fear of working. You have lived in fear of living, and you have lived in fear of dying. You have lived in fear of consequences. All these you have lived in fear of.

This fear amounts to resistance, and resistance keeps you from moving forward. You have been afraid to move, and you have been afraid to stay still. What is there out in the world to catch you, you worry, to catch you as a human being, to catch you in a lie or to catch you in a truth. Drop off your resistances, and you drop off all that is not you, that never was you except as you thought it was or must be.

You are a Beautiful Being. Am I not a Beautiful Being? Then so must you be. You cannot be anything else but what you are, and I say that you and I are One and the Same. And you dispute this, muttering under your breath. You feel so weak and frail and so influenced by this and that and everything that you hear Me not or pretend to hear Me not. You push away what I tell you as if the Truth were a pesky fly. Is it such an awful Truth that you and I are One? Is it so awe-full that you cannot believe it or believe Me?

It is only your body that bleeds. It is only your body that aches. The fact is that nothing can hurt you. The soul of you is as strong as strong can be. Your soul, your very Being, is as I AM, and I AM mighty. In fact, I am God Almighty, and so must you be.

Let this sink in. This awareness will make you humble, not arrogant. Perhaps you are afraid of being humble. Perhaps you like hiding behind Who You Are. There is a Great Tree you hide behind. You have always wanted to run things, and I am telling you that you have been running things, running your life this way and that, not settling down to the Truth that you are all-powerful, the Truth that you are afraid to recognize as yourself. You have kinda gotten used to that old raggedy bathrobe you wore. You have held onto it so long, and you know it so well that you prefer to wear it and sit in an old broken rocking chair rather than get up and shout for joy: "I am a Powerful Being!".

You would rather suck your thumb and make suggestions to Me than to take responsibility for yourself and the world.

If you hear Me, you are I hearing Myself.

If you read Me, you are I reading Myself.

Whatever I AM, you ARE. Truth is blossoming all over the world like peach blossoms in the springtime.

This is the eternal springtime of your life. You are waking up from a cold winter. You are waking up from this perpetual dream you have been moiling in. You are waking up. Only you want to sleep longer.

I shake your shoulder. I say, "Wake up, beloved. Wake up to Who You Are. You are I, waking My Self up. Time to get up, Sleepyhead. There is a beautiful life before you."

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To the lady who wrote in a

To the lady who wrote in a very dear email in response to the mailing about the upcoming Godwriting workshop in South Africa . You were not able to come. I believe that you were from Florida. You wrote the kind of email no one would ever ignore. Somehow I have lost your email. I simply cannot find it. I am so sorry. I almost have your email memorized but not your name or any way to find you. I am hoping above hope that you will read this and get in touch with me again. Please email me. I very much want to hear from you so I can respond to you.Thank you, dear one.

That old raggedy bathrobe....

"You have kinda gotten used to that old raggedy bathrobe you wore. You have held onto it so long, and you know it so well that you prefer to wear it and sit in an old broken rocking chair rather than get up and shout for joy: "I am a Powerful Being!". "

This hits so close to home and is just what I needed to hear.

"I am a Powerful Being!"

Love to All,

So happy to hear from you,

So happy to hear from you, beloved Angela!

Love to you, dear one.


Fear! what Fear? I have put aside all fears, year ago and live very happily surouded by a loving family and friends. on a organic property growing fruit and vegetables and eat accordingly am healthy and so is my wife of almost 55 years on Jan 10th we have our anaversety. I Recieve daily H L, so again "What is to fear" Be happy and fear not. Love Jack

Beloved Jack, you are a true

Beloved Jack, you are a true leader. You show the way.

Loving you,
