The Far Reaches of Heaven

God said:

How beautiful is a world with you in it! What a miracle of Mine you are! That one such as you can exist in a Human body is a great miracle. It is an amazing feat. It is a magic trick.

It certainly is not a tragedy. Perhaps you have thought you were a figure in a drama when all the while you are a miracle. What an amazing thing that I cast you in the mirage of Human Being! Yes, your physical body and all the ailments and trepidations on Earth are feeble mirage. Compared to the immaculate love that you are, physical boundaries are laughable. Yet you are not laughing. You are serious instead. You are caught up in a drama, which is the same as to say, you are caught up in a web of illusion.

Whatever woe you may feel, explained or unexplained — it is in error. It is a number added or subtracted, and you are oblivious. You hold onto error as though it were your sustenance. Anything woeful is a column you have added up incorrectly, and you can't see your miscalculation even though it is right in front of you. You see what you see, and you don't see what you don't.

It is bizarre how a miracle of Mine such as you thinks he is a glob of fat and tissue, limited in mind and heart, who may speak of potential in glowing terms and yet put potential aside. If potential is what you are capable of, you surely have missed your potential. The word "potential" sounds finite, however, whereas there is nothing finite about your potential. You realize your potential by realizing what you are capable of. There is nothing you are not capable of.

Now, if you are laughing at the idea of your having infinite potential, you laugh only because you do not recognize nor believe in your potential and you keep it at bay, as if it were a foreign object. Your potential is your potency. It is your power. You use, maybe, a hair of it. Perhaps not even a hair. I do not exaggerate your potential.

You think you have a cup of water a day to drink, so you drink sparingly. You do not know that you have the whole reservoir. Now do you see how what you think limits you?

This is why you must dream, and dream big. You must dream big so that you are enlivened and so that you may go toward your desire. Of your list of desires — the dollars, the boat, the car, the promotion, the recognition — are not in the big category, but they are a start. It doesn't matter where you start. It matters where you are going.

I will give you a bigger dream.

Dream of yourself as a benevolent planet that lights galaxies of stars and suns and moons, captivates them in an aura of love, springs them to life like a marching band, and sings to them in an ancient song that tells the story of all vibrant dreaming planets wherever they may be. This lighted planet knows that it is a cast of My eye. It knows that it is a manifestation of My thought. It vibrates according to My thought. This benevolent planet knows it is a kiss that I blew in the Heavens. It knows it is My exhalation. The planet taps in to its connectedness to Me. It is buoyed by My love, and so it inhales the love of God and learns to exhale, and so it palpitates all the galaxies it reaches, and it reaches all.

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What a Joy to dream...

"...This is why you must dream, and dream big. You must dream big so that you are enlivened and so that you may go toward your desire. Of your list of desires — the dollars, the boat, the car, the promotion, the recognition — are not in the big category, but they are a start. It doesn't matter where you start. It matters where you are going.

I will give you a bigger dream.

Dream of yourself as a benevolent planet that lights galaxies of stars and suns and moons, captivates them in an aura of love, springs them to life like a marching band, and sings to them in an ancient song that tells the story of all vibrant dreaming planets wherever they may be. This lighted planet knows that it is a cast of My eye. It knows that it is a manifestation of My thought. It vibrates according to My thought. This benevolent planet knows it is a kiss that I blew in the Heavens. It knows it is My exhalation. The planet taps in to its connectedness to Me. It is buoyed by My love, and so it inhales the love of God and learns to exhale, and so it palpitates all the galaxies it
reaches, and it reaches all."

Now our minds must surely believe these quotes to be madness and folly! But to the Heart...Why not? When the Heart dreams, does not the love in your Heart expand. And when Love expands, you expand! Expand away!!!! Loving you, Jim and Jimi.