The Far Great Ways

God said:

This is a good thing to know, that I AM yours, for this is the Truth of Us. Of course, it is equally true that you are Mine. Mine you are, and so shall you ever be. Oh, if you but knew the joy I have in you, you would sail to the stars. You would bounce from one star to another. You would read by the light of the stars. What would you read? You would read hearts, including your own seemingly trudging heart. You would warm yourself in the bright light of the sun. You would encircle the moon and back again. You would peek at the Earth, and you, along with Me, would say: “Ah, what God hath made is good.”
You are literally going to get out of bounds. You live in the Universe now, and you take some delight in the matters of the Universe, yet you will be unbounded. Your body sits in a little residence, and you enjoy, yet you know with all your heart that where your body sits is incidental. Where your heart resides, oh, yes, that is the story.
You came from the stars. For a little while, you zoomed to a planet named Earth. You are mainly Sun, Moon, and Stars, as it were. You have a touch of Earth.
In one way, no one belongs on Earth, not as you see it, and, yet, everyone on Earth resides and belongs on Earth for a while. Consider your time on Earth as an expedition. You don’t even know where your travels will take you. You may go in circles, yet you leave footprints, and yet you discover the North Pole and the South Pole, and you discover your wandering self. Your Self does not wander. Your Self – everyone has a Self – does not know predicament. It knows love. So, admiringly, Self knows Self, and the little aspect of self on Earth puts up with its own influence.
You are not ants, beloveds. I love ants with all My heart and do not put down ants. They are perfect as they are. They focus. They know their mission whether they have words for it or not. They have instinct, and they follow it faithfully. Each to his own, beloved. Each to his own.
In terms of awareness, you don’t claim the structure that the more strident aspects of life on Earth do. You are unstructured, and this is your blessing. You have to discover. It is your Self that is yours to discover.
You have a good start in your discovery of Me. And, as I say, you alight on stars and the illustrious Sun and Moon, always with a toehold in seeming farawayness until you discover that all the beauty and energy over the horizon is within yourself, your Self, and you discover truly and deeply that you are singularly God in attire, as it were, and there is nothing else that exists but God. You meld into God. You do not enter the Kingdom of God by the back door.
How far you travel in a lifetime. You do go somewhere. Even as illusion, Earth Life is for something. You may do endless somersaults and tote up numbers seemingly endlessly for no purpose, yet your purpose is to travel and enjoy the sights, and, yes, even the puzzles and predicaments. You are unwinding, Beloveds. On Earth, you are on a surreal journey. Earth life is surreal. Heaven Life is Reality. On Earth, you trudge. In Heaven, where you truly are, you do indeed fly directly towards the Heart of God which, in Reality, you never left.
Every word from Me is a Heavenletter to you, and you are Everyone. Everyone has been blessed in far greater ways than everyone absorbs. Eventually, the Far Great Ways absorb you, you, My beloved instruments of peace and love. And so have I said, and so is it true from My Being to your Being that, as it happens, We are One.

Read Comments

Bless the Land of Oz

Yes, truly, we are One. One made good. One gives blessing to Itself. One made the complicated universe, only to tell us Earthlings, our part of the universe is surreal. This sounds like a fairy tale, I haven't woken up. If life on Earth is surreal, why is it so important for schools to have Science as an almost mandatory subject? As a subject students have to spend three billion hours to study on, and only so little or none spent for a lesson on spirituality? Some day, I hope there'll be a lesson in school for Heavenletters, without tests. The homework will be to read Heavenletter daily. Or to God-write daily. Something on those lines. That will be a very nice gift the school can give to us.

Dear Felicia, you really

Dear Felicia, you really pick up that we would never want Heavenletters to be taught. Just available to read.

Where do you live, Felicia? Do you know that in the U.S., God is banned from the public schools? This is because of separation of church and state.

Of course, God can't be kept out! Only the name.


I love those Loveletters from God.! ! ! I feel closer to God by the day. And consequently I am starting to feel quite proud of myself. Whatever I do I do with God so I am happy and contend everyday and the whole day.
Thank you God. You gave us Gloria to tell us about You and what is more, You make sure she does a terrific JobLove to all . Jack

And God sends us the most

And God sends us the most wonderful and appreciative Heavenreaders from all over the world including the Down Under. :)

I Defer

Oh well, in my school, Indonesia somewhere on Southeast Asia, a country who is the best seaweed producer, mostly, what we do in my particular school, not a public school, is to give our opinions on how does this or that spiritual truth work in our lives, and tell our experiences.

I think the same can work for Heavenletters in schools, because isn't this what we are doing here on this forum?

Ah, Felicia, you live in

Ah, Felicia, you live in beautiful Indonesia!

Are you a student, dear one?

Please excuse me for editing some of your comment. Please read the guidelines for posting.

I love the idea of Heavenletters being freely offered everywhere, At the same time, I am hesitant to see Heavenletters as part of a school curriculum. I love the freedom God gives us to learn in our own way at our own speed with nothing dictated to us from the outside.

You know, not everyone loves Heavenletters. It's not a crime! However, what if a teacher in school has to have Heavenletters in her classroom. Is she to pretend she values them? And, I, too, if I were still a teacher in a classroom, I have my mindset and I, too, would influence the children.

I just don't know.