The Bounds of Your Love

God said:

It is often hard for you to discern between unselfish love for another versus your love for yourself. Perhaps you go too far in giving love. You may have a tendency to buy into someone else's story and favor it over yours. There can come a time to say, "Enough."

Let Us consider that you are My right arm. Let Us say that you are here to sort mail for Me. Would you give Me the junk mail to answer? Then don't give it to yourself. It is not love that overrides yourself. You can leave people's happiness to Me. You are My assistant in life. I honor you. I do not tell you to disregard yourself.

Being kind and helpful does not mean denying yourself. Losing your ego does not mean subverting your every need. One of your needs is for peace. Others do not have to encroach on you. Serving Me does not mean that you are to be overridden. Serving Me does not mean that you are to deny common sense.

When you repeatedly feel besieged, it may be time for you to move on. That you are My right arm does not mean that you put a huge amount of energy into where it is not appreciated. Assist Me, yet do not take flak. I will take care of where you cannot go.

That you love does not mean you are to save everyone. That is My job. I will love everyone no matter what. You can love and let go. You can love from a distance. You do not have to go to the very ends of the Earth to prove your love.

If you can run interference for someone else, you can run interference for yourself.

A good person can also say, "No." A good person can say, "That is enough."

If you are a teacher and you love the children in your class, and one of the children in the class perpetually makes it difficult for you, you are not lacking love to honor the needs of the class and your own. You may love this disruptive child as well, yet your love for the unruly child does not take precedence over your love for the rest of the class nor for yourself. You don't have to put up with everything that comes at you. You have responsibility that goes beyond you and the one child. You have responsibility for the well-being of the class, and you have responsibility for your well-being. You are not to always put someone else's seeming needs ahead of your own. You are My child too.

You are not required to tiptoe around everyone who might want your attention. You have only so much attention to give. Give it once. Give it twice. Give it thrice. When no headway is made, recognize and concede that you are overextending the bounds of your love. Not everyone is your child. I am the Father of all. You are My assistant. You cannot make yourself responsible for everyone's upbringing. People have insights to learn. And you have insights to learn, and one insight may be to say no. You are not to absolve yourself from responsibility for your own well-being and the well-being of those around you. Give up your life for another if you choose, but do not think that in the name of love you must allow others to take your time and space and energy from you as they choose. Give, beloveds, but do not give away your common sense or your free will.

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I want the whole of You and You serve me just a tiny portion.
And just something else: balance and equilibrium are two beautiful boring qualities, I like to think of You as a wondrous crazy genius !

In the name of Love

Gracious Father and Creator of ALL,
I understand that "WE" agreed to make this trip to Earth for a purpose and a reason. I came here as an ignorant, forgetful human/divine and did the best I could to FIND my SELF, the one who is still pure within Your Knowledge of creation.
By being born into the world, I must have agreed to "forget" from Whose Heart and Bossom I came from. Many of Your Children are at this place in their conciousness!
I have spent MOST my earthly life seeking and mostly by error and trial I always picked the short end of the stick. Life was constantly pulling the rug underneath me and I kept falling down. How discouraging! Attaining to knowledge is NO EASY FEAT! I equate this "attainment" to lifelong experiences of failure.
I loved my ex-husband and only wanted to make a life with YOU and he. I was certain of my goal and desire but it was not meant to be. After the heartache of a barren womb, the marraige meltdown had to be the LAST straw (for me anyway) But all this I've had to "OVERCOME" in order to gain "knowledge".
In life I learned to be a "giver". I gave myself away in order to accomplish a return I guess. I accomplished a stroke. I am thankful for the stroke because it has allowed many new "awakenings" in conciousness. I learned to "listen" and "respect" the inner guidance and revelations. My respect for others has taken on a new dimension.

Once I thought "life" was a bad joke being played on me, now I can detect the adventure and the creativity. But for this it came at the cost of "losing my earthly" life to FINALLY finding
mine in YOU.
I apologize to readers for being long-winded today. I just felt relaxed enough to word what's inside.
Blessings to ALL

Thank You for this beautiful

Thank You for this beautiful letter ...
I found a translation in French and shared it in my blog

Love & Light !

Beloved Albanita, Thank you

Beloved Albanita,

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God bless you.

Love, Gloria

P.S. I responded on your blog.