Simplicity of God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

What would You like to speak of today?


Simplicity. The simpleness of God. Simpleness is one of My strong points. Simple is the opposite of complicating. Simple is what is in the present.

My children often think a situation is complicated, but they are the complicator.

One is key here. One is simple.

Make simple. Be simple. There was a reason in fairy tales that the simple son, the simpleton, won the day.

Having to figure out is an example of complicating. If you ask too many questions, you complicate.

Ask one question. Better yet, ask what feels your heart. Most often, almost always, if the answer isn't yes, then it is no.

Simple is in the present. Simple is letting go of the past.

Simple is non-resistant.

Simple is accepting.

Simple goes at an easy pace.

Look for simple today.


Dear Mother Divine, I find myself comparing all the time. I know that is judgment, and I don't want to judge. I don't know how it is really possible for a human being not to judge.

Mother Divine:

Know it is possible. Comparing brings in the past. It carries an old trunk around. Even the common expression, Have a good day, implies the idea of a bad one. It puts your attention on rated results and performance rather than living.

Better to say, "Have a day", and assume it to be a good one.


Yet some are better than others.

Mother Divine:

Some meet your expectation more. Expecting is not living. Expecting is controlling, as judgment controls.

Freedom is non-control, non-judgment, non-expectation, non-analysis, non-result-orientation. That brings us back to the simpleness that God spoke of this morning.


If our language did not have adjectives, would we judge less?

Mother Divine:

Yes. Try a day without adjectives, and you will be on solider ground.

Instead of "It's hot today", think, "It is today". And then add in your mind, "Today is. I am in the day. I move in the day. This is my day to experience God."

Adverbs also encourage comparison, judgment, and complication. "I went to the store quickly. I ate slowly. I dance beautifully." Much attention on how.

Try, " I went to the store. I ate. I dance." More power.

Adverbs of time also crowd the mind.


If our language were only present tense, our life would be simpler?

Mother Divine:

Yes. And if there were no language at all, it would be simpler yet.


But we have language. Language is a quality of man. Man everywhere is a creature who speaks.

Mother Divine:

Yes. Man modeled language after himself. Speak a simple language. Speak truth. Make life and speech one truth.

God says, "I am," and that says more than a million words. A million words say less.


Then, Mother Divine, study of language is study of man?

Mother Divine:

Yes. The studier studies himself. He is the subject and the object. All is search for self.


Seeking God?

Mother Divine:

The same thing.


Are we like dogs who chase their tail?

Mother Divine:

Yes. But it is a magnificent chase worthy of the son of God.

You are chasing your heart. You run after it, and it's right here all the time, like the glasses you look for that sit on your forehead.

Mean's search for love is search for his own heart, and he looks for it in others.

That is why you love yourself first, and then all else follows.

God first, and then the Kingdom.

The key first, and doors open.

Today remember nothing but God. Don't remember regrets or what is undone and must be done and what you forgot yesterday.

Today let God be your compass, your list, your accomplishment.

Let God be what you have to do today.

Make an appointment with God, and keep it.

Have an assignation with God.

Don't put Him out of your mind today.

Let Him be your mind today.

Let His love anchor you and move you.

Wear His love today. Put it on like a hat, like a glove.

Carry it like a purse. Don't be without it.

Today, be simple. One choice today.

God is the question and the answer. And God is all that is in between as well. That is what it means, that God is One Reality.

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