Depend on God Alone

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I acknowledge my choice of You. I confess it! I affirm it. I recognize it. Even so, in the morning, I rush to find anticipated emails. If there aren't any, I feel dismayed. This is momentary and slight, but there nevertheless.

God, I don't have to turn the computer on to hear from You. You are instantly available twenty-four hours a day, and yet I seem to need the lift that certain email gives me. My question is, when I have You, when You are here for me, and You are, why then do I need a lift at all?


It is the same as asking, "Why, God, do I need to eat food or drink water or have fresh air?" You are a human being. It is fine for you to look forward to hearing from your friends. That is part of your living your story. I do not ask you to abandon the world. Enjoy your emails with My blessing.

You understand that I am the One always with you. Be attached to Me. You are, inevitably.

And if an anticipated email is not there when you look for it, it will arrive another day.

Here's the thing, Gloria. Your value does not rise and fall according to receipt or non-receipt of email.

Enjoy email. Welcome it. Keep it in its proper place.


That is what I wonder about, dear God. Do I? Am I too dependent on it? Is it ego?


Of course it's ego. It is also friendship. It is love over the airways.

As with Jon and golf, be not dependent on its success. Enjoy the focus, and keep yourself free.

You know you can live without internet. You did most of your life.

You know you cannot exist without Me.

Gloria, you are in a flesh and blood body. You are a human being. I made you so. Human beings want to be noticed. They want proof of their existence.

You know you are soul, and that the world you live in is insignificant next to soul. You are human being, and you know your being is greater than the human of you. You know the human is a passing moment, and that your being is eternal. Of course, you want reinforcement of your belief in your human existence.

As you know, there is never enough human reinforcement. It can only do what it can do.

That is why you do not hold out for it exclusively. By its very nature, it lets you down.

Humanness is a process of being lifted up and let down. Do you see it clearly now? You can depend on the world to not give you enough no matter how much it gives you.


I'm not sure I get enough of You either, God.


Then take more of Me, for I am yours to take. See more of Me. Play more with Me. Experience Me more with your attention.

Maybe say a grace before email and after email.


You certainly know to put things in perspective.


And you certainly know how to put things out of perspective, but what you put out, you can put back in. That is learning life.


Dear God, to what degree do I accept people's voluntary help in HEAVEN? I love it when people offer to help HEAVEN from their hearts, and I am afraid that, after a while anyway, I come to resent it when they are pure business. Do I set limits in terms of voluntary work for HEAVEN?


You accept what someone feels good about giving. I do not foresee your taking advantage of anyone.

It is simple, not complicated. You do not control someone's giving of their time, expertise, or coin. You do not deny them the opportunity to contribute as they see fit nor do you demand it, even in your thoughts.

Keep your eye on the target, which is the recording, promotion, and dissemination of HEAVEN to as many people as possible as quickly as possible so that awareness of My gifts can grow, that My love be more firmly established in the hearts of man, and that life on earth move forward in the direction of Heaven on Earth for all.

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