
You Can Soar

God said:

The possibilities of what you can be are endless.

You can be anything you want. You can be a simple person who goes through life adding joy to the lives around him. You can lighten the world. You can be like a smile to the world. You can be a person who sweeps the streets, and you can be magnificent. You can be a great friend. You can lay down the red carpet for everyone. You can be a hero. You can become rich and famous and still be that simple person who adds joy to the lives around him. It is your choice. You can be anything you want.

What God Made When He Made You

God said:

You are you no matter what. Day or night, you are you. In the relative world, you are one definable you. In truth, you are Oneness.

You are not all the temporary flavors that you may see yourself limited to. In terms of the world, you may well not be constant. In My terms, you are true and total Oneness. How straight as an arrow is My vision. I can see through tall buildings. Beloveds, I can see through you.

God Thanks Us

God said:

My trust in you is great. There is no limit to My trust in you. It is not even trust. I don't have to trust. I know. I know you as well as I know Myself. I know you much better than you know yourself. You don't yet really know yourself. You see yourself with gaps and blurs. I can even say you don't see yourself at all. You see perhaps a fraction, and you may mis-see that fraction. I am inclined to say that you don't see yourself at all.

You Are on Time

God said:

Listen to Me when I say that everything is on time. If you never gave credit to Me until today, you are on time. And if you dillydally about serving Me, that doesn't take away from your serving Me. Of course, serving Me is serving All. You serve on time.

Be Your Own Prince

God said:

Beloveds, rally round yourselves. Be your own best friend. Give yourself all the support you wish others would give to you. Whose opinion really matters but yours and Mine?

Free the Whales

God said:

You are My result, and you are also the result of your ancestors. And part of your purpose is to free yourself from them. Love them, be grateful to them, but step out from them, for often what you have inherited are limits. A child of Mine is not bounded but unbounded, so you must leap away from the confines of local inheritance.

You belong to a larger universe than your bloodline. That is physical, and it is momentary. Go back to your beginning before you were outlined in the physical, and you will begin to know your boundlessness.

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