Rise Up from Circumstances

God said:

Remember that guilt is not a high vibration. It is not honorable to feel guilt.

It hurts your heart that some go hungry while you waste food. There is a tug here, and yet it is incumbent upon you to digest the food you eat. You do not help another when your stomach is heavy with indigestion or your heart is heavy with guilt. Guilt is itself a kind of indigestion.

Money is not your consciousness. Money is not the cure. Consciousness is. You cannot appease guilt with money. You cannot atone.

Everyone on Earth deserves prosperity. Everyone on Earth does not presently have it.

Human asks: "How can it be that God leaves some without food and others with plenty? There is an imbalance."

Yes, there is an imbalance in the world.

Only consciousness can right wrongs.

Yes, and those who have are to help those who do not have. And yet such help is a stop gap. The boy in Holland could keep his finger in the dike for only so long. His finger in the dike was a temporary measure. So is feeding the poor a temporary measure.

Listen to Me carefully here. The circumstances of birth are not an accident. All circumstances are to grow from. Someone in opulence certainly seems wealthier than someone in hunger. If you were born spoiled, you have to rise from that. If you were born poor, from that you too have to rise. Each person born on Earth is born to rise from the circumstances he finds himself in.

When one is in a hot desert, it is too easy to say: “You must find water.” And yet each man must find water for himself. And if you are in the desert, and you have a flask of water, of course, you share it. You share your water, and yet you do not foster dependence in another upon your water.

If you are a thirsty man in a desert, how are you going to find water for yourself when you believe that others must come to your aid? It is true that all are brothers, and all help one another, and yet each man must help himself.

If you are thirsty and you see no solution but another’s coming to your aid, then you have limited your possibilities. If you are sure there is no other way, you have made it so.

Once upon a time, there were no airplanes. They were not believed in. It took two brothers, so I have heard, to believe in the idea of man’s being able to fly before the airplane could come into being.

Belief is important. If you believe that water has to come to you from someone else’s hand, what water will you find on your own?

It has been said that to him who believes, all things are possible. And to him who does not believe that all things are possible, all things are possible, yet, what has he cut himself off from? I am speaking of lifting consciousness so that all men on Earth are free and independent and no one is needy. Neediness has been believed in. What purpose could neediness serve but to point the way to fulfillment? Neediness is not needed. It is not necessary. It is not inevitable.

The world does not need the have not’s in order to have the have’s. All the bonds of life are false premises, and they are to get beyond.

Discouragement is understandable, yet it is not meant to be a way of life. Discouragement breeds discouragement. Have courage instead. Break the bonds that bind you. Open your heart to yourself. Blame no one and nothing. Rise.

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Open your heart to yourself.

For a moment, there is that old sense of life on earth being some silly kindergarten game with us learning to stand on our heads in a bucket of water and other pointless feats while God is playing the role of host and coach. Learning to fill my flask in the desert – what's that for in eternity and infinity? To make them less boring? Why even right the wrongs of the world through consciousness? All circumstances are to grow from sounds nice and noble, but what use is it in eternity and infinity?

Hi, old thinking.

What purpose could neediness serve but to point the way to fulfillment?

I find myself pondering this sentence again and again. What is this fulfillment? Having our creature needs met so that all men on Earth are free and independent and no one is needy? No, that's not enough. The fulfillment must be in something else. In itself, learning to fill my flask and yours in the desert, though nice, is not terribly fulfilling in the face of eternity and infinity. There must be something tremendous at the heart of all the things from filling flasks in the desert to righting wrongs through consciousness, things that, in themselves, do not amount to much.

Must be love. Of course, of course.

Open your heart to yourself. Where does that sentence come from? I don't see anything leading up to it. Opening my heart to myself must be what is behind everything this Heavenletter says. Shivering slightly, I realize that opening my heart to myself will go far beyond everything imagined and imaginable. Far beyond anything known. Far beyond the safety or mind's range.

a God of freedom

"Money is not the cure. Consciousness is."
Charity is just an exercise out of ego, a useful one for those who practice it.
"Only consciousness can right wrongs", if there are any.

so I have heard

This is a good HL but who are the two brothers and specially and who is the I have heard, is I God, so God Himself needs men to believe in something, this is so cute. Where I live there is Rest. with the name "not guilty" only healthy and organic Food is served there and just beside, there is one with Junk Food. I do not know the name of the other one but in my imagination I see "guilty" when I pass by. That is the way how duality works in this world.
"Break the bonds that bind you. Open your heart to yourself. Blame no one and nothing. Rise."

Must be the Wright brothers.

Must be the Wright brothers.

Official stories

Nirmala, as Jochen points out, the official American version of the history of flight has the Wright brothers as the first to fly. There is an alternate story of an earlier flight by another man which doesn't appear in most history books. The French have their own version of the story, as may the Brits and Germans for all I know.

God is being polite here when he says, "so I have heard." With official stories that is usually the least troublesome way to speak of them even if you believe otherwise.

God is polite, indeed, TY

God is polite, indeed, TY both. But thirst you must really ask for, before you get to this point. Wow

Only consciousness can right wrongs

Listen to Me carefully here. The circumstances of birth are not an accident. All circumstances are to grow from.

Each person born on Earth is born to rise from the circumstances he finds himself in.

Break the bonds that bind you. Open your heart to yourself.

much much love

"The key to experience freedom is none - but you !"

I have a key, but it's a combination lock.

Berit loving tells us that it makes no difference when you are the knower and the grower. Sweet


Onty yourself

Hey Berit, So Simple said and so simple taken Gods words and highlighting them. Berit, you are so loving. Thank You and keep shining your beautiful Light, Love Jack



THOU truly has created us out of Nothing but Love and LIght. Where can I find this true Love and Light? I find your Great
Presence of un -neediness within. But letting all my conscious Mind thought go, and allow my Heart find Your LIght within. Ah, truly there is SO MUCH ENDLESS QUIETNESS, GENTLENESS AND PEACE THERE, AND WHERE THERE'S ENDLESS PEACE, THERE


We therefor choose today NOT TO REMAIN IN DISCOURAGEMENT, but to have COURAGE instead. Courage is having an open
and clear Heart. I blame no one today, I choose to RISE AND SHINE!

Open up, yes, yes, but how?

These words are like fingers pointing at the moon. Look at the fingers, miss the moon.

In silence the world will give the answers. Just be silent, be still and know. Your are growing, you know.


In this Heavenletter I

In this Heavenletter I understand that:

The circumstances of birth are not an accident.

- a law of cause and effect, what I know as karma, exists in the relative world.

...and you have a flask of water, of course, you share it.
You cannot appease guilt with money. You cannot atone.

- that giving from compassion is natural, but charity that creates dependence and comes from selfish motives, does no good.

Only consciousness can right wrongs.

- that acting from the heart of consciousness is what brings back the balance.

WunLuv, I know you

Acting from the heart of consciousness is what brings back the balance and reaffirms the connection!


Yes, you are right, but,

Dear God, thanks a lot for this message.
Agree completely.
But, what if people will think only about themselves, what if can debelop envy, etc. And what if indifference will expand more?
As for me i hate such a phrase - It's you problems, leave me."

Mainly agreee, one need to find the power in ones' heart, soul, mind.....
Thank you again.

Elizaalex talks from heaven.

The "what if" gives way to love anyway. You are beautiful


Thank you God Father

Thank you God Father /Mother!

for so strong words, many times i believe that i and the others can't do many things for ourselves. Even that we are One and connected, we should do our part in this Universe. I learn with my lessons and you are my help, when i need. Help ME, help US to rise from all the circumstances that are not aligned with who ~ WE ARE~ .


With Love Light and Peace
Catya Denise Lebreux Pestana