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The REAL Secret

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and beings called Humours. God blessed Humours and gave them power to create joy and humour. God also warned Humours to avoid the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or they will die.

Humours had a whale of a time being happy and jolly and having a ball. Life was always fun.

One day a Humour walked by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Tree: Hey Humour, come over here!

Humour: What's up tree? Why don't you come down and join the party and have some fun.

Tree: I'm having way too much fun here, thank you.

Humour: Suit yourself. Have fun anyway.

Tree: Wait! Why don't you have some of my fruits? I've been dying to share my fruits but no one wants to share them with me.

Humour: That's because God said we shouldn't eat from your tree or we will die.

Tree: I'm sure God wouldn't mind if you take one bite. Besides, it will be a laugh.

Humour: Are you sure I won't die?

Tree: Of course I'm sure. I'll tell you a secret. The reason why God didn't want you to eat my fruits is because your eyes will be open.

Humour (chuckling): What do you mean?

Tree: You will learn a lot about yourself as a Humour.

Humour: You're having a laugh, right?

Tree: No, I'm deadly serious.

Humour: What do you mean by "deadly serious"?

Tree: Eat my fruits and find out.

Humour decided there was no harm in having one bite. He liked it so much he ate several fruits. Being a good-natured kind of Humour, he decided to share his fruits with the first Humour he came across. The other Humour ate it and liked it.

Suddenly, their eyes were open; both Humours realised they were different. One had boobs and the other had a willy. They bickered over their differences. They were so disruptive the other Humours didn't know how to deal with them so Humours created another world and sent the disruptive Humours to live in that world.

As you can see, death occurred when Humours lost their humour and became humans.

In the new world, humans gave birth to more humans and yet deep inside they knew there was more to them than just being human, but they were still stuck being humans. From time to time Humours were sent to the world humans now lived in to remind them about their true nature as Humours. They were taught that one way to regain your Humour is to stop trying to make others wrong for being who they are. Accept everyone. Love yourself and you will be Humours.

Now that you know the REAL Secret, please forward this message to others so they too can awaken to their true selves as Humours.

Forward to one friend and you'll receive two jokes for free.
Forward to 5 friends and you'll receive 50 free tickets to a comedy club.
Forward to 100 friends and you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Keep this message to yourself and you will still be blessed with humour.

Blessings to all Humours.


One of the best stories I've

One of the best stories I've ever read! Thank you so much, Enocia!

I loved the line "You're having a laugh, right?" :big

I was late to understand why we have to accept everybody. I kept hearing the preach "Love everybody, accept everybody" but I missed the point. Now I know why it's wrong to judge others. Because what they choose to wear, say, eat, watch at the TV, read, buy etc is GOD in themselves getting expressed. God wants to drive that car, God wants to listen to that "garbage" music, God is the one that likes blue, long nails, God prefers to eat fish with salami, God is the one that chooses all, so I quit all the judgement, good or bad. From now on, I'll practise on saying "Suit yourself" to everyone catching my attention with a "bizarre" choice they make.

Love and Freedom,


Hi again Humour Maria I

Hi again Humour Maria :)

I know what you mean about accepting everyone. You're right, it is God expressing as different tastes people have. Believe it or not, one of my favourite "foods" is tissue paper. Yes, toilet tissue. I just love snacking on it. I love how it melts in the mouth. I once had a desire for some tissue paper and I managed to manifest some so I could have some. See Making Everything Up.

Enjoy being the wonder that you are.

Lots of love,

Dear Enocia (great name!),

Dear Enocia (great name!),

When I read the caption " Making Everything Up", I thought that you manifested tissue paper out of thin air (you can do that, with a little practice) but what you are talking about is making up rules. You are absolutely right about that! I was always a "social outlaw" and can testify that rules such as "you've got to have an insurance" or " don't sit in the draught ! You might catch a cold" are mental cages we put ourselves in!

To be honest, this tissue thing sounded quite weird for about a moment because that was the first time I heard tissue is edible. But after reading the story of the man in France that ate bicycles, cars, airplanes, knives, forks and trucks, I'm willing to believe that sky is the limit! Nothing can harm you, if you believe it's proper food! Besides, a processed chocolate is far more dangerous than pure tissue paper (if you believe it is!)

Love and thanks for broadening my mind!


Thank you. I love Enocia

Thank you. I love Enocia too, pronounced Enokia. :)

While I haven't yet manifested anything out of thin air, I don't place limits on how things should appear. I'm just grateful when things appear when I need them, as I was with my tissue paper.

According to experts people who eat non-food items are considered to have Pica. I see eating tissue paper as a perfect opportunity to demonstrate that nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so, to paraphrase William Shakespeare.

With love,

See The Wonderful and Wacky World of Pica