Paths in Your Heart

God said:

From love you came, and to love you return. Meanwhile, it is like you are a juggler with love. You toss it up in the air, and you catch it. You practice. Sometimes you fumble. Nevertheless, love needs no practice. You need practice in disassembling attachment from love. Attachment interferes with love. You have to get your hands off love. Love can do very well without your mandates. Mandates interfere with the freedom of love. Attachments are mandates. They are rules and regulations. Love, in order to be love, has to be free. You have to let your love free, and, also, you have to let another’s love for you be free. Love stays of its own accord.

Love isn’t really what you have thought it was. Love goes much further and deeper and wider. Love does better without boundaries. Boundaries stifle. You don’t want to stifle love. Mastery over love is gained simply as you free it. Give love, and let it go. Receive love, and free love to itself. The more you free love, the more love finds you. Keep the door of love unlocked. No keys turned on love.

Love is not a prisoner. Love is not bound. Love is not a measurement. It is not an assessment. Love is what it is. Long wave the flag of love. Love is sufficient unto itself. Personal love is not your personal property. It is not your possession. Love is not a fish that you catch.

Nor is love a patterned cloth. Nor is love a dictum you follow. Nor is love appearance, and nor is love disappearance. The world is rife with love. Love overtakes you, sometimes in surprise, yet love itself is no surprise. Life is made of love and nothing but love. From stem to stern, love shines.

Be in step with love. Surmount your hold on love, and you will be in step with love. Hold love’s hand but not tightly.

Love is universal, and yet each love has its own shade of meaning and unique place in your heart. Love holds certain paths in your heart, and not one love equals another. Each has its own trickle of Oneness. When you say to someone, “You have a place in my heart,” that is true. And no one else can fill that particular space. Love is the same, and yet no two loves are alike.

Love for an individual laid a claim to your heart, and the individual raised a flag. This is his claim. No one else ever quite fits that landed claim. A mother has ten children, and each child has its own claim. One does not fill another’s. Love is love, and yet each individual stream of love has its own holding place. No matter how many places are taken, there are always more places available. You have a heart without end. You have an expandable heart, your heart that is full of love.

Some loves only enter your heart part way. Still, that love is precious. It may be for a teacher that you weren’t even aware of until now that you loved, and you love the teacher uniquely. All the way, you loved that teacher. You didn’t even like the teacher at the time, and now you know you hold that teacher in love.

As time goes on, beloveds, you discover that you have loved everyone including those you didn’t. You loved all the time. It is just lately that the love sinks into your heart. What a cast of characters there has been in your life. Now you bow to each one as they pass before you. The ones you liked and the ones you fought, you loved them all. They are woven into your heart. All along you have loved.

You might as well start now knowing that you love, and you love everyone.

Read Comments

I love everyone...

How could this not be? It never was not... nor will it ever be not. Yet it appeared I was very careful and cautious with love. It appeared that either love had me on a leash...or that I had love on a leash. Appearances can be so cleverly deceiving. deceiving. The Truth was that I was a little boat in the fog...afloat and seemingly adrift on the ocean. As the fog cleared...the Truth revealed itself as the Sea...and so are Thee. Loving YOU always...Jim and Jimi

I am not who you think I am

Yet I AM who you think I am not. Jim and Jimi are pseudonyms...yet I still love them. And I love You!...regardless of the name you go by. Names go by...but YOU do not! U & I R 1 not 2...forever and ever...I love to play...with YOU!

You are not who you think you are.

Yet YOU are who I think you are not. Gloria and Berit and George and all the rest are pseudonyms....yet I still love them. And I still love YOU...for Now and ever...and ever more. For there is always more of YOU to play with! Love loves to play! Love loves to be silly and innocent and oh so powerful!

There is no path in my Heart

as my Heart is the ocean. Yet I am A wake to guide you. JJ

.... so...take me

.... so...take me home....
loving you always.

Jim Keller holds us tight!

To walk with you along the path of love takes us everywhere while on our journey home.


So true

I would never have thought of this, but in reading through it, all of it was true. I have loved each one...and I love all.

Lisa, I just discovered that

Lisa, I just discovered that you include Heavenletters in your list of favorite websites! Thank you! How long have you been doing this? I never knew until just now. I like your website too!

Lisa has a site which points to the light!

Lisa I spent lots of time enjoying your beautiful "story board" site. It's so nice.


From love you came, and to

From love you came, and to love you return.
Give love, and let it go.
The more you free love, the more love finds you.

Amazingly beautiful this Love Letter. thank you so very much.
love you

am bow in my heart to you,

drear God heavenley father,
in the mornengtime befor am rising from my bed
am bow in my heart to you thank of the morneng,
and also inportan in our life about love,
because if we dont fell love, life like dead,
am also am happy am working for sad people
to breing them happynes and love am give them hug
and goodt serve them, after all i love them all
thank to you and my heart

sweetest Carmen, loving you

sweetest Carmen,

loving you always so much !! a tender hug to you.

my loveng Gloria

my love Gloria,
thank of your beauteful masseges
very loveley, i was writteng of my comment
for few minute a go, just like can not accept
because i can not remember of my use name,
i try agein, thank my love Gloria,

Love knows your name, it plays your game.

Love is sort of like Existence with an itch.
Love may be more like consciousness with an attitude.
Love is like living presence that always knows.
Love is like being where it always goes,
Love is our beginning and , so it seems, our end.
Love tells us loudly that there is no end.
Love is the inside out of intelligence with design.
Love show purpose when it is kind.
Love is.... Oh, you know it all, it's you the way you really are.


ah yes i love your words,

dear George,
very beautelful words, you are so delightfulnes
in our heart, goodtnight dear one i love you all

Carmen you are the cause of my song of joy and love.

Carmen you make this 86 year old heart sing so loud!


Love is like

Love is like George...shining so gently and soflty God's love...

love you.

Berit is a dream that forms around the sounds of nature's love.

Berit for you to say I'm "like love" puts my old frame on your shoulders because you make me more than I can be and help me walk on mountains of love becoming real in the place of quiet loneliness. Thanks sweet one.
