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O Suns Of My Day


Life is what you make of it
And yet
Perfectly Created
You Are IT
So wish upon a star, if you like
Then become the star that lights up the night
And Knows
You already Are
The Light
Of My Heart
That there is no dark
O Suns of My Day
Only Love
The Way
No matter what way you choose to take
That which arose and arises and flies from the Ocean of Source
"Returns" to the Home it never did leave

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

Spoken from the God in you,

Spoken from the God in you, dear Michael! Perfect and beautiful!!!!


Mike, sweetest poet, this is

Mike, sweetest poet, this is so beautiful and tender !!!!!!!! :wub:

a BIG BIG HUG to you dear


thanks for teaching

:blushing: :wub: :Rolleyes: thanks for teaching through your Being, U 2, for always reminding me and all, that love, already, is to let "out" and not be worried about what's to come in...miguel:)