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A Soul's Journey in Physicality...

February 4th. 2007

Hello Gloria,

Thank you! To answer your questions... I live in Upstate, New York... I heard of your newsletter in a fwd: e-mail from a friend of mine who also lives in my area.

I was impressed by the Farmers Hat story on your web site... I have long de-tached from physical "things" as well, as I was hurt at work 12 years ago... As a result, I had some very, very hard times with money (my wife being the only one working). Throughout that experience, I learned that nothing truly matters that is material - and that to de-tach brings abundance.... That is to say, security does not come from a piece of paper with numbers printed upon it (I.E. bank accounts, etc.). Ever since then, I have been taken care of by God/ Universe (Omniverse) as I trust and I am always fulfilled...

My personal story is too long to share in it's completion, but suffice it to say, I AM who I AM now from my experiences.... Even though I have hand problems (I could not dress myself at once time even after bilateral surgeries), I still pursue my love of writing (finding ways to do it using only one finger on each hand, yet I have gotten quite fast over the years).

This last year I have been struck with nearly crippling Sciatica due to a fractured vertebrae that has slipped forwards and crushing nerves along with bulging discs, etc., etc., etc... (The Dr.'s want to remove the disc and fuse my vertebrae and bolt them together on both sides (I am told it's so bad it needs both sides bolted not just one as most have done). Still... I AM also a healer and so seek to fix this (without radical surgery). I do the best I can and I move forwards, and someday I hope to sell my books.... (having self published one professionally but still not officially sold) - (except to individuals). I also make candles, do healing, readings (sometimes), and I am also a Numerologist too... I had a web-site for 2 years which didn't work out, but I learned a lot... Through all this I persevere and know I have a grand place in the tapestry of the Divine Plan of manifesting Heaven on Earth! (and our mutual Ascensions - Earth/ Gaia and Humanity's life wave).

I would write more but the pain is quite bad right now, and although I transmute it, I won't be able to walk very well today unless I leave this chair/ computer right now....

So, with all this rambling, my intention was to paint a picture of myself and my life right in the "Now"... and do it in way where I feel like I am not "dumping" on you... (Smile). Please forgive the later if I have...

With that, thank you for time.... and Blessings dear heart in the Light of the Most Radiant "ONE"....

"I AM" Beautiful Beloved (Incognito)

PS- Is the picture of the lovely woman next to the farmer you? Either way she is quite beautiful in her Light!!!!!!

A Soul's Journey in Physicality...

Thankyou, I AM Beautiful Beloved

Your story was just what I needed this morning. I am in perfect health and yet I was complaining about life being always the same, about having to do always the same gestures in cleaning the mess made by the men of the house... Thankyou for reminding me about the real values of life.

Could you tell more about your book? Is it about your life? Where could I find it?

With gratitude and love,

User Names

I AM BEAUTIFUL BELOVED is a fantastic name. If we're going to have one, we might as well choose a great one. Good for you!

I like real names too, for then I always know who you are.

I remember you, dear one.