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HEAVEN #2239 Let Go of Ideas January 11, 2007

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

God said:

How do you know that the so-called mistakes you make are mistakes? How do you know that you’ve typed a number incorrectly – just because it wasn’t the one according to the world? Do you think that it s momentous to have numbers in a certain order, or to have anything in a certain order? Whether you can correct a so-called error or not, errors, catching errors, making them, unmaking them, is just a game you play, only you have loaded the dice against yourself.

Now, make no mistakes about yourself. Love yourself no matter how many mistakes you make. Be glad for your mistakes. They show you are alive. They show you are fallible but only in terms of the world. The world isn’t infallible any more than you are, and, just like you, the world makes mistakes. You don’t have to pay for them.

Exonerate yourself from the idea of mistakes. What if there were no such thing as a mistake? How would you feel about yourself then? How relaxed the world would be, no longer affrighted by mistakes. Stop dreading mistakes now. They are only mistakes.

Life is a practice-session. It isn’t the final performance. If you flub your lines, you flub your lines. If you step in a puddle, you step in a puddle. Whatever occurs, have a good laugh rather than a good cry. Enough slapping your heart for a simple supposed misstep.

Stop trying to be perfect, and you will make fewer errors.

Let go of the idea of perfection in terms of the relative world, and keep the idea of the perfection in which I see you. I see your light. I don’t peer into details the way you and the world do. I have light to see by. I have light to see your light by.

You dropped a plate! It shattered? It was your best plate. Beloved beloveds, plates don’t last anyway. And you in the relative plane of life may vanish before plates do. Sooner or later, you won’t have the plates, or the plates won’t have you.

Children hold their toys very dear. They cry when one breaks or is taken away from them. How important toys are in the world. And all the material things you are attached to are toys. Soon you will grow up, and you will know that they only matter for a little while. Mistakes are like toys, too. Give them up. Release your attachment. You hold on to a donkey’s tail, no more than that. Let go. Let go now. Be attached to nothing. There is nothing to be attached to. Whatever you are attached to is nothing. Be unattached to your attachments.

Connection is another thing. Be connected because that is the Truth. You are connected to Me, and you are connected to every other Being on Earth and beyond Earth. You are very much connected, beloveds. You are so connected you are One with Me and the Universe and everyone and everything. Connection soothes. Connection heals. .Attachment causes pain of separation in advance.

As you let go, you create joy. There is nothing you have to hold onto. You are free not to hold on. Then you can relax your grip. Then you can let go and recline in Me. There is nothing you have to have. There is nothing you have to become. There is nothing you have to do. Ease yourself from attachment to even ideas, and you will have time for love, and you will find yourself in love, deeply.

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Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
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HEAVEN #2239 Let Go of Ideas January 11, 2007

Hello Adracin;

Such a pleasure.
Although the technical aspects are still a little new.
The preceeding post is so resonant of the God Writing(Conversations With God) that I have been having.
This letting go...So, Beautiful ,not merely in words, but IN THE PRESCENCE AND EXPERIEncE OF GOD!
I had incurred such a personal trauma, nottoo many months back and now it is relieved to such a substantial degree. Such a MIRACULOUS HEALING!!
It is wonderous that there is this site and I "Thank" Gloria for encouraging me to face my fears an dTO UNFREEZE and "to Post'. As for Lesbia nd Dr. Di Giorgio: eternal "Thanks" and Infinite Love. So many Blessings for everyone!It is like an OCEAN OF LOVe..unceasing,relentless, eternal..and feeling such Love, ...automatically one just becoems MORE LOVING!!!
Afterall, what a gift. Such a wonderful feeeling!!!
Again, it is difficult to contain...Literally, you just want to give it away(if those are even the correct words...because one begins to realize that you can't give it away..becasue it just keeps being REFLECTED BACK AT YOU!! Love an dLight and mor eLove and mor and security, evne with everything happening an dMedia. This detachment perhaps.
I recall that befor eI would feel sadness at reading stories about the Middle East. Now it is just different. It doesn't enter into me in that way.
It is just there. Sometimes, i just want to send LIGHt and LOve there..and on some levels I think that I do. I just really start giving this up to GOD to..and truly ENVISION ADN EXPERIENCE PEACE AND RETURN TO THIS BLISSFUL<JOYOUS>K> to stay away from the feeling of war an dto Celebrate the happy place and Space.
Perhaps if enough of us, just ARE and radiate LOVE and LIGHt and absolute BLISS,,thatthe shifts on this planet an dthe BEINGS ON THIS PLANET WILL SHIFT TOO!

I don't really think about it!
I am learning to "B E" MORE!!

I am a class A-INTELLECTUAL>
Nott o say that there isn't some really radical and wonderful journeys and experiences within the mind. Yet, this MULTi-Dimentionality and WHOLENESS that has occured in this Healing. I hope that those of you who have experie nced it are as JOYOUS and BLissful, because this is TRULY HEAVEN ON EARTH!!
My parts are back in my Body!!(Thanks again Gloria nd Lesbia for the suggestions and HEALING!!)...the Channel to experiencing God at such an Intense and high vibration.

even the Indigo parts of me are so much more settled in my energy 'accepted' and celebrated , rather than repressed.

WOW!!AS you haev said Andrachin...different..yet, the same and the energy at soul level at being able to communicacte, and experince with such Miraculous and LOVING BEINGS on this site and in the Universe!!
I didn't realize that there ARE actually so many angels and Celestial Beings.
The energy is amazing...The reasoning is so much 'clearer' and not froced...It is highly Intuit>
I (even before I was going to appologize, was assured that it is understood...I don't mean to offend anyone with this telling of EXPERIENCE...Yet, it is so wonderous!!Truly at an energetic an d experiential level.
I was perhaps just wondering if anyone else has had such fanatstical experiences of HEALING!!Of having their JOY and BLISS RETURNED???Such miracles in the enregy field adn Integration of the somatic realm sof reason, and moreso BEING!!!!

WOW!!This is me!!
Silly, I know...but so en-joyable. It makes everything else seem so secondary...even non-existent.
Perhaps this is the experential knowing an dfeeling of BEING FREE..and LETTING GO!!!

On a personal level, I was reading your Bio. Information and wish you wellness on your journey. There is such evolution and growth in your Life. It seems that you are such a wonderfully BRIGHT spirit with the tenacity to speak up and question, rather than follow blindly.
Perhaps, I too-a kindred spirit in this sense.

It was refreshing to hear the story of how you asked numerous 'confounding' and highly astute questions to the priest.
How precious of you. So inquistive an dconnected to God.

Much Love To You ON your Journey.
AS for this post. The words create such a wonderfully expansive space within oneself,and in The world, if we hear with sentient ears and see with true sight.

I have been learning to TRUSt more and LET GO!!
And moreso personally, I realize that Letting Go itself, is loaded with a multitude of fallacies and mythologies and as a fellow seeker, I have a million scripts that reem through MY HEAD.

Yet, what I find absolutely EN-LIGTENING and REFRESHING ABOUT HEAVEN LETTERS and the site and posts and the Godwriting and Conversations that I have been DOING( And moreso the EXPERIENTIAL PRESCENCE OF GOD AND SPIRIT) is that the voice and "centering comes from within."
AS a previous God letter resonates-resources are from within.

This is AMAZING!
This resonance with the Spirit ofGod within us and how that i sso personal and may be so different for us all, and yet that there eare some similar sentiments and such a strand of gold ribbon that unites us in Light, protection, growth, & understanding. No competition, but an IGNITION of BEING on 'mark'.(LOL!!)Smile.

The greatest miracle and gift is the growing sense of Safety and REASSURANCE that comes daily.

It is absolutely awe-inspiring as well as grounding.
The overwhelming sense of real JOY that wells within and surfaces from these connections with Spirit is at first difficult to actually integrate , at such an earth level of consciousness, until even the reems of indoctrinations, or scriping is released...LET GO!!

This again is what started to occur with this Heaven Letter....
Layers falling.
Almost like a trillion specs of shatterd glass..and a zillion soft floating petals...and then the coming together and healing in a huge wave of LIGHT a Shpere.

Thisi smerely the beginning an dperhaps when this occurs at such an intense level, two things happen-suspeneded dis-beleif. I must be mad...Yet, if madenss feels so GREAT and SECURE, I'd rather be mad!!(EGO STUFF!!)(LOL!!) and then finally the continuity an dstillness and quietude that rienforces the spiritual experience and HEALING!!
There must be at least a thousand past lives being healed!!

Anyways, the post has brought such a lack of linearity to the concepts even of Letting GO...and of mistakes.

This allowance that emerges when one begins to do such.

There is this one conversation about desire that , if I really get a little mor esecure, I will post it.
It just seems so amazingly...well. AMAZING!!
Again, the falling away and harmonizing of such false ideals and indoctrinations to the emergence of such a clearer and truer SElf.

BLOCKS are beginning to fall so rapidly...and the reassurance, or resonance with the words in these heaven Letters.

There are no mistakes, no coincidences...even the number analogy..

God is truly amazing!!

All I can say i sthat prayers and desires are so loved adn honoured by the Living prescence and energy, we call GOD!!
The language ecomment is great...This letting go even of language and perceptions and this sense of fallacious GUILT.

That i swhere one of the hugest miracles started to surface....WE ARE ALL PERFECT! I AM PERFECT!!YOU ARE PERFECT!!! EVERYONE &EVERYTHING I SPERFECT.
Now just learning to applythis with persons who hurt us!Even intentionally.What you shine Love on them??This is the NAtural Feeling in my heart. Yet, I haven't really understood these lessons yet.Perhaps, this post assures us of even a greater state of BEing wherrby we are not preoccupied with even learning, or process, but rather BEING!!
It is this state OF "BEING IN LOVE"<surrounded>
Should I shut up now??

Afterall, it is truly LOVE that will save this planet and HEAL it!
Not only Imagining, but EXPERIENCING IT!!
This protection and be-ridding the fear based beliefs.This is truly an AMAZING POST!! Replacing it with such a greater script, or even 'no script' ,but a knowing EXPERIENCE.

Again, healing really frees this up.Did anyone experience this??
I used to always be sad when I heard of people and BEINGS that were so amazing an dthat I loved(IE. Martin Lutehr King,John Lennon, Kennedy, to name a few...that wer, I REALIZE IT WASN'T BECAUSE OFTHEIR GOOD DEEDS<OR>" I getthis stuff!!.

Just release.
Just ask fro healing. It doesn't have to be so conscious. It can be cleared at so many levels.
We are so amazing.
So, if anyone ahs experinced such Trauma Healing, or has such a pain,crisi, need fro Healing. i would suggest to ask fro Healing.There are so many supporting energies nad BEINGS n this latitude and meridian whoa re here to heal adn help Cleans ethe planet.

Anyways, I have just really been so touched by this ...and again. "Thanks" for the post!!
It all has such a cosmic order and perfection.

This was a hard one at first with regards to a personal Trauma.
Yet, the MIRACLE AND HEALING is where the MIRACLE AN D BLESSING AND PROTECTION emerges. So, if anyon eis really going through a Crisi, or trying experience, just ask God fro help and healing and come to the HEavenLetters with an open heart...truly everything is possible and there is so much LOVE here!!!

So, I can only say to all of you, i sthat I am really so grateful for this experience and to all the angelic and human beings who have helped with these enormous healings and miracles, "I THANK-YOU!!".


I have always been drawn to Buddhist writers, and Rumi an dso many others of course....but they were merely dthe words were merely words on a PAGE.Now, Life i s aflame. ON FIRE_!!!!EN-LIGHTENED an dcharged with such an amazing EXPERIENCE.
is such a marked difference between reading something an dEXPERIENCING IT at a multi-dimentional level.

I mentioned Heaven Letters to The Writer's Club ,because for the most part I know the majority of persons are spiritually evolved whereby they woul dbe welcoming or open to such experiencesand such lovely writing!!!
Yet, i will give it up to God...with regards to a more general populus!
IT is becoming less of 'what will others think and say' more TRUST and OPENENSS and Letting Go and not taking everything so personally.
That time is so multi-dimentional and the way in which the soul and various levels of communication occurs, people receive what they truly need! And we are such that we truly have THE CHOICE TO BE POSITIVE AND TO LET GO OF ANY NEGATIVITY!!Or doubt and realize that it isn't even about us!! "Just BE"..."No Mistakes".
I don't even have to put it to the test do I??
i just haev to "BE".
This isn't even a test, or a school, but HEAVEN!! An experince of LOVE & JOY & BLISS..and guess what ..God sasy that it doesn't have to be an experince , or lesson in pain!!IN fact, that IS DEFINITELY WHAT IT ISn'T.Dear child, Live as youa re !Who youare is who you are!
Ther eis no guilt in you rBEing.You are a brillaint star and a child of the Universe.You are cradled in my embrace. You are Divine SHINE!Shien so Brightly..that all there i sis Light and all taht you experinc eis LOve!!Allow the Light to filleth and flow over!!Just BE OPEn and all is as it is...perfect.
There is Brilliance in all that you do adn all that you are. No errors, no fault. Just Love adn within the arms and upon the wings oflove HEaven is earth. Ther is truly no seaprateness and it is time to release all pain and to experince eternal Joy and Bliss. To flya dn shine freely!!
To know Heaven and opulence.
To "BE" one with God and The BEloved and the Blessed BEings Of the Universe.

If someone has a negative, or adverse opinion, or feeling, then it isn't about me. Let it Go. BE ONE WITH THE LIGHT! BE LIGHT! The recan be no darkness when the reis light. Move away from the darkness.

These 'mistakes' we are so falsely ready to take on.
The answers are within you and will become clear...and clearer.
It will come as it comes adn it is needed. You will know what to do. How to handle it. No mistakes. We are all inheritly capable and are again protected. The soul is safe. Light knows only how to Shine!

"I was so fearful of what to do, feeling unsure and still I feel unsure. Yet, all ofthis with my family and even the issue of charges with regards to the assault. LET IT GO!!!!


So, "Thanks" for posting this Heaven Letter and your technical proficiency is so amazing.
Technology and I are just getting aquainted so..I end up deleting alot of things at first. Yet, i am re-minded by your post(S). NO MISTAKES. Again, "Thanks" andracin fro the post and for all of the BEAUTIFUL energy.It is very helpful.

Much Joy to you!!

Blessings to all!

LA Dolce Vita.


HEAVEN #2239 Let Go of Ideas January 11, 2007

Hello Adracin;

Such a pleasure.
Although the technical aspects are still a little new.
The preceeding post is so resonant of the God Writing(Conversations With God) that I have been having.
This letting go...So, Beautiful ,not merely in words, but IN THE PRESCENCE AND EXPERIEncE OF GOD!
I had incurred such a personal trauma, nottoo many months back and now it is relieved to such a substantial degree. Such a MIRACULOUS HEALING!!
It is wonderous that there is this site and I "Thank" Gloria for encouraging me to face my fears an dTO UNFREEZE and "to Post'. As for Lesbia nd Dr. Di Giorgio: eternal "Thanks" and Infinite Love. So many Blessings for everyone!It is like an OCEAN OF LOVe..unceasing,relentless, eternal..and feeling such Love, ...automatically one just becoems MORE LOVING!!!
Afterall, what a gift. Such a wonderful feeeling!!!
Again, it is difficult to contain...Literally, you just want to give it away(if those are even the correct words...because one begins to realize that you can't give it away..becasue it just keeps being REFLECTED BACK AT YOU!! Love an dLight and mor eLove and mor and security, evne with everything happening an dMedia. This detachment perhaps.
I recall that befor eI would feel sadness at reading stories about the Middle East. Now it is just different. It doesn't enter into me in that way.
It is just there. Sometimes, i just want to send LIGHt and LOve there..and on some levels I think that I do. I just really start giving this up to GOD to..and truly ENVISION ADN EXPERIENCE PEACE AND RETURN TO THIS BLISSFUL<JOYOUS>K> to stay away from the feeling of war an dto Celebrate the happy place and Space.
Perhaps if enough of us, just ARE and radiate LOVE and LIGHt and absolute BLISS,,thatthe shifts on this planet an dthe BEINGS ON THIS PLANET WILL SHIFT TOO!

I don't really think about it!
I am learning to "B E" MORE!!

I am a class A-INTELLECTUAL>
Nott o say that there isn't some really radical and wonderful journeys and experiences within the mind. Yet, this MULTi-Dimentionality and WHOLENESS that has occured in this Healing. I hope that those of you who have experie nced it are as JOYOUS and BLissful, because this is TRULY HEAVEN ON EARTH!!
My parts are back in my Body!!(Thanks again Gloria nd Lesbia for the suggestions and HEALING!!)...the Channel to experiencing God at such an Intense and high vibration.

even the Indigo parts of me are so much more settled in my energy 'accepted' and celebrated , rather than repressed.

WOW!!AS you haev said Andrachin...different..yet, the same and the energy at soul level at being able to communicacte, and experince with such Miraculous and LOVING BEINGS on this site and in the Universe!!
I didn't realize that there ARE actually so many angels and Celestial Beings.
The energy is amazing...The reasoning is so much 'clearer' and not froced...It is highly Intuit>
I (even before I was going to appologize, was assured that it is understood...I don't mean to offend anyone with this telling of EXPERIENCE...Yet, it is so wonderous!!Truly at an energetic an d experiential level.
I was perhaps just wondering if anyone else has had such fanatstical experiences of HEALING!!Of having their JOY and BLISS RETURNED???Such miracles in the enregy field adn Integration of the somatic realm sof reason, and moreso BEING!!!!

WOW!!This is me!!
Silly, I know...but so en-joyable. It makes everything else seem so secondary...even non-existent.
Perhaps this is the experential knowing an dfeeling of BEING FREE..and LETTING GO!!!

On a personal level, I was reading your Bio. Information and wish you wellness on your journey. There is such evolution and growth in your Life. It seems that you are such a wonderfully BRIGHT spirit with the tenacity to speak up and question, rather than follow blindly.
Perhaps, I too-a kindred spirit in this sense.

It was refreshing to hear the story of how you asked numerous 'confounding' and highly astute questions to the priest.
How precious of you. So inquistive an dconnected to God.

Much Love To You ON your Journey.
AS for this post. The words create such a wonderfully expansive space within oneself,and in The world, if we hear with sentient ears and see with true sight.

I have been learning to TRUSt more and LET GO!!
And moreso personally, I realize that Letting Go itself, is loaded with a multitude of fallacies and mythologies and as a fellow seeker, I have a million scripts that reem through MY HEAD.

Yet, what I find absolutely EN-LIGTENING and REFRESHING ABOUT HEAVEN LETTERS and the site and posts and the Godwriting and Conversations that I have been DOING( And moreso the EXPERIENTIAL PRESCENCE OF GOD AND SPIRIT) is that the voice and "centering comes from within."
AS a previous God letter resonates-resources are from within.

This is AMAZING!
This resonance with the Spirit ofGod within us and how that i sso personal and may be so different for us all, and yet that there eare some similar sentiments and such a strand of gold ribbon that unites us in Light, protection, growth, & understanding. No competition, but an IGNITION of BEING on 'mark'.(LOL!!)Smile.

The greatest miracle and gift is the growing sense of Safety and REASSURANCE that comes daily.

It is absolutely awe-inspiring as well as grounding.
The overwhelming sense of real JOY that wells within and surfaces from these connections with Spirit is at first difficult to actually integrate , at such an earth level of consciousness, until even the reems of indoctrinations, or scriping is released...LET GO!!

This again is what started to occur with this Heaven Letter....
Layers falling.
Almost like a trillion specs of shatterd glass..and a zillion soft floating petals...and then the coming together and healing in a huge wave of LIGHT a Shpere.

Thisi smerely the beginning an dperhaps when this occurs at such an intense level, two things happen-suspeneded dis-beleif. I must be mad...Yet, if madenss feels so GREAT and SECURE, I'd rather be mad!!(EGO STUFF!!)(LOL!!) and then finally the continuity an dstillness and quietude that rienforces the spiritual experience and HEALING!!
There must be at least a thousand past lives being healed!!

Anyways, the post has brought such a lack of linearity to the concepts even of Letting GO...and of mistakes.

This allowance that emerges when one begins to do such.

There is this one conversation about desire that , if I really get a little mor esecure, I will post it.
It just seems so amazingly...well. AMAZING!!
Again, the falling away and harmonizing of such false ideals and indoctrinations to the emergence of such a clearer and truer SElf.

BLOCKS are beginning to fall so rapidly...and the reassurance, or resonance with the words in these heaven Letters.

There are no mistakes, no coincidences...even the number analogy..

God is truly amazing!!

All I can say i sthat prayers and desires are so loved adn honoured by the Living prescence and energy, we call GOD!!
The language ecomment is great...This letting go even of language and perceptions and this sense of fallacious GUILT.

That i swhere one of the hugest miracles started to surface....WE ARE ALL PERFECT! I AM PERFECT!!YOU ARE PERFECT!!! EVERYONE &EVERYTHING I SPERFECT.
Now just learning to applythis with persons who hurt us!Even intentionally.What you shine Love on them??This is the NAtural Feeling in my heart. Yet, I haven't really understood these lessons yet.Perhaps, this post assures us of even a greater state of BEing wherrby we are not preoccupied with even learning, or process, but rather BEING!!
It is this state OF "BEING IN LOVE"<surrounded>
Should I shut up now??

Afterall, it is truly LOVE that will save this planet and HEAL it!
Not only Imagining, but EXPERIENCING IT!!
This protection and be-ridding the fear based beliefs.This is truly an AMAZING POST!! Replacing it with such a greater script, or even 'no script' ,but a knowing EXPERIENCE.

Again, healing really frees this up.Did anyone experience this??
I used to always be sad when I heard of people and BEINGS that were so amazing an dthat I loved(IE. Martin Lutehr King,John Lennon, Kennedy, to name a few...that wer, I REALIZE IT WASN'T BECAUSE OFTHEIR GOOD DEEDS<OR>" I getthis stuff!!.

Just release.
Just ask fro healing. It doesn't have to be so conscious. It can be cleared at so many levels.
We are so amazing.
So, if anyone ahs experinced such Trauma Healing, or has such a pain,crisi, need fro Healing. i would suggest to ask fro Healing.There are so many supporting energies nad BEINGS n this latitude and meridian whoa re here to heal adn help Cleans ethe planet.

Anyways, I have just really been so touched by this ...and again. "Thanks" for the post!!
It all has such a cosmic order and perfection.

This was a hard one at first with regards to a personal Trauma.
Yet, the MIRACLE AND HEALING is where the MIRACLE AN D BLESSING AND PROTECTION emerges. So, if anyon eis really going through a Crisi, or trying experience, just ask God fro help and healing and come to the HEavenLetters with an open heart...truly everything is possible and there is so much LOVE here!!!

So, I can only say to all of you, i sthat I am really so grateful for this experience and to all the angelic and human beings who have helped with these enormous healings and miracles, "I THANK-YOU!!".


I have always been drawn to Buddhist writers, and Rumi an dso many others of course....but they were merely dthe words were merely words on a PAGE.Now, Life i s aflame. ON FIRE_!!!!EN-LIGHTENED an dcharged with such an amazing EXPERIENCE.
is such a marked difference between reading something an dEXPERIENCING IT at a multi-dimentional level.

I mentioned Heaven Letters to The Writer's Club ,because for the most part I know the majority of persons are spiritually evolved whereby they woul dbe welcoming or open to such experiencesand such lovely writing!!!
Yet, i will give it up to God...with regards to a more general populus!
IT is becoming less of 'what will others think and say' more TRUST and OPENENSS and Letting Go and not taking everything so personally.
That time is so multi-dimentional and the way in which the soul and various levels of communication occurs, people receive what they truly need! And we are such that we truly have THE CHOICE TO BE POSITIVE AND TO LET GO OF ANY NEGATIVITY!!Or doubt and realize that it isn't even about us!! "Just BE"..."No Mistakes".
I don't even have to put it to the test do I??
i just haev to "BE".
This isn't even a test, or a school, but HEAVEN!! An experince of LOVE & JOY & BLISS..and guess what ..God sasy that it doesn't have to be an experince , or lesson in pain!!IN fact, that IS DEFINITELY WHAT IT ISn'T.Dear child, Live as youa re !Who youare is who you are!
Ther eis no guilt in you rBEing.You are a brillaint star and a child of the Universe.You are cradled in my embrace. You are Divine SHINE!Shien so Brightly..that all there i sis Light and all taht you experinc eis LOve!!Allow the Light to filleth and flow over!!Just BE OPEn and all is as it is...perfect.
There is Brilliance in all that you do adn all that you are. No errors, no fault. Just Love adn within the arms and upon the wings oflove HEaven is earth. Ther is truly no seaprateness and it is time to release all pain and to experince eternal Joy and Bliss. To flya dn shine freely!!
To know Heaven and opulence.
To "BE" one with God and The BEloved and the Blessed BEings Of the Universe.

If someone has a negative, or adverse opinion, or feeling, then it isn't about me. Let it Go. BE ONE WITH THE LIGHT! BE LIGHT! The recan be no darkness when the reis light. Move away from the darkness.

These 'mistakes' we are so falsely ready to take on.
The answers are within you and will become clear...and clearer.
It will come as it comes adn it is needed. You will know what to do. How to handle it. No mistakes. We are all inheritly capable and are again protected. The soul is safe. Light knows only how to Shine!

"I was so fearful of what to do, feeling unsure and still I feel unsure. Yet, all ofthis with my family and even the issue of charges with regards to the assault. LET IT GO!!!!


So, "Thanks" for posting this Heaven Letter and your technical proficiency is so amazing.
Technology and I are just getting aquainted so..I end up deleting alot of things at first. Yet, i am re-minded by your post(S). NO MISTAKES. Again, "Thanks" andracin fro the post and for all of the BEAUTIFUL energy.It is very helpful.

Much Joy to you!!

Blessings to all!

LA Dolce Vita.
