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Another journal full!

I've completely filled another journal. Since the first Godwriting workshop here in the spring of 2005 I've been filling up notebooks and journals with wonderful messages from Heaven. I go back through them occasionally just to soak up the love, joy and peace! Here's a couple of my favorites:

7/19/96 -- Dear God,
I feel like I'm in limbo, pergatory . . . indeed, "hanging out in mid-air" like the leaping mountain goat in the picture on the wall. I want to EXHALE. I want to feel the ground beneath my feet. I know that life is uncertain, that uncertainty should -- must -- be accepted, even embraced. I know that there is passion and purpose for me if I will do so and just TRUST you. Why am I insisting on knowing there will be work for us, and an income coming in, before I will let myself relax and enjoy life?

Dear Carol,
Underneath are the everlasting arms. You have chosen to rest in my arms. Nothing else will satisfy you. There is no rest or peace except in my care. you know that. The supply, the sufficiency, all comes from FIRST resting in my care. As long as you insist it must be the other way around, so long will you feel you are "hanging out in mid-air." There is no safety or security to be had in this world of illustion. So ask yourself if you can trust me or not. That is the only question. Do you want to know my will? Can you trust me? Will I show you my will and then arrange your circumstances to see that you can carry it out? Can you trust me?

9/6/06 (this one I wrote after hearing of Steve Irwin's death (Crocodile Hunter)
Dear God,
Once again someone "special" has left this world and my heart is hurting over it. I know we are all equally precious in your sight and in reality there is no death. But there are so few who live their lives flat out doing what they love, never giving in to fear, never expressing anger or pettiness. It is devastating to have someone like that go from us. Help me to see this differently today. Help me to see the good that can come out of it. Let me send hope and comfort to all who grieve, to all who have lost their dear one and perhaps their livelihood as well. And above all give me a larger capacity for compassion.

Dear Carol,
Experience your feelings; they are not to be denied. You are in this temporal, illusory world to participate fully. Although it is not the real world, although it is brief as a lightening flash in Reality, still there is great Purpose in all of it. There are no accidents, and nothing happens, even in this temporal experience, that is not part of my Plan, agreed to by my Child as perfect for all concerned. All of my children are safe at home, even in the midst of the most trying and desperate times in this experience called Earth life. As you lie in bed dreaming, of pleasant things or of nightmares of pain and death, in your little "truth" you are safe at home in your bed. In the larger sense, your experience here on Earth is a dream, while you are safe at Home. Yet allow your heart of compassion to expand, while remembering the Truth. All is well.

Thank you!


Your questions are most beautiful as well.

It is always enlightening for me to read other people's Godwriting. It always reinforces for me that God is great, and people are too.

With love and blessings,
