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your fault John

by Joe Tolve

The naked clown performs on an empty stage,
The vacuous crowd roars with silence.
For many life has scarcely begun and yet it dwindles,
Deteriorating sun descends into radiant splendor,
Blind unperceiving souls endorse its grandeur.
The decked ensnared fish struggles for breath,
All creation endeavors to survive destruction.
Mankind strives to subdue defeat,
Yet creates through neglect self-obliteration.

The uncaged bear cub delights in his freedom,
The exotic butterfly alights on blossoms of life,
Lovers reside on higher planes of consciousness,
The Universal Light of God graces the blackness of dead souls,
And life's renewal and creation a personal declaration.

The decorously dressed clown performs splendidly for all to see,
The snared fish swims free in a purified sea,
The bear cub thrives awed by his emancipation,
We humans subsist in our created grandeur,
The world is harmonic with frre believing peoples,
And our Universal Father smiles genuinely.

Speaking from the heart

I was saying to John every time I come in I find all this beautiful poetry to choose from for my newsletter and with your permission I would love the world to see a piece of your heart that you share here.
Your words speak wisely to the heart and this is always a treasure to see with everyone that places a poem amongst these pages.
You are refreshing to the soul.


Yes, my dear,

You may take what you want,
and leave the rest;
for the love of God
and happiness of humanity.

John Riccio

Joe's recent poem

Dear Jennine,

I should try writing them more often, some times like this one, they just
roll off of my fingertips.
