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No Distance Here

God Said:

I know my children know this truth to the deepest of their core, but I wanted this to be a reminder of this…THERE IS NO DISTANCE WITH ME…WITH SPIRIT!

In your world, the world of the physical, you are restrained and confined to distance and time. With God, the infinite, there is neither time, space, or distance. It is only provided for you on this earthly level and it works well for you.

When it comes to prayer, healing, and communication with the divine, it is unnecessary and irrelevant…in fact, it does not exist. It is only your illusion. What is prayer? It is only communing with the divine. Since, the divine does not require speech for you to communicate effectively, your thoughts and emotions become your prayer. Any desire that you have that comes into your heart is immediately heard from your God, the divine Source of all. There are no thoughts, prayers or utterances that you make that do not go unheeded and un-answered.

Are these prayers always answered by how you perceive them to be answered? No, my child. You see finitely, I see infinitely. I answer according to not only how and what you pray for, but I also see your deepest calling to me…the calling of your eternal soul. I understand what you are really praying for on another level that far surpasses your understanding of how the prayer should be answered. You might call this censoring, but it is not. I do not censor prayers. I do not block prayers. I do not answer some, and others, I disregard. I am not human like you. I answer according to the divine will of your eternal souls. This is not a will of God, but rather a blending of both our hearts desires and your eternal purposes.

Your soul always knows the deepest truth of your current life as you know it. It is this that all prayers are filtered through, if you will. Some call this in religious circles praying in the will of God. In a small sense this is truth. The entire truth of this principle of the divine is hidden from you at this time. You should be most happy that I have not answered all your prayers that in your perception you thought should have been answered. Your soul and my Holy Spirit knows your hearts desires and answers accordingly.

Many of you have become angry, and isolated yourselves from me for this misconception and the human perception, of how the divine should answer your prayers. Be very thankful my child, that I have not answered your prayers according to you small perception. If that were the case, half the world would be consumed and dammed by you. You see, it is not only in organized prayer that I hear you…I hear you all the time…even when you don’t think you have uttered a prayer…even when you don’t think I hear what you are saying internally, or externally.

If I were to answer all your prayers that you uttered silently or verbally in haste this world that you live in would be in total chaos and ruination. Be thankful that I answer according to your soul’s deepest request. I hear everything and I see your hearts my precious ones. I see what your soul and your contracts before entering this earthly plane. I answer according to these. I am sorry that you don’t always see eye to eye with me. You will understand later my child. I only ask that you trust your hearts and not your minds…especially do not trust that which the ego-mind has said to you. You are not your ego. You are not your body. You are divine Spirit, you have an eternal soul. This eternal soul is your messenger. It is God within. Listen intently to it.

With this in mind, know that there is no distance between you and me. There is no time. Time is a fiction, an illusion practiced on your earthly plane. I am always in the NOW. What is the time you say? NOW, IT IS NOW, that is what I say. When some of you grasp this divine principle, it will propel you into a whole new dimension of prayer. All things past, present, or future, can be changed! Seek me on this. Go into prayer and meditation and access your inner teacher to show you that this is true .

There is also, no distance in this time-space environment that you dwell in. There is no distance in your prayers or your thoughts. They are always NOW too. These principles will destroy the ego-mind that many of my children dwell in. The ego would tell you that this is impossible. Have you not read in scripture that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD? Do you really believe this? Are you filtering your belief of God through your ego?

Your inner self, the God force within knows all, it is just not always apparent to you on this plane of earthly existence. Scripture also says that my ways are higher than your ways, speaking of your earthly perception of how I work.

My precious children it is time to trust your maker and your hearts as I am connected to the heart. Not just the heart that beats, the physical heart, but the true heart, the one that is connected to me through your eternal soul. Go to your heart quickly. This is the place that I inhabit. I dwell there. It is my cathedral, and our sacred space. It is our sanctuary my precious ones.

I love you all dearly and I welcome your quick return back to me,

Remember, there is NO DISTANCE BETWEEN US!



What is prayer? It is only

What is prayer? It is only communing with the divine. Since, the divine does not require speech for you to communicate effectively, your thoughts and emotions become your prayer


I answer according to not only how and what you pray for, but I also see your deepest calling to me…the calling of your eternal soul. I understand what you are really praying for on another level that far surpasses your understanding of how the prayer should be answered.

How illuminating! Those two sentences are of great help!

Thank you God/Scott!