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My Dream Come True


My Dream
Seen through the Eyes of Love
Has already come true
It's You
All of You
Every living thing
On every single land
Within all the earthly seas
Then beyond where sensory perception can see
In Me
My Dream
Which You are waking up to
That the Great Sages knew
Is older than the ages, "New"
Yet You are All Great
The Life of My Way
So take heart
Start with the Heart
Believe in the News
It's for Real
Not some spiel
Cease to pursue
But Find
My Light
With My Eyes
It'll all come true
Upset will end
It has to
Knowing the inviolate You
You'll reverberate the Truth
That it never did begin

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

Oh Mike, sweetest Angel, you

Oh Mike, sweetest Angel, you make our dreams come true sharing your heart and love with all of us !
God bless you !


thanks so much Berit...i

thanks so much Berit...i thank God for your love...michael :blushing:

...and I send lots of Love

...and I send lots of Love to both of you beautiful Souls!

It is a joy to know you both,
and to read your generous sharings of love,
and that also goes for everyONE else in this heavenly community too!

Lots of Love and hugs to you all ~



Dearest Mary, you are so

Dearest Mary,

you are so sweet and such a beautiful Angel, I am so happy that you are here with us.
I love the things you do !! :wub:

Love and blessings :wub:

Aw ~ thank you sweet

Aw ~ thank you sweet angel.
...and I love being here with you too!
We are all part of a divine virtual family of Love,
and may it grow and grow and grow,
'till it encompasses the whole world and beyond!!!


:wub: :wub: :wub: