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Loving friends

Life is such a precious gift
this i can't deny
there are knocks and bumps
along the way lessons we have
to learn.

Our friends they come and go
and am i the only one
who seems to find it hard when
a parting has come,
sometimes parting
when you don't
even know why this must be.

For one person it just seems to be a
necessity.. Yet we are taught in life
to be kind, gentle, forgiving,
peaceful loving to,
and It is always best to be
all of these all of the time

Then when all is said and done,
Our friends will love us each and every one.
and i will always love my friends
till the last day is done. Daisy

Thanks to you dear, for you

Thanks to you dear, for you are a most loving friend !! I'm not good at parting, although a good by sometimes is necessary for to come toghether again and rejoice.
A dear hug to from Italy :Rolleyes: