How to Make a Relationship Thrive

God said:

Every relationship you have reveals an aspect of yourself. In every relationship, you bring yourself to the table.

You crave love and peace in every relationship, and yet relationships fall short. You may not know what to do with them. You may not know how to make a relationship thrive. Sometimes it's a struggle, and you wonder what you have relationships for. When they cause pain, you wonder.

Sometimes relationships are a stand-off. Sometimes you stay on one level and dare not venture further.

Sometimes you deal with relationships with your left hand, or you are offhand about them. Your heart is put on the side. Speech is required, and yet you dare not speak for fear of upsetting the apple cart, even when the status quo does not make you happy. When this is the case, is it that you don't want to interrupt unhappiness, beloveds? You don't want to knock unhappiness off the shelf, even as it wobbles there?

You may defray honesty and clamp your jaw. Beloveds, what is so terrible that you cannot speak of it?

Before you can tend to a wound, you must look at it. Look at it in the light of day. Maybe all that is required for healing is for you to look at it. The wound may not be so big as you fear. It may be only a little scratch. It may only need looking at. It may only need your voice to speak.

You are torn between courtesy and honesty. It is really true, beloveds, that you can't sweep relationships under the rug. You can't step on them day after day. You have to open their windows and let fresh air in. There is nothing so terrible that can't be opened up, spoken about, understood, and shaken loose.

Your heart has to reveal itself. Unrevealed, your heart is out of joint. When you do not reveal your heart, you pound on its door needlessly. You create a steel door. You pound your heart shut when your heart is yours to free. Sooner or later, your heart will burst out. Speak soon rather than late.

Nourish your relationships. Let your tongue speak your heart. Speak your heart routinely. Open your heart to itself. Do not bury it. Love does not mean to disregard your heart or to try to dissuade it from what it feels. What your heart feels, it feels. There is no point in draping a curtain over it. Hearts cannot be denied. Reveal your heart freely so that others may reveal theirs freely. Let your heart step right up. Honor it. Honor your heart, and you will honor other hearts as well.

Your heart is not meant to be hurt. Your heart is meant to be welcomed. Welcome your heart, and you will welcome the heartedness of those seeming others.

Your heart is meant to speak. Your heart is not meant to be a pantomime.

In relationships, hearts must speak. Your heart must speak. It is not to be kept dumb and deaf and blind. It is not to pretend. Your heart is not meant to be covered up or cast aside or shoved in a corner. Not your heart, beloved.

In every relationship, there is much of yourself to discover. Relationships provide guides to take you to the far reaches of yourself. Relationships take you to the forest. Relationships help you get through the forest and come out the other side. Hold hands with your relationships, and help each other through. Be a friend to your heart and a friend to others' hearts. Let your hearts hold hands and help each other across the forest. Do not stay on the outskirts. Your heart is not meant to be at a standstill.

Read Comments

Beloved Source...

How BEAUTIFUL & FASCINATING is our World of Mirrors...
INTRIGUING Mirror Hall of reflections/projections of ourselves...

Yours FOREVER devoted student...
All my=Your Love...

After reading this wonderful

After reading this wonderful Heavenletter it really seems easy.
But is it really ? We are all different, with different perceptions and thoughts and emotions.

"Specialness" would mean that God's love shines more on one person than another, but that is not so. God's love shines equally on all His children.

When God (our awareness of Him) is the one thing that our heart pulses for what else do we need ? Nothing at all.

much love

And so it is...

Beautifully said, Berit...


Oh, God, relationships belong to the dream as they involve at least two.
As You say they "fall short".

I don't think that EM- falls

I don't think that EM- falls short with -ILIA.

As far as One

E milia
M eans
I nfinite
L ove
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She is quite good for Herself.

Relationships in the Game of Life

To "make" a friend is impossible, but seems ok to try.
To make a connection that seems like a friend is risky or fun.
To discover you are part and parcel of the ones you know thrills.
To discover you are part and parcel of the ones you don't know is a bewildering part of a mystery that's unfolding each day.
Sure, it looks like some sort of love happening.
Afther all, even God has to breathe and each breath looks for all the world like the world.

George still unsettled but shuffling his feet

cost me pain

dear God heavenley father,
somtimes realey defecolt to be relationship,
to the outher, i was expirince time to times
hurting me always and my thought what relationship
the cost me of pain, so am deside let them com to
me to be freindshep of me, so forgive me my words
dear God, i am onley humanbeing i felt hurt,

your hearts hold hands and help each other across the forest

In every relationship, there is much of yourself to discover. Relationships provide guides to take you to the far reaches of yourself. Relationships take you to the forest. Relationships help you get through the forest and come out the other side.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Nourish your relationships
And honor your heart

Love, Light and Aloha!