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Godwriting, march 2011

This is what happens yesterday evening. I find it so "magnifique" that I want to share it with you all. I translate it by the moment, I hope it will be understandable. Thank you.

Pitta: Lovely I Am Presence, it is a long time we don’t speak about You and me, don’t you?

God: I verbalize very well without words. You perceive me. The distance between us is equal to zero. And neither the time can separates us.
You think you need more time to find me. You think that that place into you, where I dwell, it is unattainable. Don’t you think it is comical that there is a place inside you that YOU can’t achieve?
This is only your thought. It is your beliving that it is so that prevents you from recognize yourself as presence of Me.
There is no space nor time between us.
There is your thought to having come and this will take your time.
Or perhaps you took the time for fear to surrender?
The final surrender is frightening for umankind.
We have already spoke a lot about this.
But don’t worry. Even this effort you are doing now, in that direction, serves to you to entry deeper and deeper in your heart.
Even if none effort is necessary.
A lot of steps, that could appear to you contradictory, have their purpose to bring you always more deep in yourself.
It is an error belive that each person has to follow a definite pathway. It is an error belive that some circumstances are in contrast with a "spiritual" pathway.
Don’t you do the same error.
When you see in others something different from what you expect, you have to think: the I Am is at work in a different way.
It doesn’t need to understand. It is enough to allow.
Allow & Surrender (in English in my write), it could be the title of the next musical success.
Look around you, my sweet love, and think: do you dare to judge the world for what occurs? Do you dare to think that what happens in the world is not the same mess that concernes every single soul?
For the illusion of separation precludes the sight to the Oneness’ Truth.
And isn’t this the viewpoint of every single man?
But don’t look at this as negative. Everything is perfect, every-thing. Whole.

Oh, Pitta, I love your

Oh, Pitta, I love your Godwriting. God makes Himself so clear to you. This Godwriting of yours has helped me a lot. I am going to read it again and again and become a better person for having read what God said to you. Thank you, Pitta.

My dear, I came a better

My dear, I came a better person reading yours. With all my love.

You must have listened well,

You must have listened well, Pitta, this sounds so clear and to the point – divine.

Yes, only thought, only belief. No long and arduous climb, only age-old belief in arduous climbs, "long-held mass belief" as one Heavenletter almost casually puts it. There is a reluctance to let go of belief, otherwise it would not be a belief. Belief reaches deep or it would not be a belief. Belief is not dislodged by a flick of the wrist, but it's not difficult either, "no effort is needed."

I thinkt that this frightening final surrender is also just thought and belief, a myth. Since belief has such a strong tendency to stay the same, it has its own deterrence strategies of threat and fright that look convincing even if they are nothing at all. I have driven myself almost insane with trying to change my beliefs. It's not working, and it's unnecessary. I think Heavenletters are telling me that the solution is much simpler: Just don't get on your old trains of thought any more, just stop feeding your beliefs.

Sorry, I didn't want to monopolize this lovely Godwriting – but that's how stimulating it is.


This is beautiful, clear and true, dear Pitta, thank you for sharing. This will help me too:"When you see in others something different from what you expect, you have to think: the I Am is at work in a different way."

Oh Emilia, my dear, big hugs

Oh Emilia, my dear, big hugs and a lot of kisses!